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Othawa Pride

United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(11-06-2022, 11:48 PM)afortich Wrote:
(11-06-2022, 10:47 PM)BA0701 Wrote: @Tr1x24 and @criollo2mil thank you both, now it makes much more sense. Pretty astonishing to see that Talamati lioness spending time with them like that. Those 3 babies impress more with each sighting, I was blown away when they had that interaction with those hyenas, they continue to find a way.

@BA0701 at about second 55, you can see a clip of Talamati with the 3 cubs.

Ah, yes, thank you for this. We all continue to hope for the best for those three cubs, and for Sassy, until we get some official word on her status.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-08-2022, 07:30 PM by criollo2mil )

The LionSightings IG account is reporting that Sassy, has sadly left us.  
Confirmation came from personnel close to the situation who did not want their names released.

Very very saddened by this.  

Farewell, to the beautiful queen, "Sassy Othawa." 
The last hope of Othawa pride has fallen 

Lately the dynamics and nature have been harsher and fiercer for her! It has changed rapidly in the West, when the presence of thirsty males intangled in wars and possessions. The first to fall from the pride was the two aged othawa lionesses, two months ago, leaving Sassy as the only hope for a pride leader to take charge of things that were outside and difficult to deal with. But unfortunately she battled with another pride composed of Ximhungwe and her daughter, they inflicted damage on her, and her condition deteriorated until she died. She left behind three young females, we hope they can survive, theres hope, and prayers that a miracle will come true for them. RIP Queen Sassy you have achieved so much during your life, you are one of the immortal icons of Sabi Sands, a key member of the legendary Othawa Pride.

Sabi Sands, South Africa ??
Photographer Credit:- [color=rgb(var(--ig-link))]@ryanaaronphoto[/color]

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United States BorntobeWild Online
Regular Member

(11-08-2022, 07:28 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: The LionSightings IG account is reporting that Sassy, has sadly left us.  
Confirmation came from personnel close to the situation who did not want their names released.

Very very saddened by this.  

Farewell, to the beautiful queen, "Sassy Othawa." 
The last hope of Othawa pride has fallen 

Lately the dynamics and nature have been harsher and fiercer for her! It has changed rapidly in the West, when the presence of thirsty males intangled in wars and possessions. The first to fall from the pride was the two aged othawa lionesses, two months ago, leaving Sassy as the only hope for a pride leader to take charge of things that were outside and difficult to deal with. But unfortunately she battled with another pride composed of Ximhungwe and her daughter, they inflicted damage on her, and her condition deteriorated until she died. She left behind three young females, we hope they can survive, theres hope, and prayers that a miracle will come true for them. RIP Queen Sassy you have achieved so much during your life, you are one of the immortal icons of Sabi Sands, a key member of the legendary Othawa Pride.

Sabi Sands, South Africa ??
Photographer Credit:- [color=rgb(var(--ig-link))]@ryanaaronphoto[/color]

How sad!! R.I.P Queen Sassy.  My heart is shredded.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 11-08-2022, 08:39 PM by Tr1x24 )

Well, her body was not found, but she was not seen since that last sighting where she looked in bad condition, so its prob safe to assume she died at this point. 

Remarkable how things change fast in the wild, just half a year ago or so, Othawas had 3 adult females and many subs, on a great way to rebuild the pride and continue legacy for long time.. 

Now only 3, young subs remain, and its questionable if they will survive, it would be suprise and against odds if even 1 make it. 

But problems for Othawas span many years back, in a decade they didn't manage to raise their members to healthy number. 

Since that, "new", "Mapogos daughters" era of Othawas, they have been thru 4 coalitions, and only managed to raise 1 female, Sassy, to adulthood (and now Gingerella, but she breakaway). 

1 female, in a lifespam of 14-15 yrs of Othawa Aunties is way too little, and we knew that this, grim, scenario might happen, prob since Majingilanes, and security of stable, strong coalition, was gone. 

Also, they where bit of "unlucky", that of Junior and matimba offspring who managed to reach adulthood, 3 out of 4 where males.
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United States afortich Offline

So sad Sad . RIP brave Queen.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

I guess we now entered that awkward stage where the various bigger lion news sites begin feeling confident in declaring her death based on how confortable they feel with the amount of time that has passed since her last sighting. I don't think this is the big announcement rumoured to take place in a few days. Though I doubt the outcome will be any different and the poor girl has indeed passed on. 

Now the fate of the pride lies in the paws of just three subadults. Just like the Ximhungwe pride before them.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 11-09-2022, 01:56 AM by Tr1x24 )

(11-09-2022, 12:54 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Now the fate of the pride lies in the paws of just three subadults. Just like the Ximhungwe pride before them.

