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Coalitions of Kruger National Park

United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 05-29-2018, 02:09 PM by Fredymrt )

Kruger lions


3 Jock male lions
*This image is copyright of its original author

Jock male
*This image is copyright of its original author

Here is an updated videos of the Jock males in 2018, they are a coalition of 5 male lions, we only saw 3 on this trip, they were on the H4-2, Kruger National Park.

Video by Big On Wild
Posted on May 21, 2018

Here is a video of 2 out 3 of the Lubyelubye male lions, they are a coalition made up of a father and his two sons, we saw them on the H4-2, Kruger National Park.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Big On Wild Photography. Pics by Morne Boitjie Vermeulen.
Update on the White Lion of Kruger:

This is an update on the white lion of Kruger. The famous white lion was seen this past Tuesday with 8 other sub adult male lions.

© Morne Boitjie Vermeulen

*This image is copyright of its original author

The white lion can be found on the around the H6/S41 area around Satara, he was born in 2014 and he was fathered by the Shishangaan male lions.

*This image is copyright of its original author

On Tuesday he was seen by Morne Boitjie Vermeulen on the H6 with 8 other sub adult males.

*This image is copyright of its original author

The territory around the H6 and Singita is dominated by the 4 Shishangaan males, if these 9 males decide to stick together they would be able to take over the area.

*This image is copyright of its original author

© Ronesh Parbhoo

*This image is copyright of its original author

Having such a big male coalition is possible the Gomondwane males down the South of Kruger had a total of 6 males.

The only problem that big coalition face is the sourcing of food, feeding 9 males is difficult therefore they would have to kill atleast 2 buffalos to feed all of them.

Mating with females also becomes a problem because only the most dominant is allowed to mate with a female, which can cause fighting for dominance within the coalition, often you then see the coalition break up.

The Skybed Males were also a coalition of 9 when they were still young and they eventually split in a group of 4 and 5 lions.

He isn’t the only wild white lion in the Kruger, one was recently born in Ngala private game reserve.

*This image is copyright of its original author

We are glad to see this white lion doing well and we can’t wait to see when he is a fully grown male lion.

*This image is copyright of its original author

We would like to thank Morne Boitjie Vermeulen for the images.
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

About #497: 9 male lions ruling over the territory ? The pride would need to double all the hunting ! And what about the favorite preys ? Perhaps it is possible that the balance predators-preys might be temporarily modified ?
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jordi6927 Offline

Im not sure if this is a dumb question or not ... but has KNP run out of space for lions?

Chris Offline
Regular Member

(06-02-2018, 02:56 AM)jordi6927 Wrote: Im not sure if this is a dumb question or not ... but has KNP run out of space for lions?

Well they’ll move in to sabi sands and londolozi:)

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(06-02-2018, 12:49 AM)Spalea Wrote: 9 male lions ruling over the territory ? The pride would need to double all the hunting ! And what about the favorite preys ? Perhaps it is possible that the balance predators-preys might be temporarily modified?

It definitely causes a desestabilizing factor, which is why it naturally corrects itself when, for example, coalitions split into more manageable numbers, for example a group of 5 and another one of 4 males that go elsewhere. Also, rival lions or simply hunger could cause the number to go down, and then you would have a less drastic(in numbers), although still big, coalition.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(06-02-2018, 02:56 AM)jordi6927 Wrote: Im not sure if this is a dumb question or not ... but has KNP run out of space for lions?

Not on its own, luckily.

Here's a map to give you an idea of the sheer size of it, compare it with the size of the sabi sands reserve, the one we talk about more:

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Big On Wild - Wildlife Photography .

How big is this Leeubron male! You can find him on the S39.

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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

Male lions of Kruger park

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Two awesome male tions on territory patrol. Photo credits Tony webb

Four Kumana/Skukuza Pride Males. Photo credits Tony webb
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*This image is copyright of its original author
Two of the Four Kumana/Skukuza Pride Males. Huge guys and expert Buffalo hunters. They were walking into a strong headwind. Photo by Tony webb.

