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Shishangaan Male Lions

Oman Lycaon Offline
أسد الأطلس


I think casper is currently my favorite lion from kruger, Good to see his mane getting bigger.
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T I N O Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-11-2021, 05:29 PM by T I N O )

(12-11-2021, 12:19 AM)Lycaon Wrote: @"Timbavati" 

I think casper is currently my favorite lion from kruger, Good to see his mane getting bigger.

@Lycaon Casper is certainly a very good-looking specimen. He's without a doubt, one of the most famous lions in the Kruger National Park, over all, for being an adult white male lion. He's one of my  fav lions as well. I have been following his journey closely. Makes me happy seen him thriving.
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South Africa Rabubi Offline
Regular Member

(12-06-2021, 03:21 PM)lionuk Wrote: Meet the Fathers of Casper The White Lion and his brothers!
They are the only two remaining 'old' Shishangaan males.
They are no longer the pride males of the Shishangaan pride but still known as the 'Shishangaan males'.

They were born around 2008-9 (depending of litter). They where 7 brothers in their nomadic days in 2013, now only this two are still alive.
The two now control The Mananga Pride.

This pride is estimated to be 19 strong when all together, according to a head count that was done recently, which included six lionesses and thirteen sub-adults and cubs.

The Kumana males, took over the Shishangaan pride but only the one remains now. He was having some competition from a younger male known as the Maputo male. After a few fights they landed up forming a coalition and are still dominant over the Shishangaan pride.

Two members of the Shishangaan male coalition, one of which was Xihamham have been seen on a number of occasions with the Mananga pride feeding, and have on occasion been seen wandering the 'Singita Concession' as a pair ensuring no intruders enter their northern territory.

I can't get over how great Xihamham looks, even at 11 years of age. What an amazing specimen of a male lion he is. He and Nhena (Sabi Sands) age like fine wine
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

I just post the video because of the nice pictures about this lions pride. I don't want to establish a hierarchy, thus I don't take care of the title. I just think it's a very powerful pride.

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lionuk Offline

Casanova Brother of Casper does what he does best - Chasing after Lionesses.
Watch how he chase this Lioness down the road!
Casper the very rare White Lion (Only three White Lions currently alive in the wild) and his three Shish Brothers - Casanova, Footloose and Mfowethu - controls the Satara Pride and are very busy lately 'entertaining' the Pride Lionesses. Hopefully we will see a white Lion cub very soon.
To produce a white lion, both parents must possess the recessive gene called Leucism.

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

A day in the Casper's life...

" Lets spend a day in the presence of the world famous Casper The White Lion and his three Brothers - Casanova, Footloose and Mfowethu - as they feast on a Double Buffalo kill (Cow and her young calf) close to Satara Rest-camp in Kruger National Park. And, if the double kill was not enough, they attack another Buffalo calf! We watch them trying to protect their kill from hungry vultures, though their tummies are so full they can't hardly move. At the end of the day the 'foursome' retire to a nearby river to quench their thirst, thereby leaving the remains of their kill to the scavengers. "
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lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-15-2021, 01:27 PM by lionuk )

Casper and two of his Brothers, Casanova and Footloose, walking down the road with FULL tummies after they feasted on a Buffalo they killed during the night. Third brother Mfowethu also was spotted with his full tummy and his body still covered in Buffalo blood. What an amazing sighting!
The buffalo carcass was found, stripped of all the meat and only a few scraps left for the Hyenas and Jackal to feast on.

Filmed on the H7 between Satara Rest-camp and Nsemani Dam in Kruger National Park

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Brahim Online

@Rabubi Xihamham is over 13 years old nearly 14 now
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Brahim Online

Casper recently.
Credit: Alberto Scattolin

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Casper causes a traffic jam...

" Our first encounter with Casper this year during our annual holiday to the Kruger was in a very dry area where a-lot of burning had taken place. It was early one morning when we headed south, we were a little bit late to get out and most of the first wave of cars had already left. Travelling just past the S100 intersection with our windows down we heard the familiar calls of lion which we assumed was the four male alliance which were hanging around the camp. We parked off just past the intersection and after waiting a while were rewarded by the sight of Casper and his entourage heading for the main road where we were parked. As there was very little traffic around we were fortunate to get into a good position to video him coming towards us and crossing the road. In the coming weeks we often sighted the coalition in the heat of the day laying in the shade in the vicinity of the N'wanetsi bridge. Our last sighting of Casper is one we will always treasure. We left camp as the gates opened and were about the 5th car in line, once again just past the S100, we were rewarded with Casper lying on the side of road. We were fortunate enough to get some footage of him as we approached and when we were opposite and just past him. Whilst filming we noticed a double lane of cars as far as the eyes could see waiting their turn for a glimpse of Casper. We so wished we could have spent more time with him but in lieu of the fact that what appeared to be half the camp waiting their turn, we decided to moved on. We were later advised that the road block was extensive and it took at least an hour to get past that point emphasising the fact that the early riser catches Casper in the road. "
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Brahim Online

The Ghost Casper.
Credit: Black Mane SA

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lionuk Offline

Credit: Big On Wild

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

(12-21-2021, 12:21 AM)lionuk Wrote: Casper
Credit: Big On Wild

*This image is copyright of its original author

Casper #1. Perhaps, if not, the most famous male lion in Kruger. A lots of people travel to Satara to see this beauty made by nature! Glad so much he is thriving. I remember when three to four nomads killed some of the Shishangaan sub-adults members. Casper got an small injury in his hip, but fortunately wasn't too bad.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-24-2021, 09:24 PM by Mdz123 )

Credits: Shaun Etsebeth

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lionuk Offline

Casper and brothers early morning of today
Credit: Wildfact photographer

*This image is copyright of its original author
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