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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Modern Weights and Measurements of Jaguars

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(08-26-2020, 12:03 AM)Balam Wrote: @peter thanks for the feedback, I'm actually waiting on the Jaguar ID project as they said there were 13 to 15 jaguars capture so far in the Porto Jofre region and I'm waiting on them to provide for me the weights to add to the table. And just like you said, all this public inform on jaguars is unique to WF, not only because it is contemporary, but because it has been reviewed by the researchers themselves and is an ongoing project. I'll make sure to work on the new table once I get the new weights and I have gathered the body measurements, it may take me a while but it will get done.

@Dark Jaguar your assessment on the jaguars I couldn't agree more, they are called American tigers for a reason, repairs being closer to lions and leopards taxonomically, they fill the niche of the tiger in the new world. Cougars fill the niche of the leopard while we used to have our own lions during the Pleistocene.

@Pckts really nice comparison of measurements from Almeida, if anything they continue to reassure that jaguars have gotten bigger since the hunting days. I'm still shocked at Joker's measurements, his chest girth is lion/tiger like even over curves, he's on his prime so I'm saying for him to be weighed this following capture season on September, I have feeling he will surprise us all.

Joker is a monster, that's for sure.
I can't wait to hear about the captures and the best thing about JagID is that they'll be able to give you info on the individual cat and their lineage.
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RE: Modern Weights and Measurements of Jaguars - Pckts - 08-26-2020, 12:10 AM

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