There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
Does the Torchwood Male also carry the white gene, or just Osindile?
Torchwood Male may also have the white gene as his father is a Birmingham Male and mother is said to be Matimba's daughter, both lineage comes from the Timbavati white lions. Waiting for him/her to grow up to see the face if it resembles Torchwood Male or Osindile but for me I am hoping for it to be Torchwood Male as he really have the beautiful face that he got from his father.
It's more likely, the white cub is Osindile's, however there is a chance it could be the Torchwood Male's.... Time will surely indicate resemblances as he ages and gets into his prime...if he makes it that far.
It's ironic that out of all of Nhenya's sons, the Torchwood Male is by far the most successful so far, and he had no blood coalition partner! Starting from a clear disadvantage, surviving, finding a worthy partner, and taking over a pride to sire cubs, is a HUGE success on his part.
The most amazing part of the Mongwanes is that we actually got to witness the very beginning of their partnership. We were able to watch their very first interactions (BYM was off on a walkabout with his Birmingham bros, including the white male, and they bumped into TM, and there were some tense moments in that initial meeting, as they sized one another up), to watch their first kills together (TM was holding down a buffalo, by the throat, and BYM was at the back, and didn't seem to know what to do), it isn't often that we are able to watch everything unfold like that.
Where and when was this? I did not catch that and ive followed these guys pretty well.
Ive remembered TYM lining on the termite hill flaunting his beautiful salon hair. Ive remembered BYM fleeing away from the four tintswalos. Next thing i know TYM and BYM joined and that's it.
Anyways, where can i find their initial interactions?Reply
I will look back, and see if I can find it, but the videos were posted here, likely in this thread. BYM had gone for a walkabout with his younger brothers, it was after the time when BYM watched the Mbiri boys on a kill, and there was some speculation that he might be leading those younger brothers off to become a coalition, but then several folks commented how the younger bros were too young to leave the pride. They bumped into TYM, and BYM and TYM walked with some bushes between them, eyeing each other up.
After that they began spending more time together, but BYM was still visiting the Birmingham Pride. BYM actually shared a meal with Tyson, and the other younger Birmingham brothers, and from everything I know that was the last time he was with them, though it is clearly possible there were other meetings that were not filmed. After this, BYM and TYM were seen together quite often, and one day the younger Birmingham brothers bumped into them, and BYM and TYM gave the white male a slight bashing, and sent him on his way. That was the moment, for me, that I knew they were going to remain together.
There is also video of the two of them, around that same time, killing a buffalo, where TYM had the buffalo by the throat, and BYM was at the hind quarters almost playing with them, seeming to not know what to do. I will look around and see if I can find those vids, but they were for certain posted on this site.