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Other male lion coalitions from Masai Mara

Duco Ndona Offline

Sadly, its not as simple.

The parks constantly have to justify their existence to a large part of the rest of the nation that see the animals as a nuisance and would love to buldoze Kruger to "develop" it. 

So the parks have to walk a fine balance in how they present themselves and how they deal with human wildlife conflicts. As much as I would love tto see them shooting poachers. In reality the PR nightmare it would bring can spell the end of the park. Both from the local population voting in leaders to buldoze it down, as a lack of income for the anti poaching units and people living there due to boycots.

So I prefer to focus on groups that do try to help the population coexist woth the park and anti poaching units.
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(02-10-2024, 11:21 AM)BigLion39 Wrote:
(02-10-2024, 06:26 AM)T_Ferguson Wrote: Don't get me wrong.  I am raging mad.  My wife just got back from Africa though, and I do understand at least some of the thought of the other side.  If we could make the lives of the natives better somehow we could save these animals, but that's likely a bridge too far for most.

But why do we have to make their lives better? Nobody makes my life better other than myself? They aren't victims of anything other than their own actions. Its their own responsibility to keep their house in order. Its their  problem they aren't educated. Yeah of course helping them is natural and great but nobody is obligated. It is ridiculous. It really is simple, it's As old as cave man; Someone does an action like kill a lion Then that person or persons gets a consequence strict enough to match what he did and boom, it doesn't happen again.  There isn't any consequences for these pieces of crap criminals. The Massai leaders can't even control these people. Take a look at what happened in Amboselli last year. Perfect example. Massai leaders made a deal with govt and The People. Certain criminals disregarded the orders of their tribal leaders and went and killed more lions. Nothing happened to them.  Its obsurd, frustrating. Also.... The lodges, Rangers, guides, govt officials, 1 example; Rob the Ranger; certain people keep all this shit quiet from us. It took us bothering and being annoying to find out about Olobor.... Shit MPCP told me a few hours ago that Olobor HWC is "suspected" and not "confirmed", its total bullshit. They are part of the problem at the same time they are trying to help. These people have their brain so far up their ass its amazing. How can we trust MPCP when in posts, just rescently, they say they can't let certain info out to the public. What does that tell us? Transparency is key here and there is NONE. Im so pissed. And disgusted .

Hey... I get what you are saying.  It's not as simple in these regions as it is for us living in the west.  They can't just pick up and go to a school and get educated.  They can't just pick up and decide I'm going to do this for a living.  They can't even get clean water, or toilets.  There is basically no law enforcement.  Many of these tribes and people still live as they did 200 years ago.  The only help that gets sent to this region is corporations exploiting them, and paying off their politicians who basically do nothing but live in bunkered complexes and travel with armed escort.  But this is going in another direction all together.  The sad reality and point is that this is going to continue to happen until the only Lions you can see are the ones at the zoo, or the petting zoo.  It's criminal, and horrible, but unless we go in and rip all of the people out of the heart of Africa, and then gate off 2/3rds of the continent with armed military, Lions, Elephants, Rhinos.... all will be a memory.  Cheetah's will be the first to go and that's likely in the next decade.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 02-10-2024, 05:00 PM by BigLion39 )

Yeah its also criminal on the West and the East. We're so quick to drop in to steal their minerals and their assets but we give no shits about their living assets like lions, cheetahs, rhinos, elephants. We bypass them and go in for their commodities because that's what brings us our creature comforts. It is ass backwards. If lions made the West money like Lithium we would be in  there doing what we need to ensure their survival. Anyway, more bad news, keep in mind I don't know who this person is,  if its reliable but im sharing here anyway because its concerning as well.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Those which don't know they are beautiful are immortal.
Without them, the world is going to die, submerged by uglyness...

[color=var(--yt-spec-text-primary)]Poor Olobor with a Cattle kill he was killed by Humans for this. herders illegally bring their cattle to reserve,[/color]

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Tribute... Dated from today, 12th February.

" A tribute to Olobor from Black Rock Boys coalition... "
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

This confused me a lil as the initial report of Olobor dying stated that they had found his body and yet MM have supposedly sent ppl out to search for him. I have a feeling they’ve started doing this now as his body won’t show up after 2 weeks and they can push the narrative of him being that aggressive ended up catching up to him when he come across lions he finally couldn’t overpower.

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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(02-13-2024, 02:58 AM)KM600 Wrote: This confused me a lil as the initial report of Olobor dying stated that they had found his body and yet MM have supposedly sent ppl out to search for him. I have a feeling they’ve started doing this now as his body won’t show up after 2 weeks and they can push the narrative of him being that aggressive ended up catching up to him when he come across lions he finally couldn’t overpower.

