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Bigcats News

United Kingdom tigerluver Offline
Feline Expert

Lived to only about half his father's age? Watched him grow for years then fall off the radar recently. Sad news indeed.
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
Sad  ( This post was last modified: 05-20-2016, 12:08 PM by Roflcopters )

I still dont believe it, most of us grew up following tiger personalities like Bamera, Munna, Wagdoh, Yeda Anna, Raja and to imagine losing any of these guys would definitely be painful. Rip Bamera, one of the greatest male tiger that ever lived. You will be missed.

Tribute to Bamera, props to the person that saw Bamera exactly the way many of us saw him throught the years, a legend never dies.
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chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

Sad news indeed
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United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

RIP Bamera, rest easy big fella.

*This image is copyright of its original author


*This image is copyright of its original author

Anyone have pictures of when he was a cub.
I believe one of the last pictures of him, taken may 10 posted by Bandhavgarh National Park Tiger Reserve, picture taken by vet.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

remember the ava days of Mapogos, Duba boys, Bamera, B2, Bokha etc etc. It sure feels like a blast from the past and the names of the beasts will forever be in our memories. good times.
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United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Sometimes it is great to live such a long life, humans are lucky to live as long as we do. There are some cons though living such a long life, saying goodbye to those who don't live as long, human and animal. On a brighter side, we also say hello to a lot of new faces.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Ashwin Kadiyala

A Drunken man jumped into a lion enclosure at Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad “to shake hand with a lion ". Idiot he is !!!

Two lions had to be shot dead after attacking a man who jumped into a lion enclosure in a zoo in Chile.
More here >>

*This image is copyright of its original author

Just look at this, these two incidents are just one of many that has occurred, and who do we blame every single time... the big cat.
It's not their fault that some moron jumped into their enclosure, they don't need to die a senseless death for simply minding their own business. These people are asking for death, the animals are not, so to be honest, I couldn't care less if they die are not, they choose their fate, the predators didn't.
If they die before a sedative takes hold, fine, it's the persons fault, not the animals.
And before somebody here says that the people are sick, they aren't thinking in their right mind, etc.
I don't buy it for one minute, if they are unable to make a decision using common sense, they shouldn't be allowed to go anywhere without supervision, if they buy a ticket, find a flaw in security and jump in the enclosure they must be held accountable. I'm just sick of seeing animals be murdered because some drunk or religious fanatic feels the need to show how brave they are or that god is protecting them.
It may seem harsh but this idea that a human life is more important than any other is ridiculous, so much so that we still protect them even after they ask for death is just absurd. This isn't a big cat escaping it's enclosure, this is somebody breaking into their home. Oddly enough, if somebody trespasses on your property you are allowed to protect yourself and kill them if it comes to that, why can't animals have the same right?
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United Kingdom Sully Offline
Ecology & Rewilding

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United Kingdom Sully Offline
Ecology & Rewilding

India lion attacks: Pride caged after Gujarat killings
  • 2 hours ago

*This image is copyright of its original author

Forestry officials in India have caught and caged 13 Asiatic lions in western India after at least three people were killed by them.
The pride of lions was rounded up after a teenager was dragged from his village, killed and partially eaten.
Two other people have also been killed in the last two months, though officials say such attacks are rare.
The Asiatic lions, classed as endangered, are amongst more than 500 who live in Gir forest in Gujarat.

