Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Printable Version +- WildFact ( +-- Forum: Information Section ( +--- Forum: Captive & Domesticated Animals ( +--- Thread: Captive Lion and Tiger weights (/topic-captive-lion-and-tiger-weights) |
RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Pckts - 12-07-2016 Agreed @ba ba lu I still believe in my "Bengal" theory for certain trainers, but over all, I'm sure many tigers from most parts of India made their way to the states. RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Kingtheropod - 02-24-2017 Ira the Lion will have a Birthday Party America’s Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College will be celebrating Ira the Lion’s 3rd birthday, this Saturday on Feb. 4th. The event will start at 1:00 p.m. Ira will open his gifts, children can make crafts, and cake will be shared. Tickets to the event will be $8.00 for adults, $6.00 for children and seniors, and kids under two get in for free. According to Martha Rodriguez, a keeper at the zoo, last year Ira had a Mohawk mane and only weighed 320 lbs. Currently, Ira weighs 380 lbs. and has a full lion’s mane, a far cry from his previous birthday.” “He’s been growing ever since he got here,” Martha said, “He’ll probably stop growing in six to eight months.” *This image is copyright of its original author During the “Cake and Crown” event, children will be able to make crowns to wear while enjoying cake too. While Ira may be the main attraction, the Zoo holds many other exotic animals that can be seen nearly every week. The Zoo is regularly open to the general public from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends excluding holidays. Last year, Ira’s was presented with furs of various animals for him to roll around in. When it comes to presents for this year, Martha’s confident he’ll be pleased. “He enjoys anything in a box.” She said. “So, for his birthday it makes it pretty easy.” "Ira, then a 9-month-old African lion cub plays in his pen at the Moorpark College Exotic Animal Zoo. Today he is 3-years-old and has a full lions mane. " RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Kingtheropod - 02-24-2017 Tiger (Mascot) TOM, TOM II and TOM III weighed... -TOM I "The first Tiger, TOM, was procured by the Highland Hundred Football Boosters in 1972 and served the U of M faithfully for nearly 20 years until passing away in February of 1992. TOM came to the University on November 9, 1972, when the tiger cub was placed in a dog kennel in Michigan City, Indiana, and put on a Memphis-bound flight via Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. He arrived in Memphis at 3 a.m., and C. Cleveland Drennon, President of the Highland Hundred, approved a check for $1,500 to purchase the animal. That morning, TOM was taken to Athletic Director Billy 'Spook' Murphy's office for a press conference. The Highland Hundred officially presented TOM to the University in a ceremony at Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium on November 11, 1972, during a football game against the University of Cincinnati. TOM had initially been named 'Shane' at the suggestion of the breeder's daughter. Once in Memphis, though, a contest was held to name the mascot. More than 2,500 entries were submitted to a committee chaired by Judge Harry Pierotti, including colorful monikers like Spook, Sampson, Goliath, Bengo, Sultan, Sahib, Big Cat, Ptah, Touchdown, Sonny Shiloh, and even Bengie Wougie Bengal Boy from Tennessee. The list was ultimately reduced to two choices, Shane, and TOM, which stands for Tigers Of Memphis. TOM won. During his first few months in Memphis, TOM was housed by Highland Hundred member Bill Proctor in his garage, which the club had redecorated, and was closely guarded by Proctor's hound dog. TOM would ultimately reside at the Memphis Zoo under the care of trainer Louie Bell, where he was known as one of the zoo's most popular attractions. TOM grew to be the largest Bengal Tiger documented in captivity at that time, weighing over 600 pounds. As TOM grew older, the decision was made by the Highland Hundred to keep the Tiger Tradition alive by securing a new tiger to be raised as TOM II." *This image is copyright of its original author -TOM II "In the fall of 1991, Highland Hundred President Ray Daniels and President-Elect Bobby Wharton received TOM II as a gift from Tom and Carolyn Atchison of Florence, Alabama. The little Tiger had been born on July 11 of that year, and, as TOM had been, he was presented by the Highland Hundred to the University in a ceremony at Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium on November 16, 1991, during a Football game against the University of Alabama. TOM II has spent his life housed and cared for in private facilities provided and maintained by the Highland Hundred Tiger Guard. After a few months spent living in the home of William 'Nickie' Nixon, TOM moved to a custom-designed Tiger House constructed by the Highland Hundred at St. Nick's Farm and Zoological Park in the Memphis suburb of Collierville. With a price tag of over $300,000, raised entirely by the Tiger Guard, the habitat was widely regarded as the finest private facility