The Birmingham Males - Printable Version

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RE: The Birmingham Males - Wild Warrior - 09-01-2017

Tinyo trying to be ladies man....

RE: The Birmingham Males - vinodkumarn - 09-03-2017

Nkuhuma Lioness & Birmingham Boy- Djuma Private Game Reserve
At Close Quarters - Safari Specialists, Villiers Steyn - 2 Sept 2017
Our guests arrived at Djuma yesterday afternoon and, after a light lunch and briefing, headed into the bush. We photographed some rhinos and other general game before we found a Birmingham male lion and an Nkuhuma female lioness busy mating. The female had clearly given the male a smack as he was bleeding from the mouth and his face was covered in blood. We photographed the two lions during their courtship which was interesting to witness. It was not easy photographically as the female was giving the male the runaround and every time we positioned the vehicles, the lions moved.

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Birmingham Males - vinodkumarn - 09-03-2017

Birmingham Nsuku - Nkorho Bush Lodge - 1 & 2 Sept 2017
At Close Quarters - Safari Specialists, Joshua McPhail & Villiers Steyn
1 Sept 2017
On our way back to camp we bumped into male lion, completing our sighting of the big five in one drive. He crossed the boundary and we headed home, on the way we found a small flapped-neck chameleon, expertly spotted by Guide Chene.

2 Sept 2017
This morning, our final drive was very exciting. We found some hyenas active close to the lodge and the bush braai site, sniffing about. We made our way west and heard a lion calling softly. We though it was a female. We then found some drag marks and followed them into the block. There we found a male lion who had stolen an impala kill, presumably from a leopard. He was gnawing on the scraps and suddenly began roaring. He roared gut wrenchingly next to us. This was a first for all of our guests. A stunning way to end this trip. The golden light was fantastic.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Birmingham Males - vinodkumarn - 09-06-2017

One of the gowrie male lions
I think Nhena (#2)

Credits: Andrew Dankwerts (Mala Mala GR)


RE: The Birmingham Males - stronghold - 09-06-2017

Not dissin or mocking Nhena and Nsuku. These guys faces are flawless for lions living in the wild. Girls probably love them too. Looks like they never got slap doing courting. They have barely have scars.I know Nhena had one recognizable scar in the face. Compare them
to Tinyo and Mfumo. these two are flawless plus they have better looking mane.

RE: The Birmingham Males - Abomai - 09-06-2017

(09-06-2017, 02:28 AM)vinodkumarn Wrote: One of the gowrie male lions
I think Nhena (#2)

Credits: Andrew Dankwerts (Mala Mala GR)
That's Nsuku. Nice picture.

RE: The Birmingham Males - vinodkumarn - 09-06-2017

(09-06-2017, 03:18 AM)stronghold Wrote: Not dissin or mocking Nhena and Nsuku. These guys faces are flawless for lions living in the wild. Girls probably love them too. Looks like they never got slap doing courting. They have barely have scars.I know Nhena had one recognizable scar in the face. Compare them
to Tinyo and Mfumo. these two are flawless plus they have better looking mane.

Also I think they are little passive.
They pushed out Matimbas and had a fight with Selatis while taking over. (Long back...may be more than 2 years ago)
Ever since they have not chased/killed anybody if I remember correctly. (Many coalitions passed through their territory.. Majis, HB recently)

I think Styx males got a beating and also one of the Tsalala males when they are very young. (1.5 years ago, when the Tsalala young male is barely 2.5 year old)

Even when they have numbers advantage they are chased by Majis, Matshapiris...

May be they are happy and contempt with current territory and prides!!

RE: The Birmingham Males - stronghold - 09-06-2017

They are doing pretty well. Big territory. Besides Nkuhuma and Styx cubs, I think Torchwood cubs are theirs too, not sure though. The only problem during their reign was the mange that wiped all the Styx cubs last year and white muscle disease that kill some Nkuhuma cubs.

RE: The Birmingham Males - Tshokwane - 09-09-2017

Credits to Trevor McCall-Peat - At Close Quarters, Safari Specialists.

Whilst driving around during the early afternoon heat we bumped into the Nkuhuma Pride with one of the Birmingham males who were passed out in the shade of a gwarri thicket, the Birmingham male was being irritated by some flies and provided us with some photographic opportunities, but before long went back into a deep sleep.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Birmingham Males - Chris - 09-10-2017

https://youtu.be/WqHNdDQ0ZB8 Here is the link of the young male cub that was bravely fighting his father Birmingham boy  and he took a swipe at his father. He probably has mapogo male mr.ts gene in him because he was the same way as a cub brave to their fathers.

RE: The Birmingham Males - stronghold - 09-10-2017

That cub didnt made it from the mange epidemic. I heard theres alot of males from that batch too.

RE: The Birmingham Males - vinodkumarn - 09-11-2017

Nkorho Bush Lodge:
Afternoon Drive:
9 September 2017.
-Saw one of the STYX lionesses and one of the BIRMINGHAM male lions. They were sleeping next to a nearby waterhole before going for a drink.

Morning Drive:
10 September 2017.
-Had a fantastic time with 3 of the BIRMINGHAM male lions and the STYX pride. They were all moving about and drinking on our neighboring property.

Photos by Arie Smit.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Birmingham Males - vinodkumarn - 09-11-2017

Birmingham Nhenha - Nkorho Bush Lodge - 13 Jul 2017
Image by Safraaz Suliman

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Birmingham Males - Wild Warrior - 09-12-2017

Look at the Birmingham Boys how massive and impressive they look. It's probably because of they are leading a happy life without having any skirmishes with another coalitions..

RE: The Birmingham Males - sik94 - 09-12-2017

They aren't that massive but all are decent sized lions except for tinyo. In this video nehna seems to be in front, nsuku behind, and mfumo to the right of nsuku. This video confirms that mfumo indeed is the biggest, then nhena, then nsuku, and tinyo is the smallest of the birminghams.