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Lions of Timbavati

United States Matimbalani Offline
Regular Member

(11-14-2019, 09:31 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: 2 Ross males fighting over Birmingham females in KNP

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How old are the Ross males?

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(11-14-2019, 09:53 PM)Matimbalani Wrote: How old are the Ross males?

They are born in 2011.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(11-12-2019, 10:04 PM)Potato Wrote: "Is Mbiri Scar rn the strongest/biggest lion in this region including Sabi Sands too? 

I think he is. "

For sure he is no the strongest as he is not the strongest even within his coalition. Shaka is the dominant one in that duo. What comes to size then I have no idea. No one weithts those lions. For sure larger Mbiri is very big lion althrough there is quite a few males around as well considered as  very large. If I would have to bet who is the largers lion in Sabi Sands, Manyeleti and Timbavati combined then I would put my bet on Jurnior the Orpen male althrought it is of  course just a bet. It may be that larger Mbiri is indeed the largest lion in those arenas.

I definetly think Scar is the strongest of the 2, Shaka is more agressive one yes.

Yea, its hard to compare lions sizes, because we dont see them together unless they are in coalition or a fight to see the diffrence. But from the pictures, Mbiri Scar looks to me as the most impressive one.
Junior Matimba is impressive aswell, but i think his coalition partner Buddy is slightly bigger then him. In future i think Othawa male will be the biggest one, he isnt even 5 yrs old. 

(11-12-2019, 10:04 PM)Potato Wrote: "Ross males are more experience  and bigger lions than Mbiris "

I definitely wouldn't bet at that. Actually I have never seen any official source talking about Ross males to be anythink above avarage. Also intrasting fact that there was report once of Mbiris chassing 2 Ross males off theirr buffalo kill. Mbiris were just 4 years old by that time. Overall if they would meet in 2vs2 I could put all my money on Mbiris

Be careful where you put your money, as i said i too belive that Mbiris are stronger in brute force, but Ross males are waay experienced, they fought many battles, smacked few times 3 Trilogy males in their prime at only 4,5 yrs of age. But as i said, i think Ross males are smart and will avoid fighting and move on, they have so much to lose risking it.
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Poland Potato Offline

'I definetly think Scar is the strongest of the 2, Shaka is more agressive one yes."

From the old Tanda Tula raport from when Mbiris were taking over Myambula priide (
"A couple of nights ago, we found both Mbiri males with 3 of the Myambula lionesses, the larger Mbiri was resting with 2 lionesses while the smaller male was coupled up with the third lioness. Interestingly it is the smaller male who seems to be the more dominant of the 2 males, often muscling out the larger male even when testing the scent of a female to find out her reproductive status. This is unusual as the larger males with their full dark manes carry more testosterone which not only makes them bigger but also more aggressive and defaults them into the dominant position of a coalition, but this is not the case with the Mbiri males, the heavily scarred face of the smaller male in comparison to the relatively untouched larger male tells a different story, and the big male is left to watch his brother mate from a distance and any attempt to approach the lioness in season is met with thunderous growls from the other male."

"Yea, its hard to compare lions sizes, because we dont see them together unless they are in coalition or a fight to see the diffrence."

Exacly, it is impssibly to say. It may be that larger Mbiri is the largest lion in the arena. He sure is impressive size lion and strong candidate to the title of the largest.

"Junior Matimba is impressive aswell, but i think his coalition partner Buddy is slightly bigger then him"

On base on what exactly?

" In future i think Othawa male will be the biggest one, he isnt even 5 yrs old."

He is now coming into his prime. I would say 5,5-6 years old is already fully adult lion so I would already think of him as candidate to title of the largest, but again it is impossibly to tell.  In Sabi Sands we have also old, but in great condiion for his age and still huge Hairy Belly and also Dark Mane Avoca is acording to guide James Henry fairly same size as prime Hairy Belly.

"Be careful where you put your money, as i said i too belive that Mbiris are stronger in brute force, but Ross males are waay experienced, they fought many battles, smacked few times 3 Trilogy males in their prime at only 4,5 yrs of age. But as i said, i think Ross males are smart and will avoid fighting and move on, they have so much to lose risking it."