in the nation, surpassing that of many zoos. In this comfortable home, TOM II matured into a magnificent animal weighing more than 500 pounds. TOM II occupied the Collierville facility happily for nearly 14 years, but growth and development in the Collierville area eventually reached St. Nick's Farm, and a move to a new Tiger House became necessary. In the summer of 2005, the Tiger Guard, led by Bobby Wharton, began construction of a new habitat in a rural area just south of Memphis on land offered by long-time Tiger Fans Jeff and Mary Kuntz. The new facility was designed as a virtual copy of the original facility but includes many upgrades that improve TOM's comfort and safety. With two swimming pools, a dedicated water well, a climate controlled den box, a veterinary facility, and multiple redundant security features, the new Tiger House mimics the original Collierville facility as one of the nation's finest. Built with the future in mind, this habitat will house not only TOM II, but future Tiger mascots as well. As one of only two Universities in America with a live Tiger mascot, The University of Memphis is unique in its Tiger Tradition. As a project of the Highland Hundred, no public or University funds are used to provide for TOM's needs, and no University resources are required in his care. TOM is a powerful symbol of The University of Memphis, and the Tiger Guard is committed to keeping the Tiger Tradition alive for generations to come. TOM II was recently diagnosed with cancer during an annual medical examination, and passed away on October 15, 2008, at the age of 17. He outlived all four of his siblings by a number of years, a testament to the level of care and love he received. He also far exceeded the life expectancy of a male tiger. "We had a very close relationship with TOM," said Bobby Wharton. "Once it became evident that his quality of life would begin to suffer, and after consulting with our veterinary team, it became obvious that the right thing to do would be to allow him to pass on with dignity and without pain and suffering." Wharton added that is was among the toughest decisions he has ever had to make. TOM II will be cremated, as was the original TOM in 1992. The University of Memphis Athletic Department has already made arrangements for a permanent exhibit to honor all previous and future TOMs in the new Athletic Hall of Fame, which will begin construction this fall at the corner of Southern and Normal. The Tiger Guard is already making arrangements to secure a new Tiger to serve as TOM III. "The Tiger project is an important tradition and source of pride for The University of Memphis family dating back over 35 years, and we will honor the memory of TOM II by keeping the tradition alive," said Tiger Guard member Scott Forman, who will take over as the project chairman for TOM III. "It's part of what makes our University unique". " *This image is copyright of its original author -TOM III "Shortly after TOM II's death, the Tiger Guard began the search for a new tiger to serve as TOM III, and a stroke of good luck was realized in a discussion with the Wisconsin Big Cat Rescue & Educational Center in Rock Springs, WI. After an unexpected pregnancy at their facility, founders Jeff Kozlowski and Jenny Meyer were faced with three new cubs born August 31, 2008. They graciously offered to donate one of their young tigers to serve as TOM III. On October 23 Bobby Wharton, Jeff Kuntz, and Scott Forman, who took over as Tiger Guard Chairman for TOM III, flew to Wisconsin to view Kozlowski's USDA-licensed facility and meet the seven-week-old cub. TOM III flew home to Memphis that afternoon and now receives close attention and loving care in his private facility. TOM III was introduced at a press conference on November 17, 2008, and the Tiger Guard presented him to the University on November 22 during a football game against the University of Central Florida. All three TOM's have been presented at November Football games. TOM III has grown to weigh 450 pounds, a magnificent size worthy of the University he symbolizes. Under the care of the Tiger Guard, who is licensed and regularly scrutinized by State and Federal regulatory agencies, Tiger fans can take pride in the fact that TOM III receives a level of care unsurpassed by any private facility in the nation." *This image is copyright of its original author RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Kingtheropod - 02-25-2017 Hodonin Zoo reports: The world has come a rare tiger twins *This image is copyright of its original author Czech republic zoo (Hodonin Zoo) tiger named Igor weighs 220 kg. (Translated from Czech) In Hodonin Zoo came in the last days of the world rare tiger cubs ussurijskeho. Návštěvníci je uvidí v expozici od čtvrtečního rána. Visitors will see them in the exhibition from Thursday morning. Pro zoo v Hodoníně je odchov velký úspěch, řekl její ředitel Martin Krug. For zoo in Hodonin rearing is a big success, said its director Martin Krug. Naposledy se v ní dvojčata tygrů narodila před 14 lety. The last time the Tigers her twins were born 14 years ago. Mláďata se podle něj mají čile k světu. According to him, the chicks are doing