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Nepal tigers

parvez Offline
Tiger enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-08-2019, 03:11 PM by parvez )


*This image is copyright of its original author
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parvez Offline
Tiger enthusiast

Nepal tigers, 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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parvez Offline
Tiger enthusiast

Parsa tigers, 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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GuateGojira Offline
Expert & Researcher

(12-27-2018, 07:11 AM)GreenForest Wrote: All nepalese wild tigers can be found here.

It seems that the link do not work anymore. Disappointed

United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-25-2019, 09:46 PM by Rage2277 )

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
 male in nepal from-[b]Biome Health Project‏ [/b]
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Romania GreenForest Offline

(06-25-2019, 08:11 PM)GuateGojira Wrote:
(12-27-2018, 07:11 AM)GreenForest Wrote: All nepalese wild tigers can be found here.

It seems that the link do not work anymore. Disappointed

New report:
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
( This post was last modified: 11-02-2019, 11:26 AM by Roflcopters )

It’s been a while since i saw anything from Nepal!

correct me if i’m wrong about the code words associated with each tiger. 

(ft) = female tiger?
(mt) = male tiger?
(ut) = unknown gender?

I’m amazed by the sizes of the tigers caught in the camera trap, they are from the Terai region after all.

here are the tigers that really stand out to me.


- MT03 (Chitwan, Page 67)
- MT04 (Chitwan, Page 67)
- MT05 (Chitwan, Page 67)
- MT07 (Chitwan, Page 68)
- MT08 (Chitwan, Page 68)
- MT27 (Chitwan, Page 73)
- MT28 (Chitwan, Page 73) 
- MT95 (Banke, Page 77)
- MT101 (Banke, Page 78)
- MT118 (Banke, Page 79)
- MT02 (Bardia, Page 80)
- MT05 (Bardia, Page 81)
- MT16 (Bardia, Page 83)
- MT22 (Bardia, Page 84)
- MT24 (Bardia, Page 85)
- MT38 (Bardia, Page 87)
- MT44 (Bardia, Page 88)
- UT64 (for sure this is a male, they categorized it as “unknown”.  page 94)
- MT71 (Bardia, Page 94)
- MT74 (Bardia, Page 95)
- MT85 (Bardia, Page 96)
- MT01 (Shuklaphanta, Page 101)
- MT03 (Shuklaphanta, Page 101)
- MT06 (Shuklaphanta, Page 102)
- MT07 (Shuklaphanta, Page 102)
- MT09 (Shuklaphanta, Page 102)
- MT11 (Shuklaphanta, Page 103)


- FT01 (Parsa, Page 50)
- FT13 (Chitwan, Page 57)
- FT31 (Chitwan, Page 61)
- FT38 (Chitwan, Page 63)
- FT45 (Chitwan, Page 65)
- FT104 (Shuklaphanta, Page 100)
- FT108 (Shuklaphanta, Page 101)

I also added a rating on your profile, this is gold. thanks for posting this.
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Jimmy Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 04-13-2020, 08:18 PM by Jimmy )

Many thanks to @Roflcopters and @GreenForest for the great find. The tiger of Banke National Park with unusually fullbodied that had been posted in this forum previously (by me :)) seems to be the tiger BaNP MT95.Comparing the stripes it's pretty obvious these are the same 'mystery' cat
*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Back in the day the 1st pic had caught great attention due to its unusual stature, now going by the camera traps, it seems there is another huge cat in Banke Park BaNP MT101 with more impressive built than the one above.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Banke National Park is by no means the best preserved Park in Nepal, it is one of the newest Park and was created as an extension of Bardia to make room for the increasing number of young wandering tigers from the established parks. This shows the genetics of the terai tiger, given the right environment and time, the tigers here will show their freak genetics which make them some of the largest tigers in the world.
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United Kingdom Lionsandme10 Offline
New Member

121 breeding tigers estimated to be found in Nepal

*This image is copyright of its original author

The first ever overall nation-wide estimate of the tiger population brought a positive ray of hope among conservationists. The figures announced by the Nepal Government's Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC) shows the presence of 121 (100 - 194) breeding tigers in the wild within the four protected areas of Nepal. The 2008 tiger population estimate was jointly implemented by the DNPWC, Department of Forests (DOF), WWF, National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) with support from Save The Tiger Fund (STF), WWF-US, WWF-UK, WWF International and US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
The 2008 nation-wide tiger population was initiated on 15 November 2009 in the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) of Nepal both inside and outside the protected areas of Nepal. [TAL encompasses the Terai region of Nepal and into tiger range states across the border into India.]

