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Kevin Richardson & his lions

LoveLions Offline

Post anything about Kevin Richardson and his lions.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Here is a video of him with Gandalf, Cussasa and Sibindie

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kevin Richardson: " Let’s go for a walk with Vayetse, Livy and Ginny!  There is something to be said for the peace and quiet that the world is experiencing right now, and I’d love for you to experience that with me. So find a quiet spot, pour yourself a drink and let’s walk. "

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kevin Richardson: " ON! So all the lions start roaring and Unathi starts responding but figures there’s more amplification if he roars into the tree! He may be onto something as it did sound louder. Meanwhile Icarus gets stage fright when I try to film his performance. ??‍♂️ But all in all a minute of lions roaring is music to my ears! DYK that a lion’s roar can be heard up to 8km away on a still night. A lion’s roar is around 114 dB which is almost as loud as a turbo fan aircraft at takeoff power at 200ft! ?. No wonder I’m going deaf! "

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kevin Richardson: " I haven’t see this photo in ages. I got sent it by a friend and it put a smile on my face. I hope it puts one on yours and sends a burst of endorphins through your body. The lion in the picture was the late Thor. He was struck dead by lightening on the same evening Nelson Mandela passed away. His favourite thing was for me to put my finger deep in his ear and wiggle it around. It made him into a 200kg puppy. Have a scroll back to December 2013 in my instagram feed and read about how uncanny this whole event was. "

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kevin Richardson: " As autumn starts to establish itself in South Africa we are enjoying lovely cool mornings, which as you can see, give Bobcat and Gabby a full tank of gas. As usual, Bobcat does his best to ignore me at the start of our walk, but is happy to include me once he’s gotten all the exploration out of his system. "

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kevin Richardson: " Neige just being Neige and having fun playing in the water. Every now and again there’s a lion that bucks the trend and actually enjoys being in and around water. "

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kevin Richardson: " Once again, Neige and Thor having a go over a piece of meat. Once again, Neige, who is always so meek and mild, does a 180 when it comes to food. She simply will not give up and all Thor can do is lick the already bare bone. It’s really quite something to witness her dogged determination when it comes to competition for food. I think we can all take a leaf out of Neige’s book at times and stand up for what we really believe in or want, despite the criticism, backlash or hardships faced as a result. "

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kevin Richardson: " An ethereal photograph of Vayetse as his eyes lock on to something. I won’t reveal what as I think it’s best left up to your imagination. I love still photography due to its ability to capture moments in time like this and slow everything down. It makes you stop and fill in the blanks, the moments before and the moments after. It speaks to the soul and encourages the brain to run away with itself. This moment taken on video just wouldn’t be the same. Hope it speaks to you too. Let me know in the comments ??what it says to you. Thanks to @marlondutoit for enabling me to capture this image. "

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kevin Richardson: " At this time of the year, when the grass is wheat colour, you distinctly notice how well camouflaged lions are with their surroundings. Hunting at first or last light, (known as being crepuscular) their colour affords them a significant advantage over their prey. If unsuccessful (which is often the case, as they’re only successful one in five attempts) they’ll continue to try and hunt throughout the night. "

Deep respect for this man whose life is fabulous...
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kevin Richardson: " When a lion focuses on something that it wants there is very little that can distract its attention until it’s got it. This sounds like a motivational quote and it probably should because if we focused more on the end goal and less on the distractions and detractors we would be a lot more productive and successful. "

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kevin Richardson: " Do not mess with the girls or you’ll get a bitch slap! Thor quickly got a clear message that sniffing private parts is not going to tolerated around these parts. "

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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

Personally, I find Kevin Richardson to be dangerous. I believe he thinks he has more control over these animals than he actually does. A woman has already been killed on his reserve, and in a video one of his males had honed in on a female reporter once, causing Richardson to slap it on the nose while telling the driver to get her out of there. Thing is, when he slapped that lion, the lion did not react at all to it, showing that if that lion had wanted to attack her, nothing Richardson could have done to stop it.

I truly hope this doesn't end in even more people being hurt, but the warning signs are certainly there.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

I love Richardson! He shows he truly has the love and best interest for these animals. He will not breed them. He took the ones he has in care years ago to help thenlm and thats it. He said he learned his lessen after the reported sparked an interest in the lion and won't let any outsider in again. Things happen and he is aware and I think our of every lion handler he is most cut for the task. Awesome guy!
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator
( This post was last modified: 08-28-2020, 10:34 PM by BA0701 )

(08-28-2020, 05:23 AM)BigLion39 Wrote: I love Richardson! He shows he truly has the love and best interest for these animals. He will not breed them. He took the ones he has in care years ago to help thenlm and thats it. He said he learned his lessen after the reported sparked an interest in the lion and won't let any outsider in again. Things happen and he is aware and I think our of every lion handler he is most cut for the task. Awesome guy!

**EDIT** After having reread my original reply to Biglion39, I feel it came across in a tone other than I had originally intended. So, I am going to, hopefully, rephrase it so that it better represents my original meaning. 

I figured, given Kevin Richardson's large YT following, that he had many here who are counted amongst those ranks. In many of the videos of I have seen on him and his reserve, it is clear that he cares very much for the animals in his care, and my original comments were not an indictment of him in that regard, or of him as a person as I simply do not know him in that way to have an opinion on that. I simply believe that things have happened at his reserve that could have been avoided, one that ended in tragedy and one that almost did. 

@BigLion39 I am not sure if the incident you are referring to is the one in this video, or a different one, but the incident in this video was one of the two I mentioned in my OP. Admittedly, there may be details surrounding Kevin and his reserve that I have not been privy to, but I can simply say that I hope that no harm ever comes to any people or to the lions in his care which otherwise could have been avoided.

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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

Yeah I know of 2 reportes that came close to being lunch (possibly) and then one , if I remember  correctly, female employee was killed, rather rescently too. 
Anything can  happen  so let's just hope nothing bad happens!
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