Avoca Male Lions and Their Male Lineage - Printable Version

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RE: Avoca male lions - lionuk - 11-02-2021

Morning comes and Dark Mane gets another drink and then does what he does best- takes a nap!

RE: Avoca male lions - lionuk - 11-02-2021

Great closeup pictures of Dark mane
31st  October
Photo credit: Cowden Wildlife Photographer

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RE: Avoca male lions - Potato - 11-03-2021

Mala Mala September:


The third constant 'split' of the pride is the two lionesses that are spending the bulk of their time in the area of Marthly and around MalaMala Camp. They continue to spend time with the Northern Avoca males, and like last month, they were mating with these two males again this month. These two lionesses and the two Northern Avoca males had an impala kill east of Elephant Rock Lookout on the 10th. The two lionesses stole an impala kill from the Piccadilly female and her cub on the 16th, west of Bicycle Crossing.


The three lionesses and their seven cubs made up the bulk of the sightings of this pride for the month as they are frequently spending time in northern Eyrefield, mainly between the Mlowathi River and the old borehole in Eyrefield. These pride members were seen in ten of the 14 sightings and had the Northern Avoca males for company in three of the sightings. They had a zebra foal kill north of Senegal Bush on the 17th . Three of the other sightings were of two lionesses and five sub-adults. They were southwest of Matshapiri Dam on the 20th. On the 23rd and 24th, they were seen, well-fed, at Matshapiri Dam. In all likelihood, they'd made a buffalo kill over the night of the 20th as a herd had been in the area the previous day. A sub-adult male was alone on the 24th, northwest of the old borehole in Eyrefield. 


The Northern Avoca males were viewed 15 times this month. Eight of the sightings were of both males together. The remaining seven sightings featured only one of the two from this coalition. On the 9th, both males were just south of Mlowathi Pans. On the 10 th, the two males were seen east of Elephant Rock, sharing an impala kill with two lionesses from the Kambula Pride. From there, the four lions moved west and were at Marthly Crossing the following day. On the 12th, only one male was with the two lionesses from the Kambula pride around Rhino pens. Both males were with a lioness from the Kambula pride on the 14th south of Kigelia crossing. Overnight the males split up, and one male was observed mating with a Kambula lioness at Elephant Rock while his brother had moved north and was with members of the Nkuhuma pride east of Mlowathi Dam. One of the males was at Mlowathi Springs on the 16th. Both males were together on the 17th, north of Campbell Koppies. The two males linked up with two lionesses from the Kambula pride just east of Mlowathi Pans, where they were seen mating on the 18th. Three separate sightings were had between the 18th and the 29th , each showcasing only one of the two members. On the final day of the month, both males were seen north of Stwise. 


Sightings of the Sand River pride have become more regular in the southern parts of MalaMala Game Reserve. Historically their territory has been along the Sand River, into the Kruger National Park. Occasionally they were seen on Toulon and the Southern parts of Charleston. In the last year, they have settled down along the Sand River between KK Crossing and Charleston Rock and are the most commonly seen pride of lions in the south. On the 11th, three adult lionesses and three of the oldest cubs were on Toulon. The four lionesses and the four older cubs were at Flat Rocks on the 14th. Three of the lionesses and the four cubs were at Flat Rocks on the 17th. The four lionesses from this pride were west of Rocky Crossing on the 27th. One lioness and the four youngest cubs were on Charleston Rock on the 28th . 


The two sightings of these two males were on the 10th and 11th when they were around Rocky Crossing and the lower reaches of the Tjellahanga River.

RE: Avoca male lions - lionuk - 11-04-2021

Dark Mane is looking quite regal this morning!  He is with two of the Talamati Lioness. They all look like they ate something last night.  Dark Mane does have some signs of old injuries with some scarring. The guide also noted that under his mane there is a wound - she speculates this could have happened in the recent Buffalo hunt/ meal.  He is a magnificent and resilient King!

RE: Avoca male lions - lionuk - 11-05-2021

1/2 South Avoca males

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RE: Avoca male lions - lionuk - 11-05-2021

2/2 Southern Avoca males on patrol

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Avoca male lions - Mdz123 - 11-05-2021

Northern Avoca male
Credits: Daniel Anthony

People are saying this is Dark Mane but it is Blondie according to Tr1x24

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RE: Avoca male lions - Tr1x24 - 11-05-2021

(11-05-2021, 07:56 PM)Mdz123 Wrote: Northern Avoca male

People saying Dark Mane in comments, but mane is not that black



RE: Avoca male lions - T I N O - 11-05-2021

(11-05-2021, 07:56 PM)Mdz123 Wrote: Northern Avoca male
Credits: Daniel Anthony

People are saying this is Dark Mane but it is Blondie according to Tr1x24

" target="_blank" class="post_link">

I've fixed your link my friend. It's Blondie

RE: Avoca male lions - criollo2mil - 11-05-2021

(11-05-2021, 07:56 PM)Mdz123 Wrote: People are saying this is Dark Mane but it is Blondie according to Tr1x24

Definitely Blondie.  Same injury he’s been nursing since late July after his clash with Tinyo.

RE: Avoca male lions - Thierry - 11-05-2021

(11-05-2021, 08:25 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: Definitely Blondie.  Same injury he’s been nursing since late July after his clash with Tinyo.

Yes, still limping

RE: Avoca male lions - Potato - 11-06-2021

Throwback to old Avoca males, fathers of all ruling in Sabi Sands Avocas.

#1 also refered to as Brutus

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RE: Avoca male lions - WildLeonis - 11-06-2021

Hi everyone! Hello  I’ve lurked here for quite a while. I always enjoy keeping up with the Avocas and the discussions about them. Delurking to say as many have said DM looks exactly like Brutus. I’ve not seen much discussion about which Old Avoca fathered the Southern Avocas, but I think it’s obvious it’s Old Avoca #2. The S. Avocas look exactly like him right down to the eye that’s smaller than the other.

RE: Avoca male lions - T I N O - 11-06-2021

(11-06-2021, 06:20 AM)WildLeonis Wrote: Hi everyone! Hello  I’ve lurked here for quite a while. I always enjoy keeping up with the Avocas and the discussions about them. Delurking to say as many have said DM looks exactly like Brutus. I’ve not seen much discussion about which Old Avoca fathered the Southern Avocas, but I think it’s obvious it’s Old Avoca #2. The S. Avocas look exactly like him right down to the eye that’s smaller than the other.

Good observation my friend. The fuller-maned Southern Avoca male resemblances a lot to the old Avoca male #2. Spot on.

RE: Avoca male lions - Potato - 11-06-2021

Some more shots of Old Avoca #2. I wouldn't say that Dark Mane Avoca is definitelly Brutus son. I would say you can see as much of a resemblance of him to Brutus as to #2 Old Avoca (particulary in those wide cheekbones and kinda triangular face structure).

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