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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Lions of Sabi Sands

Vietnam WIND-772 Offline
New Member

There has been no news about the Othawa two sub females and Tsalala girl, for a long time. Does anyone know anything else?

Go131810 Offline
Regular Member

I had a question. When saying there are only 3 Kambula male lions left; do they mean 1 is gone? Or 1 brother is wondering alone? What could be happening? Is he the younger of the brothers? Why would he split? Or is he the older of the brothers and he is the male lion with the lionesses.

BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

I hope that's a mistake, its gotta be. All 4 Kambulas should be alive and well?

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(01-13-2024, 11:17 AM)BigLion39 Wrote: I hope that's a mistake, its gotta be. All 4 Kambulas should be alive and well?

Yes, all seen yesterday on WE live.
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South Africa Wyld@Heart Offline
Regular Member

(01-12-2024, 12:01 AM)criollo2mil Wrote: But the report makes a mistake about them being down to 3.  they just need to realize the one boy just often likes to stay alone. .
Exactly so. Veracity and also establishing the timing of a report before posting should be a given. Be nice if a modicum of effort would go into posting such reports with the resultant caveats so we could avoid the 'what?' 'no ways?' 'How?' discussion that invariably follows for the next few pages.
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-14-2024, 04:41 AM by Mapokser )

It's obvious that they were only seeing 3 males in december because the fourth male was in the north.
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Tonpa Offline

Styx girl vs one of the Talamati girls

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Tonpa Offline

Monday 8th January 2024
  • The Nkuhuma pride consisting of ten lionesses, static at the junction of Magic Willie and Ellie Ally.
  • The four Kambula male lions and one Kambula lioness, finishing off a wildebeest calf kill on EP open area.
Tuesday 9th January 2024
  • The four Kambula male lions and one Kambula lioness, mobile East from EP open area.
Wednesday 10th January 2024
  • The two Plains Camp male lions, mobile from Sawmill towards EP Airstrip.
Thursday 11th January 2024
  • The two Ndzhenga male lions, mobile East along Londolozi boundary.
  • The Talamati break away pride consisting of one adult lioness and two sub adult lions, sleeping at Simba dam.
Friday, 12 January 2024
  • The Nkuhuma pride consisting of nine lioness, feeding on a buffalo at Knob Thorn open.
Saturday, 13 January 2024
  • The Nkuhuma pride consisting of nine lioness, feeding on a buffalo at Knob Thorn open.
Sunday, 14 January 2024
  • The Nkuhuma pride consisting of ten lions, static in Safari Donga North.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

New Scar video.

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Panama Mapokser Offline

Watching the video above he says the BDM are firmly in control of the north and NK pride, and that Kambulas are now low profile not wanting to challenge the BDM, and that we'll have to see who the Kambulas will challenge.

When in reality it's the completely opposite, the arrival of the Kambulas forced the BDM to go low profile and Mohawk/sons to go fully nomadic.

The BDM have no control over the north anymore, last clash they had saw the Kambulas chasing them south.

Also claims that Skorro and NK chased Kambulas which was clearly a wrong assumption by Londolozi.

United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(01-15-2024, 01:22 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Watching the video above he says the BDM are firmly in control of the north and NK pride, and that Kambulas are now low profile not wanting to challenge the BDM, and that we'll have to see who the Kambulas will challenge.

When in reality it's the completely opposite, the arrival of the Kambulas forced the BDM to go low profile and Mohawk/sons to go fully nomadic.

The BDM have no control over the north anymore, last clash they had saw the Kambulas chasing them south.

Also claims that Skorro and NK chased Kambulas which was clearly a wrong assumption by Londolozi.

U can’t say the Kambulas forced Mohawk/sons to go nomadic at all as there’s zero witnessed events of the Kambula males chasing them off. Ofcourse doesn’t mean it didn’t happened but also doesn’t at all mean it did happen. Nkuhuma boys stayed around Nkorho when they would’ve become aware of the Kambulas, and yet didn’t leave straight away. The fact they’ve ventured into Kruger a few times doesn’t help convince us it was the Kambula males who ousted them either.

Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

Nothing really makes sense the prize is the nkuhuma pride southern black dam males kambula males nkuhuma males + Mohawk and out of all 3 coalitions nobody is with the nkuhumas

Duco Ndona Offline

The Kambulas are still quite inexperienced and likely still somewhat in a nomadic mindset. Even though they have the numbers to challenge their rivals. 

So you get this weird situation where they get in a conflict with one of the local established coalitions. Chase them off purely in self defence over some food to the point that they abandon their territory. 
And then, they don't know what to do next so they just continue what they have been doing. Wandering around.

United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(01-15-2024, 03:07 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: Nothing really makes sense the prize is the nkuhuma pride southern black dam males kambula males nkuhuma males + Mohawk and out of all 3 coalitions nobody is with the nkuhumas

I been thinking the same thing, I don’t think anyone can say either BDMs or Kambulas are the main dominant coalition in the North when neither of them have complete control over the Nkuhuma Pride. Between the two, BDMs spend more time with Nkuhuma females but it’s rare for them to be with the entire pride.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@KM600 Mohawk and NK males left after Kambulas arrived and started roaring. Even if they didn't chase them off, they're clearly the reason they left.

Mohawk and his sons were sticking to that territory for almost a year, they wouldn't coincidentally move off 50km into Kruger suddenly without any reason to do so.
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