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Lions of Sabi Sands

Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-27-2023, 10:31 AM by Mapokser )

By andreasithole.

The PCM in my lovely office

*This image is copyright of its original author

Interesting, honestly, PCM still in Londolozi. Especially since they took over the Ximhungwe pride/Western Sector they have never spent so many days in Londolozi, they might have been there for more than a week by now, and I don't think they have been so deep into Londolozi before, usually they'd just hang around their border in Singita, now with them roaring, scent-marking and hanging out around the lodges and camps might really be a new move by then, like the ranger was saying they may be trying to take over this area of Londolozi.

I believe this must be deep into Ndhzenga territory.
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KM600 Offline

(11-27-2023, 10:26 AM)Mapokser Wrote: By andreasithole.

The PCM in my lovely office

*This image is copyright of its original author

Interesting, honestly. Especially since they took over the Ximhungwe pride/Western Sector that they had never spent so many days in Londolozi, they might have been there for more than a week by now, and I don't think they have been so deep into Londolozi before, usually they'd just hang around their border in Singita, now with them roaring, scent-marking and hanging out around the lodges and camps might really be a new move by then, like the ranger was saying they may be trying to take over this area of Londolozi.

I believe this must be deep into Ndhzenga territory.

Baring in mind they’re in Northern Londolozi, wouldn't this be more towards Skorro YM territory as opposed to Ndhzenga.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(11-27-2023, 10:26 AM)Mapokser Wrote: I believe this must be deep into Ndhzenga territory.

No, Ndhzengas are in eastern Londolozi.

Northen is more of Skorro Breakaway and BDMs.
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lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-27-2023, 03:33 PM by lionuk )

The PCMs are back in Singita now, according to rangers
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Australia Horizon Offline
Regular Member

(11-27-2023, 03:08 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(11-27-2023, 10:26 AM)Mapokser Wrote: I believe this must be deep into Ndhzenga territory.

No, Ndhzengas are in eastern Londolozi.

Northen is more of Skorro Breakaway and BDMs.

In the initial months of the takeover, weren’t Ndhzengas patrolling on the western Londolozi as well?
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Duco Ndona Offline

Londolozi isn't really owned by any coalition. Its a patchwork of overlapping territories that are only infrequently visited by the various established groups that neighbour it. 
As those only rarely visit, its become a bit of a safe heaven for the various nomadic lions as well.  

So its not that odd to see one group hanging out in a spot visited by others not that long ago.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

(11-27-2023, 07:11 AM)Mapokser Wrote: @Duco Ndona I'm not sure the PCM are aware the Othawas exist atm, their territory is too vast for only 2 males, if the Othawas aren't unlucky they won't get in trouble with them. They were in trouble originally because there were 2 PCM and 2 Birminghams, and they were much younger.

They'll turn 3 in March, they have good chances of making it.

@Tr1x24 is it confirmed that the cubless Mangheni now has cubs too?

Though the PCM's territory is insanely large already, it doesn't seem feasible for them to expand. Maybe they can steal Tsalala from the Skorro male but she'a probably pregnant already by now, and even then I think it'd be expanding way too much.

I'm not even sure how are they maintaining their current territory ans protecting all the prides successfully...

If the Kambulas or some others don't oust them, they'll also probably have RN and the 2 Othawas to mate with in less than a year.

I really hope the Tsalala lioness isn't pregnant with the Skorro male's cubs, otherwise she might suffer the same fate as her mother, at the hands of the same males no less.

It would be best for her to mate with the PC males, and soon, and have their cubs. As 'tragic' as that would be, considering they killed her mother, it's probably her best bet as things currently stand.

Duco Ndona Offline

(11-27-2023, 07:11 AM)Mapokser Wrote: @Duco Ndona I'm not sure the PCM are aware the Othawas exist atm, their territory is too vast for only 2 males, if the Othawas aren't unlucky they won't get in trouble with them. They were in trouble originally because there were 2 PCM and 2 Birminghams, and they were much younger.

They'll turn 3 in March, they have good chances of making it.

@Tr1x24 is it confirmed that the cubless Mangheni now has cubs too?

