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Leopards of Sabi Sands

United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator
( This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 05:19 AM by BA0701 )

(05-08-2022, 04:31 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(05-07-2022, 11:25 PM)BA0701 Wrote: Apparently, according to this video, Hosana was known for stalking humans on foot, including mock charges like he did to Tristan in this video.

I love Tristan, but that was so reckless move, on foot standing 10 m away and facing Hosana, who was clearly alert and frighten.. 

I mean, he loves Hosana, but what if he charged at him?? They would also shot him.. 

Thats not Hosana to blame, they are entering his space.. 

Leopards are more "aggressive" towards humans in general then lions, lion just runs away when he see's humans on foot, leopards are more fierce in that regard. 

Even in private enclosures, where people work with lions and leopards personally, leopard is far more dangerous animal to work with then lions, they are more "unpredictable".

I agree, I definitely believe that this wasn't Hosana's fault, regardless of the facts. There's no telling how long these people were on foot, were they walking for a long distance, if so as mentioned in the video Hosana may have been stalking them for some time, or did they just hop out of their jeep and happen to be exactly where he was. I was more pointing out how they were already aware of his behaving like this, Tristan even said that video "This is a game Hosana plays", and Hosana was also known to do mock charges as seen in the video. 

We don't know the full details of what happened, likely never will. Several options are all equally possible, Hosana may have actually full on attacked, he may have done a mock charge, he may have done nothing more than to have surprised these people with his presence in close proximity. The whole situation is tragic, and I am sure nobody feels worse than the people involved, given their purpose for being there was to try and save these animals.
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Tonpa Offline

The mashaba female and her new cubs. 

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Tonpa Offline

Second statement 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Australia Horizon Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 08:50 PM by Horizon )

Blah blah blah. Fact remains that the leopard was shot.

Tonpa Offline

  • We are beginning to feel a huge shift in the leopard dynamics at the moment and it would seem that the days of the Nyeleti male are numbered. On multiple occasions closer to the end of this month, the Thamba male has been seen moving right up and into the Ebony and Boulders camp perimeter where we have never viewed him before. One morning we watched as Nyeleti male and Thamba male walk right through the western parts of the property and up to the areas just south of the lodges, growling at each other, vocalising and scent marking. With no physical fight taking place, we believe the two males are only sizing one another up and the Thamba male is becoming more confident in his approach toward claiming a larger area.
  • With the movements of the Thamba male being more centred around the territory of the Schotia female, we are starting to wonder about the safety of her single female cub. As of late we have only viewed the Schotia female on her own so it is unknown as to whether she has the cub very well hidden or if indeed the Thamba male has taken its life.
  • After weeks of viewing the Nkuwa female with suckle marks and signs of having cubs, we finally managed to view them! On the most beautiful rock, nestled high above the Mobeni and Xmobonyana River confluence, two little spotted fur balls made an appearance with their mother, and since then we have had some magnificent viewing of the three cats. We hope to continue enjoying watching their growth with their first-time mother.
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Tonpa Offline

Maribye male 

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Tonpa Offline

Sibuye steals a kill from wild dogs only to have it stolen by her son Shasha 

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Tonpa Offline

Some of the girls in the south 

Golonyi by SabiSabi

*This image is copyright of its original author

Ntsumi by SabiSabi

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Rocky Ridge and her cubs by Ozayr Karodia 

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Tonpa Offline

the big boy, tortoise pan 

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Tonpa Offline

N'weti Male by Sabi Sabi/Ronald Mutero

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Tonpa Offline

Schotia back mating with Nyeleti. Seems she did indeed lose her cub 

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Tonpa Offline

Mzemba, thought to be Hosanas oldest offspring. 
he'll be coming up to independence soon 
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(05-13-2022, 01:13 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Mzemba, thought to be Hosanas oldest offspring. 
he'll be coming up to independence soon 

So how many offsprings Hosana has?

Tonpa Offline

(05-13-2022, 01:20 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(05-13-2022, 01:13 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Mzemba, thought to be Hosanas oldest offspring. 
he'll be coming up to independence soon 

So how many offsprings Hosana has?

I think it's one sub-adult male with the Nkangala female, two cubs with the Nkuwa female and one cub with the serengeti female.

The cubs are really young I believe, not sure they'll survive if another male comes along
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Tonpa Offline

Thlangisa and her sub-adults

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