*This image is copyright of its original author
One of the Kumana Pride Males-A proven buffalo hunter. Photo by Tony webb

*This image is copyright of its original author
Power Personified. One of the Kumana Pride males after finishing off a kill. Full stomach and on his way to join his brothers. Photo by Tony webb

N'wanetsi Males
*This image is copyright of its original author
We were blessed with a great Lion Sighting early morning on the S100 close to Satara kamp in #krugernationalpark 2 Males and 5 Females relaxing in the morning sun. Image by mhala tours

*This image is copyright of its original author
N'wanetsi Male on New Years morning 2018 just before the H6 junction with the H1-3 road. Looking at other posts of this male lion (Lions of Kruger National Park) he has a lighter shade I noted. Image by derekevens
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

Credits to Big on Wild
Posted on Nov 1017

Shishangaan Coalition – Lions of Kruger

November 10, 2017 Big On Wild
In April of 2015 we visited Kruger and this particular trip was very special as we got to see a white lion cub in the WILD.
The white lion is part of the Shishangaan pride, this pride in 2015 was known as a mega pride as it consisted of 4 males, five lionesses and 18-20 cubs. This particular pride was special as they actually had two white lion cubs born in the pride, one which was 9 month old in January 2015, and the second was born in February 2015.

*This image is copyright of its original author

We only got to ever see the younger white lion. The older white lion hasn’t been seen in a while but when a few people saw him at the end of 2015 he was emaciated.
White lions are rare in the wild but Timbavati Game Reserve is known for having white lions carrying the white lion gene, white cubs are not albinos, a recessive gene gives white lions their unusual color.

*This image is copyright of its original author

The surviving white lion on the other hand is doing great his 3 years old now, him and his siblings are still part of the pride, the Shishangaan males have still not ousted them from the pride. Last time we saw him was in August 2016 at Gudzani East Waterhole on the S41.

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Here is some information about the Shishangaan coalition, the coalition consists of 4 males they are 7/8 years old now.
Two of the males are easy to identify because one is blind in one eye, and the other male called ‘the Angry one’ has a bad limp. the Angry one is rarely seen with the other 3 males as a result of his bad limp but he is the most dominant when it comes to mating rights. In the photo below the lion in the middle is the male which is blind in one eye and he is the oldest while the other 2 are the youngest in the coalition.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Photo by Collen Sibuyi

Here is a photo of ‘the Angry one’

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Photo by Cara Pring 

These males are the pride males of the Mountain pride along with the Shishangaan pride.
You can watch this video of the Shishangaan males stealing a kill from a tree here.

You can find the Shishangaan males and the pride on the S100, S41 and sometimes on the H6 by Sonop Pan Waterhole although they do spend most of their time in the Singita concession. We have only ever spotted them on the S41.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Keep an eye out for them next time you are in the area.
Resources & Information found on:

*Some Images & videos belong to Big on Wild 

Credits to Big on Wild
Posted on June 7, 2018

Shishangeni Males – Lions of Kruger

June 7, 2018Big On Wild
Today’s post is dedicated to the Shishangeni male lions,

In the December of 2015 we had the most numbers of lion sightings compared to our previous visits and that was because Kruger experienced a severe drought, therefore most of the waterholes and rivers’s were dry and the ones which had small amount of water was flooded with animals such as buffalos and hippos, and this made it easier for predators to hunt.

We saw the Shishangeni males for the first time in 2015 on the S28, there was 3 of them and they were marking their territory, actually every time we have seen them we have only seen 3 of them.

*This image is copyright of its original author

©Big on Wild
December 2015

They are found in the southern section of the park and unlike other coalitions which are rarely seen, the Shishangeni males are frequently seen around the Crocodile Bridge area, they are usually seen on the H4-2 tar road.

The coalition consists of 4 male lions, and they get their name because they were born in the Shishangeni concession.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Photo By Megaaania
Found on wildfact

They were fathered by the old Gomondwane males and they are 6/7 years old. The old Gomondwane male which was blind in one eye was always seen with them when they were cubs.

They have  a territory on the S28 and the H4-2 in the Crocodile Bridge area and they are the pride males of the Vurhami pride.

One of the males from the coalition is easy to identify as he has a cut under both of his eyes.

