Feedback on new forum structure - Printable Version

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Feedback on new forum structure - sanjay - 07-14-2015

The Global mods of the forum are working hard to make the forum more engaging and entertaining in terms of content and information. We are trying to increase the forum popularity and hence decided to cover the new emerging and some left market(segments) of wildlife industry.
We would love to hear your suggestion and feedback on this.

From All Mods
You can apply on this thread to become Moderator of any particular section. Read the post number 3 at below to know the details.
Just make a post and tell about it




RE: Feedback on new forum structure - peter - 07-15-2015


We are considering adding a few mods. Not global mods, but mods responsible for a section. Suggestions can be posted here. If someone wants the job, post here.

RE: Feedback on new forum structure - sanjay - 07-15-2015

Clearing peter statement a little more -
We are going to add new mods for different section of the forum. Below is the criteria for this
  1. You must be an active members, Please do not disappear for long time before telling other moderators
  2. You can chose your section according to your interest and knowledge, Please keep in mind you will be responsible for keeping your section alive and interesting by posting good content and engaging your contributors and posters
  3. You need to make sure you thread and topic are good and can generate public interest.
  4. You need to post your thread and topic links from wildfact to the different social media website like facebook, twitter, other animal forum, So that you can attract lot of views on your thread and topic
  5. We will have review policy for your work on 3 months basis, If you are not active or not doing something to make your section healthy and engaging. You will be removed by someone else who are more qualify and willing to the mod job
  6. You can also suggest different ways to make forum more engaging and interesting by talking with global mods.
  7. Though you need to take permission with global moderators for banning any members from your section.
  8. If your hard work bring the quality, views and signup in forum, You may become global moderator of this forum and possibly you can be paid if website grow real big

These are some basic criteria that we are looking for. We need those who are honest, mature and hardworking


RE: Feedback on new forum structure - Tshokwane - 07-17-2015

Well, I'd be honored to help you, guys. I think it's a great forum, with so much info posted that it takes time to read all of it(at least it happens to me when I read about tigers).
I'm not very resourceful, but I do try to be aware of diferent wildlife and game reserve blogs for new information, and also what is posted in facebook in diferent groups and and photography pages.
At least now that's what I'm limited to, but you know how I write and try to make it readable, even with my language limitations.

RE: Feedback on new forum structure - sanjay - 07-17-2015

@"Majingilane", Thank you for it. We are going to make you Moderator of Lion section

You are now, moderator of lion section, Do best to make it best section on wildlfact forum. All the best
Anyone else interested in any section ?

RE: Feedback on new forum structure - peter - 07-17-2015

Could you move post 3 to the new moderation section when you return, Sanjay?

RE: Feedback on new forum structure - sanjay - 08-06-2015

Guys, I have made the necessary changes.
Many things changes and are now look according to modern days website. Though I agree you will feel little discomfort but, I am here to help you.
Just ping me, I will help you.

Note: this is major update of the forum software

RE: Feedback on new forum structure - Pckts - 08-06-2015

Great Job!
I really enjoy the new site,
Well done everyone.