Lions of Manyeleti - Printable Version

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RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 10-14-2021

(10-14-2021, 04:14 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Is it know if he's still within his usual territory?

Pungwe is 11km away from Tintswalo Safari Lodge. Red road male was seen a couple of times in Pungwe, so. I guess, It's part of his normal territory.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - lionuk - 10-14-2021

Latest update from Tintswalo Safari Lodge:

A word from Alistair...
We know how much all of our followers love the Red Road Male, we do too and we do care about him! We also understand the frustration of not having any substantial feedback on his well-being.
Please bear in mind that we do live in a wild environment in the Greater Kruger region, the Manyeleti Nature reserve, and that’s what makes our videos so incredible. We need our followers to understand that we can’t interfere with nature, so even though we do have the Red Road Male that may be injured, we cannot interfere as it is nature taking its course and that is why we have created these videos for you to understand and see what is currently happening within the Manyeleti. We are so fortunate to be able to be spectators to this via our Virtual Safaris as it helps grow our knowledge on how things work in our wild environment.
The Tintswalo Males have grown up around our lodge, even at times beneath our lodge decks and they are very close to our hearts. We’ve lived with these males for so long and a male lion like Red Road lives by the sword and dies by the sword. We however need to ask the question “How did Red Road get to the position where he is?” He had to have killed lions or taken over from other lions to take over the Nharu pride. So we also need to understand that the Tintswalo males are growing, they are growing in dominance, they are growing in stature and they want to expand their territory so they are going to be looking for the easiest access to another territory. And the easiest access to another territory is Red Road instead of going north to the Mbiri Males.
So please understand that we do care about Red Road. Please be patient with us as we collect more video footage for you and we will definitely keep you updated as soon as we have any more information for you. The only time we would ever intervene with an injured animal is if this injury was caused as a result of any human interaction. We cannot interfere with what nature has written for the animals of our incredible reserve. This is up to her and not us.
*picture used is Alistair's favourite picture of the Red Road Male. It is not a recent picture.

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - lionuk - 10-14-2021

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - lionuk - 10-14-2021

Seeing these adorable cubs playing is a highlight for me. I'm happy to see them doing well and healthy.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Duco Ndona - 10-15-2021

Its rather sad that the lodge felt forced by social media to make such a statement to be honest.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tr1x24 - 10-15-2021

(10-15-2021, 12:03 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Its rather sad that the lodge felt forced by social media to make such a statement to be honest.

Well obiviously a lot of people are asking for update on RRM, dont think anything is wrong with that, ofc people need to understand that they cant intervene in this situation. 

I think its good that Tintswalo clarify that they dont know current status of RRM and will keep us update when they get new info.

Looks like RRM moved quite far from that area, as he was spotted at Pungwe, which is near Gowrie Gate and border with northern Sabi Sands (Buffelshoek), which gives me hope in his recovery, as that is around 7-8 km from where the fight happened, so he is definitely capable of moving. 

Latest what we know from Pungwe is that RRM has some nasty cuts on his back legs (no info if he is limping or has trouble walking) and that they will track him and give further updates, so we need to wait for that and hope he doesnt get caught by other lions while injured.

Obiviously he is keeping low profile, as he is injured, so finding him is definitely not easy and thats prob the reason why he was spotted so little since the fight.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Duco Ndona - 10-15-2021

Things have gotten quite toxic on social media lately with all sort of crazy conspiracy theories and accusations thrown towards the lodges.. Far beyond just being curious about their favourite lion  

People need to accept that they are watching wildlife and not a zoo.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tonpa - 10-15-2021

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tonpa - 10-17-2021

the new Mbiri cubs 

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 10-17-2021

(10-17-2021, 12:31 AM)Tonpa Wrote: the new Mbiri cubs 

These are Mbiri males cubs? As far I remember, one of the Ross males was also seen mating with one of the Mbiri females. But just a one or twice times. By which probably the lioness hasn't conceived since wasn't a long mating period as should be.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tr1x24 - 10-17-2021

(10-17-2021, 04:25 AM)Timbavati Wrote: These are Mbiri males cubs? As far I remember, one of the Ross males was also seen mating with one of the Mbiri females. But just a one or twice times. By which probably the lioness hasn't conceived since wasn't a long mating period as should be.

Either Tintswalos or Mbiris, i guess we wont know for sure.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Tonpa - 10-17-2021

title aside, Red Road is looking great. A limp on one of his back legs, but he's putting weight on it, looks promising.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Potato - 10-17-2021

(10-17-2021, 08:05 PM)Tonpa Wrote:

title aside, Red Road is looking great. A limp on one of his back legs, but he's putting weight on it, looks promising.
It looks like females did not realised it is Red Road and though it is one of the Tintswalo males. Intresting behaviour. Same I believe was when 3 Nharhu males robbed Myambula pride from a zebra kill. Then Mbiris chassed off Nharhus and when they returned to the kill and pride, Myambula female (or females, I do not remember exactly) greeted kindly Ziz Zak and lashed at Shaka as if she though it was in fact one of the Nharhu males.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - T I N O - 10-17-2021

It was just matter of time before the Red road male was sighted. He move at least 11 KM from Tintswalo Safari Lodge when he was seen at Pungwe,  which means he was able to walk  normally. He lost a bit of muscle on his right back leg and he has a slighty limp on on it. I hope the current slight limp won't become on a permanent limp as happened with Skorokoro, the Nharhu male.

RE: Lions of Manyeleti - Duco Ndona - 10-17-2021

A sober reminder that male lions are not part of a pride in the same way a lioness or cub is. 
They use them for their strength. But once they die, or grown unable to do their part, they wont shed a tear over them and move on. 

Red Road Mane will have to convince them that he is still able to fight or hunt for them if he wants to be accepted in. But that they are not chasing him of is a good sign.
Male exiles are common, but nearly always short lived. So its not something to be too worried about.

They know its him.
If it was an actual outsider, the reaction would be far more drastic with most of the pride fleeing or some attacking him as a distraction. This was far more relaxed
They know he wasn't a danger, but also didnt want him near.