Lions of Manyeleti - Printable Version

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RE: Lions of Manyeleti - lionuk - 10-02-2021

(10-02-2021, 01:51 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: More time passes without him being seen, less likely he survived..
Yes, that's what I feared. I'm very concerned about him and his young pride. Let's hope we will hear something very soon, tho.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - lionuk - 10-02-2021

It's nerve-wracking not to know how RRM is doing. I'm very worried about him.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Mdz123 - 10-02-2021

I really hope he is doing well, fingers crossed for him, but in case he does lose control of Nharu pride, Tintwalos will defeinetely take them over, as there is no competition for them.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - lionuk - 10-02-2021

Update: Vestment Mfumo Machavi messaged me and he said he had tried to find RRM today and he was nowhere to be found.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tr1x24 - 10-02-2021

(10-02-2021, 06:30 PM)lionuk Wrote: Update: Vestment Mfumo Machavi messaged me and he said he had tried to find RRM today and he was nowhere to be found

Did they located Nharu pride?

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - lionuk - 10-03-2021

Imbali male

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - lionuk - 10-03-2021

(10-02-2021, 06:48 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Did they located Nharu pride?
That's a good question. He didn't say anything about Nharu Pride, but I have sent him a message about it and hopefully to get a reply very soon.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Mdz123 - 10-03-2021

I Cant imagine Imbali male trying to take over the Nharus as well, just in case RRM does lose control of the pride

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Duco Ndona - 10-03-2021

That a pride no longer resides in the territory of a dominant male does not mean they are instantly taken over. Especially if there are cubs to protect, they can resist a take over on their own.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tr1x24 - 10-03-2021

(10-03-2021, 01:12 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: That a pride no longer resides in the territory of a dominant male does not mean they are instantly taken over. Especially if there are cubs to protect, they can resist a take over on their own.

Yea, Mhangenis are good example of that. 

For such a large prides, they can easily fight of 1 or possibly even 2 adult males to protect their cubs, 3 or more males is different story.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Mdz123 - 10-03-2021

(10-03-2021, 01:12 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: That a pride no longer resides in the territory of a dominant male does not mean they are instantly taken over. Especially if there are cubs to protect, they can resist a take over on their own.

Another good example was the Southern Pride, when the Kruger males took over the lionesses fought hard to keep all cubs alive. They had a huge number advantage (10+ lionesses vs 2 males), so the Kruger males eventually gave up and raised the cubs as their own, although they were sired by Toulon males.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tonpa - 10-03-2021

~In the comment section of a picture of a Lambile, Bhambo Safaris said Red Road is fine 

" target="_blank" class="post_link">

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 10-03-2021

(10-03-2021, 10:29 AM)Tonpa Wrote: ~In the comment section of a picture of a Lambile, Bhambo Safaris said Red Road is fine 

" target="_blank" class="post_link">

I fixed the link @Tonpa BTW, Thank you for the update. Greatly appreciated

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - BigLion39 - 10-03-2021

Thats a relief to know, thank you!

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Hairy tummy - 10-03-2021

Is it confirmed rrm is ok? If so brilliant news, he must of put up some fight against 2 lions