There is a world somewhere between reality and fiction. Although ignored by many, it is very real and so are those living in it. This forum is about the natural world. Here, wild animals will be heard and respected. The forum offers a glimpse into an unknown world as well as a room with a view on the present and the future. Anyone able to speak on behalf of those living in the emerald forest and the deep blue sea is invited to join.
(04-01-2024, 02:50 AM)BA0701 Wrote: I find the brutality of man to be far worse than any creature, simply because we do know right from wrong, good from evil, and in spite of possessing that knowledge we are still capable of immense brutality.
Humans will do bad things out of pure cruelty and evil.
Meanwhile animals to it for survival.
Whether it's brutal or not doesn't matter to them. They do what they think is necessary for the survival of their own.
I agree that humans can be scarier, luckily we are not as strong as these animals lol (physically ofc)