"To obtain reliable population estimates of wide ranging species like the tiger, it is important to undertake the survey simultaneously in all potential habitats," says Dr. Rinjan Shrestha, Conservation Biologist with WWF Nepal. Previous studies had been undertaken in different time periods and at different spatial scales.
"To derive information on both abundance and distribution of tigers, the current survey employed two methods - Camera Trapping method inside the protected areas and Habitat Occupancy survey both inside and outside the protected areas."

*This image is copyright of its original author

According to WWF Global Tiger Network Initiative, the wild tiger population is at a tipping point. Tigers are experiencing a range collapse, occupying 40 per cent less habitat than was estimated just one decade ago. The estimated number of tigers in important range countries is frighteningly low, with a recent government census suggesting there may be as few as 1,300 tigers left in India, the species' stronghold. And tigers are facing an epidemic of poaching and habitat loss across their range.

The main reason for the decline of tiger populations has been attributed to poaching and illegal trade. This is linked to the illegal international trade in tiger parts and derivatives (skin, bones, meat in some cases although not reported in Nepal) and use in traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM). Apart from these, sporadic cases of retaliatory killing from irate communities have been reported. Other important reasons of tiger population decline are habitat shrinkage and fragmentation due to human intervention, loss/decline of prey species.

"The tiger numbers have increased in Chitwan but decreased in Bardia and Shuklaphanta," said Mr. Anil Manandhar, Country Representative, WWF Nepal.

"In spite of the decade long insurgency, encroachment, poaching and illegal trade, the present numbers is a positive sign, but we can't remain unworried. The declining numbers in western Nepal has posed more challenges, needing a concerted effort to save this charismatic endangered species focusing on anti-poaching and illegal wildlife trade."

The Government of Nepal has approved and launched the 'Tiger conservation Action Plan 2008- 2012'. A comprehensive management plan has been devised in which the target is to increase the population of tigers by 10 per cent within the first 5 year period of the plan implementation.
"Tigers can not be saved by the effort of a single individual or a single organization," said Mr. Gopal Prasad Upadhyay, Director General, DNPWC. "The transboundary relation with India needs to be strengthened further and all organizations should work together to conserve tigers."

Please I have a question. My post in lion predation thread was not approved why?

Jimmy Offline
Regular Member

Tiger camera trapped at an altitude of 2500m in Nepal's Western Province
Tiger selfie is highest-ever sighting in Nepal
Nepal’s conservationists are encouraged by a tiger caught on camera trap at 2,500m

Mukesh PokhrelApril 14, 2020

*This image is copyright of its original author

The tiger that shot itself with a motion detection camera in the forests of Dadeldhura recently.

Never before has a wild tiger been spotted so high in Nepal as the one caught on a camera trap in the forested mountains of Dadeldhura in far-western Nepal – a sighting that has encouraged conservationists.

Cameras placed in Dadeldhura’s densely-forested Mahabharat region captured selfies of a Royal Bengal Tiger prowling its domain at an elevation of 2,500m, the Divisional Forestry Office of Dadeldhura reported this week. 

The photos were part of a month-long campaign to prove the presence of tigers at higher elevations in the Himalaya undertaken with financial and technical assistance from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Altogether 32 cameras were placed by the Divisional Forestry Office in the mountain forests of the Mahabharat Range in farwestern Nepal after locals reported seeing tigers. The Nepali word ‘bagh’ is often used interchangeably to mean tiger and leopard, and wildlife biologists wanted to make sure it was indeed a tiger.
They are now examining other images to determine whether the tiger simply wandered into the higher elevation, or lives in the forest. This would also help determine if wildlife like tigers are moving up to cooler areas because of the warmer weather due to climate change in the plains.