Yeah, they've gotten backlash, and they are going to be looking for an out.  Honestly, they just need to come clean with the world and admit they literally can do nothing about any of this.  That might ruin them however even though it is the absolute truth.  They simply have no capabilities of enforcing any laws or rules here.  They can make agreements, but it's like the old US colonies agreements with the native tribes.  Those agreements only serve until something changes the vision of one of the parties.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Masai Mara supports the tribes, as well as the government does, they value the tribes/their own people more than lions who are just animals.

The truth would be: "we neither care nor we can do anything about it, Masai tribesmen > lions, regardless if they are killing lions in protected areas or not, deal with it."

BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 02-13-2024, 12:39 PM by BigLion39 )

You guys are so right. Problem is they are so un-educated and don't realize they are in control of one of the last healthy populations (very small #'s) of wild lions and felines in the world. We must make them realize. If we just accept that they care more for a human life than a lion then I don't know. And were not talking human vs lion here, were talking lion vs cow. These lions aren't preying on people. They are preying on cattle. There are non lethal solutions out there that cost money, I get thats something they don't have. Its people like (I hate to even write his name, he's a piece of crap) Bill Gates who have muddled in Africa with his billions, why cant he donate millions in non lethal arms for these people to deter these conflicts. There are solutions but it comes to money as usual. Us everyday middle class and poor Joe's aren't gonna get it done donating financially. These billionare philanthropy people should put their money where their mouth is and actually do some good.

So people on the ground, trusted good people who let us know are honest good people. They know hes dead. If it wasn't for us raising hell KWS wouldn't have even made a statement. They think were just going to get quiet. OLOBOR was just the last straw. Were all pissed. Too many go missing and die.
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Duco Ndona Offline

Ultimately, they have to do it with them. If we turn this into a man vs animal conflict. The animals are sure to lose.
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United States BorntobeWild Online
Regular Member

(02-13-2024, 06:31 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Masai Mara supports the tribes, as well as the government does, they value the tribes/their own people more than lions who are just animals.

The truth would be: "we neither care nor we can do anything about it, Masai tribesmen > lions, regardless if they are killing lions in protected areas or not, deal with it."

Well, from my understanding, either they so-called "support" their tribes or spend a  fortune to improve their living conditions, such as  food, water, housing, healthcare, etc. Of course they are more inclined to support tribes, as failing to do so could significantly impact their own pockets.
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(02-13-2024, 12:34 PM)BigLion39 Wrote: You guys are so right. Problem is they are so un-educated and don't realize they are in control of one of the last healthy populations (very small #'s) of wild lions and felines in the world. We must make them realize. If we just accept that they care more for a human life than a lion then I don't know. And were not talking human vs lion here, were talking lion vs cow. These lions aren't preying on people. They are preying on cattle. There are non lethal solutions out there that cost money, I get thats something they don't have. Its people like (I hate to even write his name, he's a piece of crap) Bill Gates who have muddled in Africa with his billions, why cant he donate millions in non lethal arms for these people to deter these conflicts. There are solutions but it comes to money as usual. Us everyday middle class and poor Joe's aren't gonna get it done donating financially. These billionare philanthropy people should put their money where their mouth is and actually do some good.

So people on the ground, trusted good people who let us know are honest good people. They know hes dead. If it wasn't for us raising hell KWS wouldn't have even made a statement. They think were just going to get quiet. OLOBOR was just the last straw. Were all pissed. Too many go missing and die.

Here is the honest answer.  I am not a brilliant man.  I am barely a smart one.  The issue is, this area of the world is filled with people.  These people have been living on the fringes of our modern world for over a century, and many of them want in on it.  Some of their people have escaped and gotten a bigger taste of this world only to go back home and live in secluded luxury, which just baits at the rest of them.  There is barely any law enforcement here unless you are one of these privileged people I just spoke of, and all you want is a way to support and raise up your family.  Right now, that is by raising livestock, or farming, or some other off the land occupation.  That puts you in direct conflict with the local inhabitants.  All the animals we have come to know.

So how do you make these people NOT want to get a better life for themselves and leave these animals alone?  You almost certainly can't.  The answers are going to require governmental scales of money.  The only 2 options I see are... We create fully modern living spaces like what the Saudi's are proposing with that line city that has all you need within a 15-minute walk (not a free way to live), so that the people have lives that take them out of the conflict.  Or, we remove all of the people from Kenya, Botswana, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, and wall the whole thing off with full military guard and anti-air defenses, and leave the animals left inside alone.
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Ngonya Offline

Recently posted on Facebook by Danielle Liska
The late Black Rock king Oloisiado, gone too soon
Now his big brother Olobor joins him wherever they are...

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

Oloshipa is back with Oloimina and Lorkulup 

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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(02-18-2024, 04:20 AM)Mwk85 Wrote: Oloshipa is back with Oloimina and Lorkulup 

Gonna be interesting to see what happens with Olonkera now, it always seemed like Olobor was the most aggressive in terms of trying to push him out. Obviously he’ll eventually get kicked out but it’s best for him to take as many of the young males as possible and I don’t think none of them are ready to venture out yet.
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