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(11-30-2024, 04:39 PM)KM600 Wrote: I’d imagine Ndzengas won the encounter, Kambula Pride weirdly enough was also on that Londolozi barrier, it’d make more sense for them to win having more to lose. I think Tsalala lioness brought the PCMs that far East, since losing her cubs she’s went back into Londolozi permanently.
Here might be your proof of that.... Is there more space out toward Nzenga territory for her to possibly mate with them instead? I feel like she'd be safter out there.
She absolutely would not be safer in Ndzengha territory - Singita is still fenced in on the South and North so she'd be relatively safer (only problem is that Ximungwe occupies her old territory.) Many nomadic lions cross through Ndzengha territory in Londolozi and Mala Mala even if these nomadic lions aren't there permanently (Southern Avoca, Kruger Male, Kambula lions etc). Even NK Birmingham and Talamati young male have traversed through the area within the last couple of months. And with the Ndzenghas increasing their patrol coverage to the north, the area isn't safe for a lone lioness with two other major prides around the area.
It might not seem intuitive, but staying in the West is genuinely the lesser of all evils for her since she's alone.