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As for Torchwood pride, they are mystery as we only see a portion of this massive pride.
In 2020 they where seen at the Nkorho Dam with around 15 adult females and 1 young male (Mongawane Torchwood), half of these females where older (original females and Matimba offspring) other half younger (Bboys offspring).
Since then, thru Kruger Males (2020 -22) and Mantimahle sons (22 -24) pride prob fragmented into multiple groups.
Spliting already happen when Kruger males arrived in 2020.
We are currently seeing only Mantimahle sons offspring group (what, 4-5 adult lionesses and subs) , but we should also have Kruger males offspring group (they should be a bit northeast in Kruger) and maybe even another group east in Kruger.
So yea, this group of Torchwood pride should be only a fraction.