Gujarat's chief conservator of forests, J A Khan, said the lions were captured from an eastern part of the sanctuary, their last remaining natural habitat.
"Lions that have preyed upon humans will be analysed in detail, while the rest will be slowly introduced back into the wild," Mr Khan told the AFP news agency.
He added they would find the lions responsible for the killings by analysing their faeces for human tissue.
On Friday, a 14-year-old boy was dragged away by lions as he was sleeping in a mango orchard outside his home.
His father was injured when he tried to stop the attack.
In April, the lions killed a 50-year-old woman as she was asleep in a field, and a month earlier a 60-year-old was killed in his hut in the same village as the boy.
The Asiatic lion was listed as endangered in 2008, an improvement on a critically endangered listing in 2000, after numbers increased in the forest.
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United Kingdom Sully Offline
Ecology & Rewilding

World's Rarest Leopards Are Experiencing A 'Baby Boom' in Russia
By Jhesset E
May 23, 2016 05:57 AM EDT

*This image is copyright of its original author
An amur leopard, a member of the rarest of the leopard species, is photographed at the Wildlife Heritage Foundation in Kent in 2009.
(Photo : Richard Gillin/Flickr via Wikimedia Commons)
Here's some good news for the big cats: Images captured by camera traps in the Land of the Leopard National Park in Russia late last year and early this year revealed that the Amur leopard, the world's rarest, is growing in number.

The apparent "baby boom" showed around 16 young leopards, six more than what was recorded in 2014, The Telegraph reported.
TASS, a Russian news agency, reported that the mother leopard named Queen Borte, who got her name from famous American actor Steven Seagal, gave birth to three cubs.
Considered as the rarest of its kind, Amur leopards are listed as a critically endangered species. They live in the temperate forests of Russia and can live for about 10 to 15 years, according to World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF).
These leopards were hunted during the 20th century, leading to their decline in numbers. Other threats to their species also included poaching and habitat loss.
WWF reported that the Amur leopard is poached mainly because of its spotted fur. In 1999, it was discovered that their skins were being sold for $500 to $1,000.
The forests that leopards used to inhabit were also close to agricultural areas and villages and humans became their competition for prey and food.

The opening of the national park in Russia in 2012 aided in the recovery of their population. The area covers nearly 650,000 hectares, specifically allocated to protect the critically endangered leopards. Over 1,100 square miles of the forest are covered by the camera trap program, which allows for a better estimate of their numbers over the years.
Efforts from Russian ecologists for their conservation resulted in a doubling of their population in three years, with their numbers climbing from 35 to 70 leopards, as per the 2015 census.
This project was also reported to be receiving financial and political backing from the Kremlin. Russian President Vladimir Putin's chief of staff, Sergei Ivanov, is known to be a patron of the national park.

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Very good news and beautiful beasts ! I am going to believe that Vladimir Putin is clearly a big felines friend.
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United Kingdom Sully Offline
Ecology & Rewilding

One saving grace
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United Kingdom Sully Offline
Ecology & Rewilding

Cause : Natural death.

A full grown tiger was found dead at Chikhaldara in Melghat Tiger Reserve (MTR) on Sunday. With a height of 125cm and length of 285cm, the tiger named T14 was the dominant male of Chikhaldara range for the last six years. According to sources, T14 had till now produced 30 cubs and the tiger was recorded in camera traps since 2013 and was last sighted on November 3, 2015. The putrefied carcass of the tiger was found by foresters Ashish Kokate, Satyafulla Solankhee and others during patrolling in Pachamba forest beat. Field director Dinesh Tyagi, deputy conservator of forests (DyCF), RK Wankhede, assistant conservator (ACF) Vishal Mali along with honorary wildlife warden Jayant Wadatkar and assistant commissioner of animal husbandry at Achalpur Dr VS Rahate rushed to the spot.

Dr Rahate said prima facie it seems to be a natural death since there had been no tampering with the carcass. The tiger might have died of sunstroke. The carcass was five days old and in a highly decomposed state. Forest officials have sent samples of viscera, lungs, heart, stomach contents, maggots and water for forensic analysis at Nagpur to confirm the exact cause of death. The field director ruled out poaching as all the body parts such as skull, jaws, canines, nails and paws were intact.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

"With a height of 125cm and length of 285cm"

That would be a record shoulder height with an average body length
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United Kingdom Sully Offline
Ecology & Rewilding

About 20cm above the average, it does seem a beastly creature.
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