well. Od posledního odchovu chovatelům dlouho nepřálo štěstí. Since last long rearing breeders were unlucky. Až do roku 2008 měla zoo tygřici Sumi, která žila společně se svým synem Amurem. Up until 2008 the zoo tigress Sumi, who lived together with his son Amur. Nepodařilo se jí zajistit partnera. Failed to ensure partner. Když Sumi uhynula a Amur se vrátil ke svému majiteli, zoo tehdy náhradou získala osmiletého samce Timura. When Sumi died, and Amur returned to its owner, then substitute the zoo received an eight male Timur. Ten však kvůli tomu, že v jeho těle částečně kolovala krev tygra sumaterského, byl vyřazen z chovu. He, however, because his body partially pumped blood Sumatran tiger, was retired from breeding. Situace se změnila až v prosinci roku 2012 příchodem tehdy pětileté Raji z německé zoo v Hoyerswerdy, za níž o tři měsíce později z francouzského Zooparku v Amnéville přicestoval tehdy tříletý tygr Igor. The situation changed in December 2012 when the advent of the five-Raji German zoo in Hoyerswerda, for which three months later from the French Amnéville Zoo Park in time to stay at a three-year tiger Igor. Jejich dva tygříci se od narození mají k světu a dobře přibývají na váze. Their two tigers from birth to the world and have a good gain weight. "Matka Raja se svými kluky leží v porodním boxu, odkud je všechny tři můžeme neustále sledovat a kontrolovat, a pečlivě se o ně stará. Těší nás, že jde o přirozený odchov, do něhož nemusíme zasahovat," řekl chovatel Martin Dubšík. "Mother Raja and his boys lying in a delivery box, where all three can continuously monitor and control, and carefully cares for them. We are pleased that it is a natural breeding in which we do not interfere," said breeder Martin Dubšík. Tygr ussurijský, jehož má Zoo Hodonín ve svém logu, dnes žije na východě Ruska, v blízkosti řeky Ussuri, a v menší míře také v Číně. Siberian tiger, which has Hodonin Zoo in its logo, now lives in the East of Russia, near the river Ussuri, and to a lesser extent, also in China. Odhaduje se, že se jich v přírodě vyskytuje kolem 500, v zajetí pak tisíc. It is estimated that there naturally occurs around 500 thousand, in captivity; It is the largest feline; can weigh up to 300 kilograms. Hodonin Igor weighs about 220 kilograms. *This same amur tiger was also confirmed by Amnon242. He also made reference to a tiger named Paris, which was also 220 kg. RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Pckts - 03-07-2017 *This image is copyright of its original author Luke, Han, Ali and Ilanga are the Male Lions in the Big Pride, they're around 3 Years old Atzlan is a Tigress and sister to Alcyone, They're both about 6 months younger than the Male lions Here is the siblings Aztlan and Alcyone with Ilanga *This image is copyright of its original author and them with Ilanga and Ali *This image is copyright of its original author Kaleb is a Male Tiger who was rescued, he's around 3 and he lives Brittney, a female tiger. Brittney used to live with Lao Tzu but he wasn't receptive to her and became aggressive. Kiara and Dolano both are lioness around the same age as the males and live in the big pride as well, Tierra is a tigress around the same age as the other lions and lives in the big pride with Michael, the Black Jaguar. Votan is an adult male lion rescued from the circus, same as lotus. Mat zu, Kal El and Cielo are all Jaguars, around the same age as Aztlan and Acyone Sonny and Gorakh are male lions around 1 year, Khloe is a Tigress around the same age and achilles is the youngest in the pride, Known as the "blue pride" He was unable to walk, his legs were paralyzed and his spine was articulated. He is a miracle story and shows the true power of love. The largest Cats that I know of at the BJWT are a white Lion named Miki who came with his dog best friend, Miki is huge, slightly overweight but huge none the less and the 5 largest cats I asked Vanessa, the BJWT vet said for her the 5 largest were as follows "for me the biggest five could be Toro, Dexter, Lao-Tzu, Enzo and Basho" Enzo and Basho are white tiger brothers, same age as the Lions in the big pride, they actually used to be in the big pride with them but were to aggressive. Toro, Dexter and La-Tzu are normal colored tigers who were rescues, I don't know their exact age. So it's safe to say that these 5 plus Miki are over 250kg at least. Now that he has a scale we'll be able to get more weights, hopefully he can weigh the rest of them soon and post them. RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Kingtheropod - 03-07-2017 The mane event: Lion's checkup draws crowd at OKC Zoo *This image is copyright of its original author Hubert the lion drew a crowd Monday morning at the Oklahoma City Zoo's Joan Kirkpatrick Animal Hospital, and all he had to do was lie there. The African lion's once-every-three-years wellness checkup included a blood draw, X-rays and a dental exam. While the 370-pound lion snoozed his way through the 90-minute procedure, dozens of kids and their parents jammed the hospital's public gallery to watch. Thomas Cherry brought his 9-year-old daughter. Having visited the hospital when nothing was happening, he jumped at the chance