*This image is copyright of its original author

©Big on Wild

There is also a lot of confusion with the name because people get these Shishangeni males confused with the Shishangaan males, the Shishangaan males can be found on the S100 and they are usually referred to as the Shish males.

Down south there is also the South Shishangeni males which consists of 2 males who dominate the area around the S25.

It is believed that the Shishangeni males were the ones that chased the 3 male lions out of Kruger last year.

*This image is copyright of its original author

©Big on Wild
December 2017

On our last game drive at Crocodile Bridge in March a ranger told us that there is a coalition of 10 sub adults male in this area which consists of Vurhami and Gomondwane ousted male lions, it will be interesting to see what will happen in the future.

The Shishangaan/Shish Male lions.
The Shishangaan males can be found on the S100 and they are usually referred to as the Shish males.

*This image is copyright of its original author

The Shishangeni Male lions. The Shishangeni males are frequently seen around the Crocodile Bridge area, they are usually seen on the H4-2 tar road.
*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

Credits to: Big on Wild

Lubyelubye Male Lions – Lions of Kruger

July 25, 2018 Big On Wild
Today’s post is dedicated to the Lubyelubye male lions.
These males like most lions have been through a lot, it’s tough being a lion in the Kruger, especially when there is so many male lions around.
One of the Lubyelubye males used to dominate the area around the Lubyelubye rocks (that is where they get their name from) and used to be the pride male of the Lubyelubye pride.

Things changed in 2016 when the Jock males decided to take over more territory and stir things up, if you didn’t know the Jock males used to dominate the area around the S21 gravel road, they had a pretty big territory back then, they also had the Jock pride which they were the pride males of.
In 2016 you started seeing the Jock males more frequently on the H4-1 tar road, they were obviously aiming to expand their already large territory. Slowly but surely they started taking over the Lubyelubye pride.
This is the older Lubyelubye male and he used to be the pride male until the Jock males ousted him away, we aren’t sure if he used to dominate the area with other males, he was usually seen alone with the pride.

*This image is copyright of its original author

©Big on Wild

When the Jock males were trying to take over the Lubyelubye pride, the pride consisted of 8+ lionesses and their cubs, many of the lionesses went into hiding with their cubs in hopes of the Jock males not finding them. No male lion wants to raise the cubs of another male lion, that is why most of the time they kill the cubs and force the lioness into oestrus.
After the Jock males ousted him, the older Lubyelubye male made a coalition with 2 of his younger sons, after spending some time as nomads, the 3 of them have now settled down on the H4-2, you can usually find them in the area between the H5 turn off and the S82 sand road.
Here is one of the males mating with a lioness on the H4-2, which we saw in September of 2017.

*This image is copyright of its original author

©Big on Wild

Video of the father and son Lubyelubye male, which we saw in March of 2018:

The Lubyelubye pride is still seen in the same area that they used to be, which is around the Lubyelubye rocks, and on the riverbed along the H4-1, they are also sometimes seen on the H10 bridge. 2 years later the Jock males are still their pride male, we saw the pride when we were at the Kruger in June 2018.

*This image is copyright of its original author

©Big on Wild

There has only been 3 Jock males seen recently, we not sure where the other 2 males are, they still have a massive territory, we saw them on the H4-2 close to the north entrance of the S28, in April of this year.

*This image is copyright of its original author

©Big on Wild

Also read about the Jock males here.
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Scruffy looking chaps! 

These young boys are growing they should be...they are part of the Vurhami Pride and are the sons of the 4 Shishangeni Males, a power coalition!
Credits to Leo Vantage

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

These males were seen at Lubyelubye on S130.
Pics by Hanno Erasmus (October
13 2018)

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Mohawk4 Offline
Regular Member

Jock males

Credits to Hanno Erasmus

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

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United States Space Jam Offline
New Member

Has there been any sightings of the last 2 mapogo male lion offspring? I know they went into KNP sometime in 2012 but I've seen 0 reports since. I found this place after watching the mapogo documentarys. (Even though later I learned they were inaccurate) I've grown to love and appreciate other lions, but I'll always be drawn to the mapogo's and their offspring.

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