Lions of Manyeleti - Printable Version

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RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 12-08-2020

(12-08-2020, 02:28 AM)Hairy tummy Wrote: From my understanding the old avoca/giraffe males were huge chunky lions so maybe they sired him,after Hearing today about how large he is. Scorro wasn't to big was he?

Skorro was a big specimen,But not as the Avoca/Giraffe males were.
The Avoca/Giraffe males were one of the biggest lions around Manyeleti

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 12-08-2020

(12-07-2020, 10:22 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(12-07-2020, 09:54 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: The Red Road Male Returns | On the Beat in the Manyeleti # 136
A real treat for Male Lion lovers. Dark mane Avoca, the young Mbiri Males and the Red Road male RETURNS!

Holy how big is RRM??

He said that he is bigger then Orpen males, who are not small males.. 

And then he said after he found DM Avoca, that RRM is definitely bigger then him, bigger body and head size,and DM has massive head and body himself.. 

RRM must be one of the biggest males in Kruger...

Also no word of Buddy, im affraid he wont last long alone, especially without a pride..

The Red road male it's an absolutely tank! He's the biggest male around Manyeleti.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Potato - 12-08-2020

Tintswalo rangers already around 1 or 1 and half years ago in one of their raports described Red Road male as the largest lion seen in the region in a while so it is not that much suprising that he is still believed largest lion around. He must be huge if he is clearly larger than DM Avoca and Junior Nkuchuma which are big boys themselfs. I am acctually a bit suprised that guide said he is clearly larger than those two. I though DM is Junior should be somewhere really close to RRM in terms of body size.

What it comes back to question of who sired him then I always thought RRM's face structure look similar to Mohawhk and Blondie Northern Avocas and especially smaller maned Southern Avoca, but I guess we will never really know if he was sired by Skorro males or old Avoca males.

"From my understanding the old avoca/giraffe males were huge chunky lions so maybe they sired him,after Hearing today about how large he is. Scorro wasn't to big was he"

Tintswalo rangers put it straight forward saying that Avoca/Giraffes were much larger than Thanda Impis. Overall they very often called Avoca/Giraffes in their blogs massive, huge or gigantic so they were clearly very impressed with their body size. I am actually very curious how RRM would look in comparison to Avoca/Giraffes or Hairry Belly and Nduna Matimbas.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Potato - 12-08-2020

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 12-08-2020

The magnificent Red road male in all his glory at Manyeleti Game Reserve, Kruger National Park.
July 2020
Image credits: Neil Jennings

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 12-08-2020

The Red road male with Skorro Thanda Impi a few years ago on Ngala Private Game Reserve
Image credits: Renzo Gaudenzi
Ngala-KNP,posted  12/11/2014

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Potato - 12-08-2020

(12-08-2020, 06:18 AM)TinoArmando Wrote: The Red road male with Skorro Thanda Impi a few years ago on Ngala Private Game Reserve
Image credits: Renzo Gaudenzi
Ngala-KNP,posted  12/11/2014

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Some on fecebook group claims that old Avocas mated with Birmingham female back in 2013 as well. I do not now myself if that is the true.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Potato - 12-08-2020

BTw intresting comment from the Tintswalo guide Neil Jennings at facebook group yet regarding size of male lions in the arena. On the question "Do you think Red Road male could be as large or oven larger than old Avoca males and Hairry Belly and Nduna (Iduna as in old Tintswalo raports, oldes male of the coalition) Matimbas?" He replied: " I only saw old avoca in their final 2 years so didn’t see them in their prime. Hairy belly for me was one of the biggest lions Iv ever seen when he was in his prime. Leeubron males were also huge"

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 12-08-2020

Junior in the Northern Manyeleti on March 26, 2017. 
photo credit: Christof Schoeman

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 12-08-2020

Junior (back) and Buddy
photo credit: Bob Jacob
June 2019

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tr1x24 - 12-08-2020

(12-08-2020, 02:28 AM)Hairy tummy Wrote: From my understanding the old avoca/giraffe males were huge chunky lions so maybe they sired him,after Hearing today about how large he is. Scorro wasn't to big was he?

As we discussed this before, exactly about this topic.. Genes from fathers are not all, by that logic S. and N. Avocas would be biggest lions around, but they are pretty average (except DM, S. Avocas are bulky but i dont think they are that big) , as they are also sired by Old Avoca/Giraffes, and its not like Scorro was some small lion, they only said that he was not as big as Avoca/Giraffes.. 

If I remember correctly, when Red Road/Birmingham lionesses came in Manyeleti, their rangers stated that they are biggest lionesses they seen, so thats a factor too..

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Hairy tummy - 12-08-2020

Yep, true

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 12-09-2020

(12-08-2020, 09:23 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(12-08-2020, 02:28 AM)Hairy tummy Wrote: From my understanding the old avoca/giraffe males were huge chunky lions so maybe they sired him,after Hearing today about how large he is. Scorro wasn't to big was he?

As we discussed this before, exactly about this topic.. Genes from fathers are not all, by that logic S. and N. Avocas would be biggest lions around, but they are pretty average (except DM, S. Avocas are bulky but i dont think they are that big) , as they are also sired by Old Avoca/Giraffes, and its not like Scorro was some small lion, they only said that he was not as big as Avoca/Giraffes.. 

If I remember correctly, when Red Road/Birmingham lionesses came in Manyeleti, their rangers stated that they are biggest lionesses they seen, so thats a factor too..

Well said. The bloodline depends from both sides, As much  as the lionesses and the males. For example, The old Giraffe males and the Birmingham females were very huge and bulky specimens. 
Then, The majority of their bloodline should be big as them. Example, The Birmingham young male. He's very big and bulk for his young age

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - sundarbans - 12-09-2020

There is always a lot of mention of the Avoca/Giraffe males in these threads. And they seem to have been a successful coalition with many of their offspring going on to breed successfully. Can anyone give me more details about the coalition? How many were they? When and where did they reign? And why are they called "Avoca/Giraffe"? Are any of them alive?

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 12-09-2020

(12-08-2020, 02:11 PM)Potato Wrote:
(12-08-2020, 06:18 AM)TinoArmando Wrote: The Red road male with Skorro Thanda Impi a few years ago on Ngala Private Game Reserve
Image credits: Renzo Gaudenzi
Ngala-KNP,posted  12/11/2014

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Some on fecebook group claims that old Avocas mated with Birmingham female back in 2013 as well. I do not now myself if that is the true.
Do you know what they have said exactly? 
I just ask, Because I've seen some pics of the old Giraffe males on Ngala. But the rangers never have specified that they were with the Birmingham pride... 
Now, There are a lot of sightings of Skorro in 2013 and 2014 with the Birmingham pride and their cubs.