Lions of Manyeleti - Printable Version

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RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Gijima - 04-13-2021

(04-13-2021, 03:55 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(04-13-2021, 02:39 AM)Gijima Wrote: That Mbiri cub doesn’t look like it’s going to make it. Also... whose cubs would they be if Mbiri lionesses are denning now? Juniors cubs should be two months old by now. If a lioness is still denning she definitely didn’t conceive in November. Or am I getting my dates mixed up?

Cubs are usually in the den for atleast 1-2 months before introduced to the pride, and lioness is pregnant for atleast 3 months.. So if theres cubs they they are prob from Orpens still..

But are we sure that Mbiri lionesses are denning? I think its only a speculation from the rangers because they dont see them around..

We didn't see whole 6 Mbiri lionesses in ages it feels like, since Orpens passed away, atleast what i know..

I wonder if the older Mbiri lionesses (the mothers) see their sons being dominant and are like heck no.. and just try to avoid them now? The sisters have a bond with their brothers but the mothers I'm sure are not interested in being ruled by their sons unless the situation gets desperate for them.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tr1x24 - 04-13-2021

(04-13-2021, 07:14 AM)Gijima Wrote: I wonder if the older Mbiri lionesses (the mothers) see their sons being dominant and are like heck no.. and just try to avoid them now? The sisters have a bond with their brothers but the mothers I'm sure are not interested in being ruled by their sons unless the situation gets desperate for them.

Might be the case.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 04-14-2021

The Tintswalo males with the Mbiri pride two days ago between the 2 Orpen Gates.
Photos by: Michelle Storm

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Potato - 04-14-2021

Guide confirms that the fight which was in the previous vidoe was indeed of Nharu males vs Snip Tail Mbiri. Now there another Mbiri male takes his turn at mating.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Potato - 04-16-2021

Imbali March update

Most of our guests will know this pride as the Imbali Pride, which used to consist of 4 adult females and their offspring. The pride now has a male lion with them and his new offspring, which he actually looks after a majority of the time when he is not patrolling. One night, under the cover of faded light, they managed to pull down a wildebeest on Predator Plains. The females took centre stage with the cubs feeding hungrily and contrary to what the “norm” would be for male lions where they always eat first – the new male walked onto the scene and lay day down a short distance away while the other ate. Even when he did start eating, he allowed the rest to eat with him. He loves playing with the youngsters and very seldom will you find him growling or reprimanding them in the form of a snarl or large paw.

The Hamiltons Pride is still doing well with a couple of the females with new cubs again. Unfortunately, they are still keeping the cubs pretty well hidden by taking advantage of the dense vegetation. The male is looking old and thin each time we see him—he generally lies a distance away from the females whenever they are together.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tonpa - 04-16-2021

Whats the name of the Hamilton pride male?

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tr1x24 - 04-17-2021

(04-16-2021, 11:55 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Whats the name of the Hamilton pride male?

Quite confusing info.. 

Hamilton pride is separated in 2 gruops, 1 gruop is controled by 2 s125/nwaswitsotso males and other further north by ex Hamiltons pride male (this male is quite young so they prob talking about 1 of the other 2, who are older).

Also, what are they talking about with new male with Imbali pride, Imbali male is with that pride for almost 2 years and as far as I know he didn't lost it.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tonpa - 04-18-2021

Any idea when the last sighting of the oldest Birmingham Breakaway male was, did he go back north after coming into Manyeleti?

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tr1x24 - 04-18-2021

(04-18-2021, 06:47 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Any idea when the last sighting of the oldest Birmingham Breakaway male was, did he go back north after coming into Manyeleti?

He was seen recently around Shindzela, west of Ngala.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 04-18-2021

(04-18-2021, 06:47 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Any idea when the last sighting of the oldest Birmingham Breakaway male was, did he go back north after coming into Manyeleti?

He was last seen on Shindzela and around Makanyi lodge in the last two weeks. The young Birmingham male and the white lions also were there

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tonpa - 04-18-2021

"The names we have decided to give them are:
Lambile (Skinny), Mchile (Shot Tail), and Mandevu (Big Mane)."

Did the 4th die?

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 04-18-2021

(04-18-2021, 08:10 PM)Tonpa Wrote:

"The names we have decided to give them are:
Lambile (Skinny), Mchile (Shot Tail), and Mandevu (Big Mane)."

Did the 4th die?
Really good names! The 4th male wasn't seen on a few weeks, so, could be, who knows

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tr1x24 - 04-18-2021

(04-18-2021, 08:10 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Did the 4th die?

Other lionesses from Mbiri pride also where not seen, so he might be with them..

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tonpa - 04-21-2021

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Gijima - 04-22-2021

Throwback picture labeled as Silver Eye Talamati and Ndhuna Matimba. No pic credit: 

*This image is copyright of its original author