The Charleston Males and Their Male Lineage - Printable Version

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RE: The Charleston Males - Brahim - 10-22-2020

That’s good it’s what him and Mazino would always do. Teach him to fight

RE: The Charleston Males - T I N O - 10-22-2020

(10-22-2020, 11:07 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: That’s good it’s what him and Mazino would always do. Teach him to fight

The Charleston boys were one of the few duos that resembled the Mlowathi males. their aggressivity,dominance and power was awesome! The Fourways males weren't able to defeated them. Look how powerful they were once!
Big Boy is the last man standing!

RE: The Charleston Males - Tr1x24 - 10-22-2020

(10-22-2020, 11:03 PM)BA0701 Wrote: Sounds like another Notch type story is developing.

Its too early to tell, he might just oust the young male out of the pride, thats more likely to happen..

Father and son partnering usually happens when takeover happens, when both father and young males get ousted by other males, then they go nomadic and form a coalition..

But can we appreciate how massive territory Big Boy has as a lone male, he was seen with a lioness all the way at Numbi Gate just week or so ago, and now on s65:

*This image is copyright of its original author

And all north of that to the fences is pretty much his territory, except area close to Phabeni Gate, where Blondie Fourways male with 1 male was seen recently.. But thats massive territory, he prob controls multiple prides on that area..

RE: The Charleston Males - Brahim - 10-22-2020

Was thinking the same thing . He still holds the same as he did with Mazino

RE: The Charleston Males - T I N O - 10-22-2020

(10-22-2020, 11:03 PM)BA0701 Wrote:
(10-22-2020, 10:53 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: Big Boy Charleston male seen recently.
Male lion on the S65. He was seen with a lioness (seems like she is blind in the one eye) and a cub. They were later joined by a younger male after a series of roars and contact calling between the lioness and the young male, which I can only guess must be from a previous litter and this male is most probably the father. But this older male did not welcome the presence of the younger male and kept moving in between him and the lioness and at one stage got into a brief "scuffle" with one another
Image by: Dusty's Photography

*This image is copyright of its original author

Sounds like another Notch type story is developing.
let's hope so

RE: The Charleston Males - BA0701 - 10-22-2020

(10-22-2020, 11:29 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(10-22-2020, 11:03 PM)BA0701 Wrote: Sounds like another Notch type story is developing.

Its too early to tell, he might just oust the young male out of the pride, thats more likely to happen..

Father and son partnering usually happens when takeover happens, when both father and young males get ousted by other males, then they go nomadic and form a coalition..

But can we appreciate how massive territory Big Boy has as a lone male, he was seen with a lioness all the way at Numbi Gate just week or so ago, and now on s65:

*This image is copyright of its original author

And all north of that to the fences is pretty much his territory, except area close to Phabeni Gate, where Blondie Fourways male with 1 male was seen recently.. But thats massive territory, he prob controls multiple prides on that area..

Wow, that is incredible!

RE: The Charleston Males - T I N O - 10-22-2020

(10-22-2020, 11:29 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(10-22-2020, 11:03 PM)BA0701 Wrote: Sounds like another Notch type story is developing.

Its too early to tell, he might just oust the young male out of the pride, thats more likely to happen..

Father and son partnering usually happens when takeover happens, when both father and young males get ousted by other males, then they go nomadic and form a coalition..

But can we appreciate how massive territory Big Boy has as a lone male, he was seen with a lioness all the way at Numbi Gate just week or so ago, and now on s65:

*This image is copyright of its original author

And all north of that to the fences is pretty much his territory, except area close to Phabeni Gate, where Blondie Fourways male with 1 male was seen recently.. But thats massive territory, he prob controls multiple prides on that area..
That's a really big area for a lone dominant male... But the question is. For how many time he will dominates that area? He is getting older and his prime is passing quickly. A lot of young males can will wandering for his territory. Being a lone dominant male in now onwards he really has a hard work to do on a way.

RE: The Charleston Males - Tr1x24 - 10-22-2020

(10-22-2020, 11:37 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: That's a really big area for a lone dominant male... But the question is. For how many time he will dominates that area? He is getting older and his prime is passing quickly. A lot of young males can will wandering for his territory. Being a lone dominant male in now onwards he really has a hard work to do on a way

Good thing with such a large territory is that he can pretty much give up big portion off it if the rival males invade him, and he will still have enough territory for himself..

His territory looks to be big as almost half a Sabi Sands or atleast as whole MalaMala, now compare that to idk Othawa male territory who has prob 1/4 territory as Big Boy, and still operates fine with that territory.. 

So Big Boy doesnt need to have such a big territory, and if the invaders came, he still has a option to "shrink" his territory..

But knowing Big Boy he will prob fight hehe..

RE: The Charleston Males - T I N O - 10-23-2020

(10-22-2020, 11:56 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(10-22-2020, 11:37 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: That's a really big area for a lone dominant male... But the question is. For how many time he will dominates that area? He is getting older and his prime is passing quickly. A lot of young males can will wandering for his territory. Being a lone dominant male in now onwards he really has a hard work to do on a way

Good thing with such a large territory is that he can pretty much give up big portion off it if the rival males invade him, and he will still have enough territory for himself..

His territory looks to be big as almost half a Sabi Sands or atleast as whole MalaMala, now compare that to idk Othawa male territory who has prob 1/4 territory as Big Boy, and still operates fine with that territory.. 

So Big Boy doesnt need to have such a big territory, and if the invaders came, he still has a option to "shrink" his territory..

But knowing Big Boy he will prob fight hehe..

Exactly. Big Boy is dominant over a big area as whole MalaMala (that If I not mistake is around 16.000 HA the area that Gowrie males dominantes). 
I agree with you in the majority of the words. If nomadic males comes and try to dominates a portion of Big Boy territory. 
Big Boy could give a part of his territory as the Mbiri males did with the Nharhu males. But being a lone dominant male controlling a vast area means a lot of hard work. If he patrols the half the  size of his territory that will give a few weeks of long patrols. During that long way he will can be found with another dominant males on the area.
he isn't anymore with Mazino. This means that he need to be submissive and not be involved on any kind of fight with another male lions.

RE: The Charleston Males - T I N O - 10-23-2020

Mazino of the Charleston boys after of be beating by his brother
(One of the Charleston brothers from the Southern Pride who came off slightly worse for wear after an argument with his brother)
Image by: Sheldrickfalls
Image date back from: January 2017

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - T I N O - 10-27-2020

The Charleston male "Mazino" at KNP
Image by: Marcelle Byrnes

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - T I N O - 10-27-2020

The two massive Charleston males back in the day at Kruger National Park
Image by: Marcelle Byrnes

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - T I N O - 10-30-2020

Lioness seen with the Charleston male on the S65 during the first week in October 2020. Kruger National Park.
Image by: Dusty's Photography

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - T I N O - 11-03-2020

Lion cub seen with the Charleston male and lioness on S65 early October.
Kruger National Park

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Brahim - 11-05-2020

[attachment=4513][attachment=4512]Charleston Big boy! With his son and pride.
Pretoriuskop, KNP
Image credit: Markus Strahhaeusl