Mbiris are as well very experienced. They chassed around mentioned Ross males as well as currently dominant males of River pridde, they mop the floor with 2 Mapoza males and also had 2 big fights with unknown rivals (we can tell by the injures on Mbiris) from which they also came on top.

Poland Potato Offline

Xikukutsu males

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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
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(11-14-2019, 11:46 PM)Potato Wrote: 'I definetly think Scar is the strongest of the 2, Shaka is more agressive one yes."

From the old Tanda Tula raport from when Mbiris were taking over Myambula priide (
"A couple of nights ago, we found both Mbiri males with 3 of the Myambula lionesses, the larger Mbiri was resting with 2 lionesses while the smaller male was coupled up with the third lioness. Interestingly it is the smaller male who seems to be the more dominant of the 2 males, often muscling out the larger male even when testing the scent of a female to find out her reproductive status. This is unusual as the larger males with their full dark manes carry more testosterone which not only makes them bigger but also more aggressive and defaults them into the dominant position of a coalition, but this is not the case with the Mbiri males, the heavily scarred face of the smaller male in comparison to the relatively untouched larger male tells a different story, and the big male is left to watch his brother mate from a distance and any attempt to approach the lioness in season is met with thunderous growls from the other male."

Well dominance/agression is not the same as strenght,bigger males are usually stronger, but the more agressive/dominant one will win for a mating rights. For example DM Majingilane was the most dominant one, but he wasnt the strongest of his brother. 

(11-14-2019, 11:46 PM)Potato Wrote: "Junior Matimba is impressive aswell, but i think his coalition partner Buddy is slightly bigger then him"

On base on what exactly?

Based on their pictures and videos together, Junior is more bulkier and Buddy slightly taller in shoulders,both of them very impressive lions. 

(11-14-2019, 11:46 PM)Potato Wrote: "Be careful where you put your money, as i said i too belive that Mbiris are stronger in brute force, but Ross males are waay experienced, they fought many battles, smacked few times 3 Trilogy males in their prime at only 4,5 yrs of age. But as i said, i think Ross males are smart and will avoid fighting and move on, they have so much to lose risking it."

Mbiris are as well very experienced. They chassed around mentioned Ross males as well as currently dominant males of River pridde, they mop the floor with 2 Mapoza males and also had 2 big fights with unknown rivals (we can tell by the injures on Mbiris) from which they also came on top.

Are you sure that theres a report of Mbiris chasing those 2 Ross males? I never heard of those 2 coalitions interact with each others. 
Im quite sure Mbiris chased young males from Ross pride, so maybe theres a misunderstanding.
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Poland Potato Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-15-2019, 01:49 AM by Potato )

I have found that raport there: Are there some other Ross males? :o

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(11-15-2019, 01:48 AM)Potato Wrote: I have found that raport there: Are there some other Ross males? :o

Didnt know about that, no, that where prob those 2 Ross males.

They where 3 old Ross males, fathers of those 2 Ross males and 5 Giraffe/3 Avoca males, but i think that the last one died around 2015/16. Its belived that those old Ross males had "white" gene.

Poland Potato Offline

Mbiris are back north

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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 11-17-2019, 11:02 PM by Tr1x24 Edit Reason: Just helping out with inserting facebook video. )

Mapoza male bonding with his stepsons, 2 Xikukutsu males

Xikukutsu males are huge for a lions around 4 yrs old, big as full grown Mapoza male. Its very likely that alone Mapoza male will make a coalition with his 2 stepsons (Xikukutsu males where sired by Giraffe/Avoca males, but where tolerated by Mapoza male). If this happens, it will be interesting to see how this impacts lion dynamics in Timbavati.


They are sired by Old Ross males, not Giraffe/Avoca males
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United States Matimbalani Offline
Regular Member

(11-15-2019, 08:36 PM)Potato Wrote: Mbiris are back north

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Looks like they are not very keen in staying there very long:

Quote:The Mayambula Pride – our residents for most of the last year – wandered into unchartered territory, and took this large pride quite far outside of the Timbavati.Although reports suggest that they were making a move back north, this suggests that the pride might not be seen as often as we would like in the coming months.