Well, now the question raises, about topic which was in discussed with @Potato not long ago. 

And that is, what happens with Gingerella and Othawa name now, if Othawas are gone (yea i know, 3 subs are still alive, but yea, odds are against them). 

Gingerella is now "added" to Ximhungwe pride, but she is the "heir" and "blood" of Othawa name,regardless if she was outcast. 

I had no problem with Gingerella being added under Ximhungwe name as long as "original" Othawa pride exist, aswell as Ximhungwe female and her pot offspring in future. 

But potential demise of original Othawa pride change these things, as both Ximhungwe and Gingerella would be last of their prides, so i dont think they should go only under Ximhungwe name.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

The way I see it, prides are first and foremost a social or "political" structure.
Ximhungwe was there first and is a direct continuation of her pride while Gingerella joined her later and has less of a claim on the Othawa name. Being more of a breakaway. 

Ximhungwe is older, much more experienced and likely the dominant matriarch of the pride. Furthermore once her cubs are born, there is also a good chance her line will outnumber Gingerellas. 
So the Ximhungwe name makes the most sense. Even in the case the subs dont make it and the Othawas become extinct.

I dont think there is a need for a new name. As the names were never meant to track the genetic make up of a pride.
They are just there to prevent confusion.
Though I agree that if both the Subs and Ximhungwe were to pass on tomorrow, Gingerella would become the Othawa pride.
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

I know the odds of them potentially joining up are slim to more than likely none but I've been thinking about it a lot and figured I'd just go ahead and ask. Does anyone know the round about distance between where the Othawa sub adults were last seen and the last known location of the lone Tsalala lioness? Seeing how Gingerella and the Ximhungwe lioness joined up put the thought in my head.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

That is extremely sad to hear. RIP Sassy. She was still in her prime when she died. Now, as the last adult female of Othawas gone, the 3 youngsters future seems very uncertain. Their best chances at survival is to keep low profile and scavenge. Hopefully, this will not be another Mangheni 12 situation.
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(11-09-2022, 04:53 AM)Mwk85 Wrote: I know the odds of them potentially joining up are slim to more than likely none but I've been thinking about it a lot and figured I'd just go ahead and ask. Does anyone know the round about distance between where the Othawa sub adults were last seen and the last known location of the lone Tsalala lioness? Seeing how Gingerella and the Ximhungwe lioness joined up put the thought in my head.

While it is clearly doubtful they would join up, as you mentioned, the Tsalala Princess would in fact be a perfect match for them, as she has been on her own since she was nearly the same age as the Othawa cubs. Though I would imagine them to be in same general vicinity, and I believe she would offer them their best chance at survival. Thanks to her mother living as a lone nomad for an extended period, she taught that girl everything she would need to survive alone, and she has done an incredible job adhering to what her mother instilled in her. Given Tsalala's young age when she became a lone nomad (she's still not old enough to mate), her success to this point is truly remarkable.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

I think the four of them joining up would not solve the problems they are facing. They still wouldn't have a stable territory where they wont have to worry about being attacked. She would also be an extra mouth to feet while the amount of meat they can scavenge doesnt increase. Nor would her help necessarily bring down more kills.

I think the key thing preventing this from turning into another Mhangeni12 scenario is that this group is a much smaller, more manageable group of solely lionesses.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

She would be an extra mouth to feed? The other way round, I would think. She's proven to be an effective hunter (considering what excellent condition she's always in) so the three Othawa subs would be extra mouths for her to feed. It would make life easier for them, and more work for her. Although the subs might help her to retain more kills she makes (less losing to hyenas).

But I agree with the territory thing, they still wouldn't have anywhere safe to go. And I think they're too far apart, the Othawa subs would have to wander east out of the Western Sector. Which they might do if the Talamatis settle there. Who knows.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-09-2022, 10:20 PM by Duco Ndona )

The issue is that since they will be hunting together, they won't be hunting more than they did separately. So, each kill they make now has to feed four lions rather than three or one while securing food at that age is already a challenge. To compensate they would either need to go after bigger game which they aren't ready for. Take more risks or ramp up the hunting frequency and burn more energy. Which isn't ideal.

There will also be a transition period where most hunts will fail as the two groups aren't adjusted to each other's movements and styles yet and still need to work out strategies.

Perhaps in a few months if they developed their skill and strength a bit more. They can reliably join forces.
But right now, they need to focus on themselves first.
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1ofCourage Offline
Regular Member

Is it impala calving season?  Perhaps the subs can catch a few of these calves and keep honing their skills and eat regularly.
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