There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
5 hours ago( This post was last modified: 5 hours ago by Tr1x24 )
(7 hours ago)Dangeroscos Wrote: What do u guys know about his nomadic years?
When did he leave his pride?
Did he spend nomadic years alone?
He was born in Birmingham pride, but his 2 mothers had to breakaway to save him and 2 sisters from Matimbas i think, so they moved closer to Manyeleti and where named Red Road pride.
As they grown, 4 females returned back to Ngala in 2016, RRM stayed and become nomad.
He joined Koppies young male (Mothlawareng male, sired by Matimbas) and form a coalition.
Unfortunatley, in late 2018 they clashed with Avoca/Giraffes 1 night on a kill, Koppies male was not seen after that, he was prob killed by them.
Them in late 2017 by Tintswalo:
*This image is copyright of its original author
Alone, RRM in 2019 started to play hide and seek with Orpen males, jumping and hanging with prides when they where absent, eventually he settled with Nharus, as Orpen males commited north with Koppies and Mbiris.
(7 hours ago)Dangeroscos Wrote: How many confirmed clashes and against who did he have till now?
Some his famous fights are, with 2 young Tintswalos in 2021, where he was beaten quite badly, but recovered.
Rematch with Mandevu in 2023.
Fight with Kambulas last year.
Prob few more we are not aware of.
(7 hours ago)Dangeroscos Wrote: Also I heard single males invade other territories to keep them at bay. Does invading other territories really help at keeping rivals at bay if outnumbered?
Showing teeth and confidence prob is good tactic, but also dangerous if it doesnt work.