The Mbiri males joined them on their foray south, but did make a surprise appearance towards the end of the week when these impressive brothers could be heard roaring as they returned into an area that was once their fortress. For once, their roars did not go unanswered, and camped out in the western section of our concession, the young River Pride males began roaring in return. The Mbiri males heard this, roared back, and then listened. The River Pride responded. A year ago, the Mbiri males would have stood up and set off immediately in that direction to chase off any challengers that dared to stake a claim on their land. This evening, however, the two Mbiri males simply got up and walked off in the opposite direction. Only a few days before, the same River Pride males had been walking around near Tanda Tula Safari Campscent-marking and strutting around like they owned the place. I chuckled to myself thinking “they wish”, but after seeing that behaviour from the Mbiri males, I am now not so confident that they will keep this part of their territory for much longer.

Things are shaking up very quickly in that area.
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Poland Potato Offline

"Xikukutsu males are huge for a lions around 4 yrs old, big as full grown Mapoza male"

If no even larger. At least to my eye lighter maned Xiukutsu looks slightly taller on that video althrough it is quite close and hard to say. Also just to point out Tintsvalo many times in their raports claimed that Avoca/Giraffe were very big males so genes may play there its part.

"Xikukutsu males where sired by Giraffe/Avoca males, but where tolerated by Mapoza male"

He was seen acting aggressivly towards those young males when he was taking over. I think he wanted to chasse young males out, but they simply were too big already for the Mapoza to take on them 2vs1.

"If this happens, it will be interesting to see how this impacts lion dynamics in Timbavati"

Yes, deffinitely. They should very soon start looking for some pride to take for themselfs. They could easly take on looners Black Dam male and Giraffe male. Ross males as well could be an option althrough in that case it would be 2vs2 and not an easy way through.

Poland Potato Offline

(11-16-2019, 12:23 AM)Matimbalani Wrote:
(11-15-2019, 08:36 PM)Potato Wrote: Mbiris are back north

*This image is copyright of its original author

Looks like they are not very keen in staying there very long:

Quote:The Mayambula Pride – our residents for most of the last year – wandered into unchartered territory, and took this large pride quite far outside of the Timbavati.Although reports suggest that they were making a move back north, this suggests that the pride might not be seen as often as we would like in the coming months.

The Mbiri males joined them on their foray south, but did make a surprise appearance towards the end of the week when these impressive brothers could be heard roaring as they returned into an area that was once their fortress. For once, their roars did not go unanswered, and camped out in the western section of our concession, the young River Pride males began roaring in return. The Mbiri males heard this, roared back, and then listened. The River Pride responded. A year ago, the Mbiri males would have stood up and set off immediately in that direction to chase off any challengers that dared to stake a claim on their land. This evening, however, the two Mbiri males simply got up and walked off in the opposite direction. Only a few days before, the same River Pride males had been walking around near Tanda Tula Safari Campscent-marking and strutting around like they owned the place. I chuckled to myself thinking “they wish”, but after seeing that behaviour from the Mbiri males, I am now not so confident that they will keep this part of their territory for much longer.

Things are shaking up very quickly in that area.

Rest of the raport
Exactly what is happening with the River Pride, I’m not sure.  Their composition is constantly changing, and the three males that have been absent from the females for so long suddenly reunited with them over the past week, feasted on a buffalo and then the pride split into new compositions after that; two males with one lioness, and the others moved off into Klaserie.

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Where the male that was hanging out with the four lionesses has gotten to, I am not exactly sure.  And the fate of the fifth male remains to be seen.  Whatever happens, it does definitely appear that the lion dynamics that we got so used to in 2019 seem sure to change over the coming months.  The Zebenine lioness and her daughter were also seen a couple of times this week, and one report was made of the Giraffe Pride in the far west of the area over the past few days too.

*This image is copyright of its original author

I think this war is far from over and young boys better stick together more or it may be theirr downfall.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(11-16-2019, 12:33 AM)Potato Wrote: Yes, deffinitely. They should very soon start looking for some pride to take for themselfs. They could easly take on looners Black Dam male and Giraffe male. Ross males as well could be an option althrough in that case it would be 2vs2 and not an easy way through.

Well it wont be 2vs2 if Mapoza male joins them, and thats very likely. Even Mbiris would be in danger in that case.

Poland Potato Offline

Yes, but will Mapoza leave Avoca pride behind? I am not so sure about it.

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