Though the PCM's territory is insanely large already, it doesn't seem feasible for them to expand. Maybe they can steal Tsalala from the Skorro male but she'a probably pregnant already by now, and even then I think it'd be expanding way too much.

I'm not even sure how are they maintaining their current territory ans protecting all the prides successfully...

If the Kambulas or some others don't oust them, they'll also probably have RN and the 2 Othawas to mate with in less than a year.

They know. There is a pretty good chance that the two heard their distant contact calls or ran into their scent trails or abandoned kills. Finding evidence of lion activity is different from tracking down the lions themselves though.

KM600 Offline

(11-27-2023, 05:22 PM)NLAL11 Wrote:
(11-27-2023, 07:11 AM)Mapokser Wrote: @Duco Ndona I'm not sure the PCM are aware the Othawas exist atm, their territory is too vast for only 2 males, if the Othawas aren't unlucky they won't get in trouble with them. They were in trouble originally because there were 2 PCM and 2 Birminghams, and they were much younger.

They'll turn 3 in March, they have good chances of making it.

@Tr1x24 is it confirmed that the cubless Mangheni now has cubs too?

Though the PCM's territory is insanely large already, it doesn't seem feasible for them to expand. Maybe they can steal Tsalala from the Skorro male but she'a probably pregnant already by now, and even then I think it'd be expanding way too much.

I'm not even sure how are they maintaining their current territory ans protecting all the prides successfully...

If the Kambulas or some others don't oust them, they'll also probably have RN and the 2 Othawas to mate with in less than a year.

I really hope the Tsalala lioness isn't pregnant with the Skorro male's cubs, otherwise she might suffer the same fate as her mother, at the hands of the same males no less.

It would be best for her to mate with the PC males, and soon, and have their cubs. As 'tragic' as that would be, considering they killed her mother, it's probably her best bet as things currently stand.

Would be really surprised if she wasn’t already pregnant, don’t think it matters either who she has her cubs with whether it’s Skorro YM or PCMs either. There simply isn’t enough time for the cubs to grow up as Kambula breakaways, Talamati YMs, Nkuhuma YMs etc now being a true force if they were to stay in Sabi Sands. Unless Tsalala moved over to the West or North in old Talamati territory, the cubs will never truly be safe no matter if the fathers are Skorro or PCMs.

KM600 Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-27-2023, 08:24 PM by KM600 )

(11-27-2023, 05:07 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Londolozi isn't really owned by any coalition. Its a patchwork of overlapping territories that are only infrequently visited by the various established groups that neighbour it. 
As those only rarely visit, its become a bit of a safe heaven for the various nomadic lions as well.  

So its not that odd to see one group hanging out in a spot visited by others not that long ago.

I think the last map is outdated atp, obviously a lot of the same males are still around but I’d argue Ndzhengas have been more North then into Londolozi within the recent months, especially with all them interactions with the BDMs. It’s likely Ndzhengas have abondoned part of their territory that overlaps Londolozi, in other words shortened their width and increased their length that allows them to have some territory within the Northern part of Sabi Sand. Even though there’s quite a few nomads around Londolozi it seems that they all stick to a certain part majority of the time, Kambula breakaways either Western or Northern parts, Talamati YMs in Southern parts, Nkuhuma Male either Western or Southern parts of Londolozi.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@Horizon Ndhzengas have been even in Singita a few months ago, mating with a Talamati female. They go north and west too, they have met the Skorro male already as well.
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United States Xiku_kutsu Offline

Southern Avoca. I can't help but feel bad for him, being all alone.

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(11-27-2023, 11:24 PM)Xiku_kutsu Wrote: Southern Avoca. I can't help but feel bad for him, being all alone.

Thats the fate of all lions in coalitions, sooner or later someone will be the last one left.
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KM600 Offline

(11-27-2023, 11:24 PM)Xiku_kutsu Wrote: Southern Avoca. I can't help but feel bad for him, being all alone.

As bad as it seems, there’s males within the area he could join up with such as the Talamatis. Quick thought has anyone heard anything about Nkuhuma Male recently, think the last thing we heard from him was a post I sent in here and he was in Savanna. Him and Southern Avoca would make sense especially as they both are normally seen around Umkumbe.

Duco Ndona Offline

I dont know. I think its been a while since both he and Skorro were seen.

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