to check out the new facility in full use. “I thought how great it would be to see it when there was something going on,” he said of the hospital, which opened in the fall. “It's really a neat experience. My daughter is excited to be here. How often do you get to see something like this?” Plans for the $9 million hospital envisioned days like this. Kids stared down from an overhead gallery into the glass-walled examination room. Adults got a close-up view of the procedure on monitors mounted on the gallery walls. When Hubert's tongue plopped out of his mouth during his dental exam, some in the crowd giggled. You might also be interested in... Show more The zoo has performed some big procedures before. A bison was the first super-size patient, but this was the first wellness exam actively promoted by the zoo. Updates of scheduled procedures are often tweeted or posted on the zoo's Facebook page. “I saw that it was going to be happening on Facebook, and I thought 'I'm going to be one of those people pressed up against the glass watching,' ” Heather Nye said. “I love that they have an observation deck so people can watch what they're doing.” Keepers darted Hubert with anesthetic drugs in his habitat about an hour before the procedure. Once he was unconscious, staff picked up the lion and carried him to a van that drove him to the hospital. Once there, he was fully anesthetized with gas. During the exam, tartar was scraped off his teeth before they were polished and X-rayed. “Carnivores are very reliant on their teeth,” curator of carnivores Darcy Henthorn said. “If a lion is getting older, they can adapt their diet to their teeth. We may not want to give an older animal a lot of bone because they may not have the dentition to deal with that anymore. As a 4-year-old, he should have good teeth, and he does.” The exam is designed to get a comprehensive picture of Hubert's health. In addition to blood draws and an eye exam, there was fecal test and X-rays of his paws and joints. "If you can imagine yourself going in for a physical, they go from top to bottom," Henthorn said. "We can get a really good snapshot of his health." Hubert will receive another wellness exam in three years. After the procedure, he was taken back to the lion habitat, where he woke up on his own and in privacy about two hours after the exam. He will rejoin female lions Tia and Bridgette when ready, Henthorn said. RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Betty - 04-18-2017 (03-07-2017, 01:24 AM)Pckts Wrote:What is the source of the last photo? Can you post link? Thank you. RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Pckts - 04-18-2017 (04-18-2017, 06:54 PM)Betty Wrote:(03-07-2017, 01:24 AM)Pckts Wrote:What is the source of the last photo? Can you post link? Thank you. It's on his Instagram page and his facebook page. RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Betty - 04-18-2017 (04-18-2017, 08:45 PM)Pckts Wrote:(04-18-2017, 06:54 PM)Betty Wrote:(03-07-2017, 01:24 AM)Pckts Wrote:What is the source of the last photo? Can you post link? Thank you. Thank you, just found it. RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Betty - 04-19-2017 Male lion weight 128.75 kg, body height 109 cm, Chest girth 101cm, tail length 95 cm. *This image is copyright of its original author 11 years old Male African lion weight 136 kg, body length 115 cm, tail length 77 cm, body height 67 cm, Chest girth 109 cm. *This image is copyright of its original author The Male Siberia tiger to come from in Heilongjiang Province Greater Khingan Range, aged 20 years,It weighs 123 kg (net weight after bloodletting),body height 107 cm,body length 133 cm (from the point of the shoulder to the ischial tuberosity),Chest girth 105 cm. *This image is copyright of its original author The two lions in front are measured by the same group of people. RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Kingtheropod - 04-22-2017 Those cats are very underweight. I can maybe understand the 20 year old male tiger, but the 11 year old male lion at 136 kg? I would like to see a picture of them if possible. RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Kingtheropod - 04-22-2017 Sunway Wildlife unveils majestic white tigers *This image is copyright of its original author Two white tigers, Samson and Asha, were unveiled ... Weighing about 220 kilograms and stretching out to three metres in length RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Betty - 05-05-2017 2.5-year-old female lion weight 88kg, body length 155cm, Sub-adult male lion Weight more than 110kg, less than 120kg. *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author
RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Betty - 05-05-2017 Hirakawa zoological park. lioness Weight 107kg. *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author 2-year-old female tiger weight 120kg, 24-year-old female polar bear weighs 220kg. *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author
RE: Captive Lion and Tiger weights - Betty - 05-05-2017 Nogeyama Zoo. Male lion weighs 150kg. *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author *This image is copyright of its original author