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Modern weights and measurements on wild tigers

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 08-31-2022, 12:25 AM by Pckts )

(08-30-2022, 10:38 PM)Roflcopters Wrote: I wasn’t talking about shoulder height, i was talking about a tiger’s ability to stand-up right without having to tilt his head down in discomfort. as it’s often the case with the squeeze cages. hence the name of the cage. 

Quote:My guess in regards to size, no Tiger is going to outweigh the Kaziranga Cats overall.  Body dimension is very hard to determine but at least when looking at their Skulls, they do seem to possess the largest Skulls of any Tiger population I've seen and generally speaking a Large skull belongs to a big cat. Obviously not the only correlation but still a good one.

that’s subjective, Terai tigers have always been the biggest tigers. even the biggest tiger on record is from Terai. biggest tiger weighed in recent time is also from Terai. for years, we talked about Kaziranga tigers with nothing to work with, it was purely just speculation at best. the weights from Dudhwa seems to suggest otherwise.

if i remember correctly, Kaziranga had a female that was weighed on a Salter Brecknell 235 series hanging scale with a capacity of 300kg or 660lbs but her weight was never advertised. the Kaziranga male of 250kg was unknown to me, in fact. i recently saw it circulating around the internet. the tiger in question has some bizzare dimensions, a massive animal for sure. i’m not ruling Kaziranga out but the fact that they have the biggest skulls and everything isn’t facts. it’s all an opinion. we have underestimated Terai tigers for a good number of years. I can’t deny their existence. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Dr.Raghunandan Chundawat having a dicussion on Kauva Ghatia’s picture with Vibhav Srivastava

*This image is copyright of its original author

Dr.Raghunandan Chundawat worked with some of the biggest known males from Central India (Hairyfoot, Madla & Brokentooth) so a statement like this from him holds a lot of weight. on the other hand, Valmik Thappar and few others saw their biggest tiger in Kaziranga so i guess it works both ways. 

The biggest Tiger on record was from C. India and that was Branders 600lb *est* monster. The largest verified weight of a modern Tiger also came from C. India
Terai Tigers have been measured and weighed *hewett* and their weights were not outstanding. And in fact if I remember correctly, it was the Assam males who possessed the largest skulls of the studies but none came from Kaziranga.
Large prey=Large skulls
There’s no better Large prey biomass on earth than Kaziranga at this stage for Bengal Tigers.
I’ve already posted someone who’s seen Huge Dudhwa males and Kaziranga Males, he’s said Kaziranga males were larger. This statement was also seconded by Kanwaar who’s also seen tons of Corbett and Kaziranga males and he also said Kaziranga males were larger.
To my knowledge, Chundawat has no experience in Kazaringa and Panna is only one location in C. India and a very small population at that. The Corbett expert was just in Kanha and got to see the Neela Nala male, he said he’s as large as any male he’s seen in Corbett.

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