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(10-12-2024, 01:02 AM)Potato Wrote: Monwanas probably need at least couple of months (more likely a year) to tangle with someone like Mbiris without getting themselfs killed. Keep in mind thet 2 of them are barely 2 and half years old and the other 4 just 3 and half and keep in mind that Mbiris quite recently eaten alive male lion in his absolute prime. My feeling is that if those Monwanas would run soon into Mbiris then one of those youngest Monwanas possibly wouldn't walk out of it alive.
This report says that only 1 of Monwana young males chased Shaka Mbiri (if i understand correctly) and theres 4 of them at that age, 1 of them also dominated Birmingham Nephew, who is almost 1 year older.
They might not be treat immidiately, but in a half a year or so they very well could be, as they are showing boldness at such young age alreday.
Also, they are traversing that area towards Manyeleti, so very well they might find interestes in that area around Ngala/Orpen/Northern Manyeleti, as for now Birimingham Breakaways are stronger further west around Shindzela and i dont see them going north vs Vuyelas or in Thornybush vs BDMs.
Also, Mbiris are getting older, they are not in their primes anymore.