There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
I actually think it might be a good thing if they stay as a coalition of 4. Them being 6 would mean they’d control much more with some members most likely splitting either permanently or just preferring a different pride. A young coalition of 4 would be able to successfully sire a first set of cubs and very easily takeover the next pride doing the same once their offspring becomes subadults.
Kinda like what the BDMs have done with Avoca Pride and Monwana Pride, but I’d hope they’re much more successful than that as Avoca Pride lost quite a few cubs due to lack of food.
Problem is which pride do they take as every pride either solely in Sabi Sands or on the borders has pride males or have been mating with dominant males and will show signs of pregnancy soon like Imbalis.
These boys remind me a lot of the Topi boys in Masai Mara, I get the feeling once they get the slightest chance for their own pride they’ll take it.
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