Avoca Male Lions and Their Male Lineage - Printable Version

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RE: Avoca male lions - Potato - 03-25-2021

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RE: Avoca male lions - Tonpa - 03-26-2021

Mohawk mating with a Kambula lioness yesterday
Photo by Pravir Patel

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Avoca male lions - Potato - 03-26-2021

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Avoca male lions - titose - 03-27-2021

Avoca male lion close encounter
Sabi Sands
By Africa Journey Nature Experience

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Avoca male lions - titose - 03-28-2021

A beautiful male of the northern Avoca coalition known as "Blondie" in his prime, currently in a great physical condition!
#SabiSandGR #Avocamale 
By Africa Journey Nature Experience

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Avoca male lions - Hairy tummy - 03-29-2021

I remember a few reports saying blondie was looking skinny, great to see him doing well

RE: Avoca male lions - Tonpa - 03-29-2021

Presumably Blondie and Mohawk on Djuma, must be so close to their brother
Photo by syncexcursions
Edit: oops, 2018 photo, reposted today

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Avoca male lions - Tr1x24 - 03-29-2021

Blondie vs Mohawk, December 2020 :

RE: Avoca male lions - titose - 03-29-2021

(03-29-2021, 07:38 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Blondie vs Mohawk, December 2020 :

Many people think that in the hierarchy between the Northern Avoca males "Mohawk" is number one, when in the few videos of them in confrontation, "Blondie" is always or all the videos I have seen is dominant over Mohawk!

RE: Avoca male lions - Gijima - 03-29-2021

I agree @titose. I'm not even convinced Mohawk was dominate over Dark Mane... the most recent interaction doesn't count since they were split up for so long. Mohawk is very aggressive with outsiders and even the females but when it comes to his brothers it was always Blondie and DM putting him in his place. We don't see everything in the wild though so who knows if there are interactions we missed where Mohawk is the dominant one.

RE: Avoca male lions - Tr1x24 - 03-29-2021

(03-29-2021, 09:31 PM)titose Wrote: Many people think that in the hierarchy between the Northern Avoca males "Mohawk" is number one, when in the few videos of them in confrontation, "Blondie" is always or all the videos I have seen is dominant over Mohawk

Its well known (before this video) that Blondie is the dominant/stronger one of the 2, he always has 1st mating rights between them.. But Mohawk has more agressive character, seen by his behavior on many footages of him on a kills, vs young males and lionesses..

They are in a way similar to Nhenha (bigger/stronger) and Tinyo (agressive) ..

@Gijima pre injury/split DM was the most dominant/strongest one, but now its impossible to tell,we have only that footage of him vs Mohawk, in which Mohawk clearly dominated him, but they are split for too long and dont hang out so i dont think we can speak of any hierarchy there as a trio..

RE: Avoca male lions - Potato - 03-29-2021

I believe it is as initially was when they first took over:

I believe even with his injury DM will be able to out intimidate and dominate his brothers in mating rights (btw I recently seen some wild earh wide in which guide was talking about DM's injury and said that even with that injury dominated his brothers for mating right over some Nkuchuma lionesses). I also believe that Mohawk's reputation of being particularly aggressive is much overrated. Also as long as both Blondie and Mohawk are in good condition I do not see any reason why dominance between them would be any different than it was when they took over in 2018.

RE: Avoca male lions - Tr1x24 - 03-29-2021

(03-29-2021, 10:43 PM)Potato Wrote: I also believe that Mohawk's reputation of being particularly aggressive is much overrated

He is not particulary agressive, but he is more agressive then Blondie thats for sure, we already had discussion about that in the past..

RE: Avoca male lions - Potato - 03-29-2021

(03-29-2021, 10:57 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: He is not particulary agressive, but he is more agressive then Blondie thats for sure
That is statement I disagree with. That is why I said "much overrated" insteed of just "overrated".

(03-29-2021, 10:57 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: we already had discussion about that in the past
Yup, but since someone started that discussion again, I shared my personal view on this think.

RE: Avoca male lions - Potato - 03-29-2021

Avoca male lion. Lions have excellent night vision. They are 6 times more sensitive to light than humans. This gives them a distinct advantage over some prey species when hunting at night.

*This image is copyright of its original author