Ghana Gurung at World Wildlife Fund Nepal (WWF-N) says there is not enough evidence to suggest a link to climate change, and there could be many other factors at play. However, he says the tiger sighting shows that the extension of Nepal’s Tarai Arc project to connect the plains with Chure and Mahabharat ranges is working.

“This is a great achievement, and shows that the nature corridors offer connectivity for wildlife,” Gurung says. “It also proves that with a growing tiger population in the Tarai national parks, the animals are dispersing and moving up the mountains.”

Higher-altitude sightings of tigers have been reported in other parts of the Himalayan range. Bhutan has recorded sightings at altitudes between 2,765m to 3,350m in the Royal Manas and Thrumshingla National Parks, away from their more southerly habitats. Bhutanese conservationists also say the tiger sightings in the higher altitudes is proof that their nature corridors are working.

Additionally, the Global Tiger Forum has carried out studies to determine the feasibility of high altitude tiger conservation. The study points to factors such as ‘gentle elevation, high forest cover, high drainage density, high temperature variations and moderate dry conditions’ as potential factors in the change of tiger habitats in the western Himalaya.  

This could also be the reason in Dadeldhura, although another factor is the increase of prey species in the mountains due to the spread of community forests. Tigers need a stable herbivore population, and research has suggested that there has been a fall in prey density in Sukla Phanta and Bardia National Parks in the western Tarai.

After the target was set to double tiger populations at St Petersburg Tiger Summit in 2010, Nepal has been the first tiger range country to meet the goal. A tiger census showed that the population of tigers in Nepal grew from an estimated 121 in 2009 to 235 in 2018

Also captured in the camera trap images in Dadeldhura were red foxes, leopards, civets, porcupines and various species of deer and pheasants. The findings assume more importance because they are not even in a protected national park.

Says Bishnu Acharya of the Divisional Forestry Office in Dadeldhura: “This is a region rich in biodiversity and we are now looking to step up conservation efforts.”
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Ashutosh Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-27-2020, 11:42 PM by Ashutosh )


Great ruff on this male.

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Jimmy Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 12-09-2020, 08:48 AM by Jimmy )

Hello all, was out for a while due to drawing assignments and illustrations, but all good :)
Found this interesting footage of tiger rhino interacting in Chitwan national park,  in the end rhino opting out and allowing tiger some space

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Canada Acinonyx sp. Offline
Cheetah Enthusiast

Tiger population doubles in Nepal in under a decade

According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF), this news can help Nepal become first country to double tiger population since TX2 project.

Kathmandu: While the number of tigers in many countries is witnessing a decline, a recent survey led by the Government of Nepal has shown that the population of tigers has almost doubled in under a decade in the country.

According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF), an organisation dealing with wildlife conservation and endangered species, this news can help Nepal become the first country to double its national tiger population since the ambitious TX2, a goal to double tiger numbers in the wild by 2022, was set in 2010.


The survey was conducted with the help of camera traps in the transboundary Terai Arc Landscape and concluded that there are now an estimated 235 wild tigers in the country, in comparison to an estimated 121 back in 2009.

Leonardo DiCaprio, WWF-US board member and chairman of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, said, "This significant increase in Nepal's tiger population is proof that when we work together, we can save the planet's wildlife - even species facing extinction. Nepal has been a leader in efforts to double tigers within its own borders and serves as a model for conservation for all of Asia and the world. I am proud of my foundation's partnership with WWF to support Nepal and local communities in doubling the population of wild tigers."

Although the number of wild tigers dropped by more than 95 per cent since the 20th century, now, for the first time in conservation history, their numbers are on the increase. The success of tiger conservation in Nepal has been largely attributed to the country's commitment for the adoption of innovative tools and approaches towards conserving these big cats.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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Czech Republic Charger01 Offline
Animal admirer & Vegan
( This post was last modified: 03-01-2021, 01:22 PM by Charger01 )

Tiger named 'Dalla' from Khata corridor, Nepal


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