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How Megalodon possibly looked like

Apex Titan Offline
Regular Member

(06-21-2023, 09:10 PM)hibernours Wrote:
(06-21-2023, 08:04 PM)Apex Titan Wrote:
(06-21-2023, 12:05 AM)Spalea Wrote: @Apex Titan

About #43:

After having seen your short video, all I can say is, if that is true, that your geant shark would be the only one apex predator ( during the history of life on Earth) surpassing in size and weight all other marine creatures. And that, it's exceptionnal. When you are evoking the Amur tiger, this felid weights 220-300 kilos and I can name the brown bear, a big male boar, the asiatic bison (wisent ?) as animals sharing its environment and being bigger than it. Yes it's an apex predator, he hunts some preys bigger than itself, thus an hunting error isn't allowed. During a recent past, Pleistocene period, when the human action was so much more weaked than today, the bears were bigger, some cave lions ruled over the Siberia, some wolves, bigger too than the extant ones, plaged in bigger packs. In short, the Amour tiger, being a solitary apex predator, had to be careful.  

If I spoke about T-rex, there were so numerous preys which were bigger than it (big ceratopciens, big duckbilled dinosaurs, sauropods ...). For it too, hunting error wasn't allowed.

But, in the case of megalodon, nothing like it. Apparently, this apex predator crushed the competition ! It's for this reason one, I find it very particular, I would believe in an other predator able to withstand solitarily or in pride against it. Because It's very hard to believe in an absolute mega apex predator (like the human specy nowaday in fact !).

I'm only repeating what the marine predator experts & researchers say about megalodon. According to experts, nothing could have taken on megalodon. It was the undisputed top marine predator of all time, and according to the most recent research (as also shown in the video) the megalodon occupied the absolute highest position in the food-chain, multiple trophic levels higher than any other marine apex predator today. Now, what you personally make of this information, is up to you. At the end of the day, its not like I'm stating my opinion, this is what actual scientific research shows and what the experts say.

I brought up Amur tigers because what the megalodon was doing to other marine predators it co-existed with, reminded me of what Amur tigers do to other predators (i.e. bears and wolves) in Far East Russia. Its a very similar dynamic. But I agree, in the Pleistocene era, the solitary Amur tiger had to be careful of prides of cave lions. Not about wolves though, as wolves naturally always had a very strong fear of tigers and got killed and driven out of tiger territories. The bears were bigger, but so were the tigers. Amur tigers hunted bears in the Pleistocene era as well, this is not just a modern phenomena. Bears have always fallen prey to tigers throughout many millennia.

I said in my previous post that a whole pod of Livyatan Melvillei whales could probably withstand against the solitary megalodon.

You should really try to think by yourself instead of repeating always things like "best experts say, best experts say...". Such words things like "nothing could take on..." are just pure and stupid marketing opinions in order to do some kind of publicity. You should really educate yourself on animals. Like i said you, there is absolutely no animal which is invulnerable and animals are not killing machines. Do you want i give you a real superpredator? Ok. Here it is: Homo sapiens. Megalodon is a great animal, i love it but it is not invincible, only kids can believe that...
And you are completely wrong about tigers and bears but it is useless to talk with you, you have absolutely no logic, you repeat only what you heard in pseudo scientific documentaries...

So the worlds leading marine predator experts, scientific researchers & paleontologists etc, are just stating "stupid marketing opinions" in order to get some publicity??!! Really? So when people want to learn about animals and educate themselves, who are they supposed to learn from then, if the experts are just stating "stupid opinions"?? Please enlighten me?

The problem is, is you have ZERO humility. You're a completely unqualified random person who doesn't know anything. What makes you right and the actual experts wrong? Just because they made statements about megalodon that you don't like, you then resort to ridiculing them. You're the one with absolutely zero logic and you're the one who its completely useless to talk too. You're talking absolute nonsense.

People like you are the worse to debate or discuss with because when you don't like what you hear or read, you just ridicule and insult the highly qualified and respected experts/researchers who are a million times more qualified and knowledgeable than you are. You, for no reason, interrupted and derailed mine and Spalea's discussion with your insults and nonsensical comments.

You said: "animals are not killing machines", are you serious? Then what the hell is a predator then? How does a predator live and survive? By going to McDonald's and eating cheeseburgers? OK, let me educate you now. Predators are literal killing machines roaming this earth who's sole purpose on this earth is to KILL and eat other animals in order to survive. They're specifically built, designed and equipped for killing! So yes, some species of animals are literally killing machines! 

The fact that you claimed a pod of orcas (which often get chased off by single humpback whales and extremely rarely would dare to attack a bull sperm whale) are "much more dangerous" than a megalodon, confirms that you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. And then you actually have the nerve and audacity to say that the scientific experts are stating "stupid marketing opinions" for publicity. Unbelievable!

So most of the worlds leading marine predator experts, researchers, and paleontologists are just stupid "megalodon fanboys" who have no clue??

Everything I said about tigers and bears is 100% facts based on factual information. (i.e. Scientific field research, studies, numerous observations by various biologists & leading authorities etc). You just can't handle the truth and facts, so you resort to spewing insults and talking nonsense.

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RE: How Megalodon possibly looked like - Apex Titan - 06-30-2023, 07:31 PM

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