Leopard Predation Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Spalea - 02-22-2020

James Tyrell: " As you can tell, the grass was pretty long here, so the photographic potential was limited, but this is still one of the most heart-thumping, adrenalin-fueled sightings I’ve ever been in. A mating pair of leopards was moving slowly along a road when the male suddenly crouched low and quickly slunk into the bush up ahead. Seconds later the thicket he’d entered erupted into unholy squeals and bellows, with dust billowing and the grass thrashing about.

The leopard had hit a warthog piglet and broken its back, but he’d then been hammered by the mother defending her piglet, and he then leapt onto her back (seen in these photos).
Having been taken by surprise his haste to leap on the sow meant he couldn’t get a proper grip on her throat, and only managed to grab her by the back of the neck. She was still very much alive and squealing. The grass was so long that the only way to see anything was to be pretty close, so the dust kicked up by predator and prey was all around us!
After what seemed like ages but was probably less than a minute, the female leopard had moved in and put an end to the piglet’s squeals, and the male had subdued the sow to a point where she was exhausted and he was able to shift his grip to her throat and end her struggles once and for all. Wild. "

RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Styx38 - 02-23-2020

Leopard kills Wild Boar.

"Leopard vs Wild Boar – Yala National Park
Sub adult Leopard is hunting down a fully grown Wild Boar at Yala National Park Sri Lanka. An epic battle last for 15 minutes, finally Leopard managed to kill the Wild Boar

RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Pckts - 02-24-2020

RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Styx38 - 02-28-2020

Sub-adult Leopard or a Cub(?) killing a Spotted Deer.

RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Pckts - 03-02-2020

Marco Carniel 
Leopard making a kill on a young Wildebeest

RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Luipaard - 03-04-2020

@Pckts Very powerful male!

Here's a bold Sri Lankan leopard attempting to kill a water buffalo calf while the mother is present as well

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Rishi - 03-04-2020

Leopardess of Gir with her porcupine kill.
©Urmil Jhaveri
*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Styx38 - 03-10-2020

Leopard snatches Buffalo Calf from charging mother.

*This image is copyright of its original author

original video


RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Styx38 - 03-11-2020

There is photos and videos of Leopards with a killed Deer in India, as well as occasional videos of them dragging the kill.

However, this is one of the rare videos of a Leopard actually chasing and tackling a Spotted Deer.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Originally from this video.


RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Spalea - 03-17-2020

" My Life is Nothing but a Comedy. Comedy turns to tragedy as a monkey tries to outwit the Nkoveni young female in the upper branches of a Tamboti tree, but fails... "

RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Panthera10 - 03-25-2020

African leopard killed two african wild dogs.

The next morning we all drove out to a friend's game farm to spend the weekend. Shortly before arriving at the farm gate, we came across a fresh leopard kill of two wild dogs. One was still quivering and taking it's last few breaths of life. Colin got out of the truck to investigate but quickly got back in after seeing the leopard tracks. Wild dogs and leopards are competing predators and will often kill each other. This time the two wild dogs were no match for the leopard and the fight only lasted a few seconds.

*This image is copyright of its original author


RE: Leopard Predation Thread - BorneanTiger - 03-26-2020

Leopardess hunting a jackal pup. I thought that this was in India, because of the name of the uploader of the video, besides the people with him:

RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Rishi - 03-28-2020

RE: Leopard Predation Thread - AfricanLeo10 - 03-30-2020

Some impressive leopard predation feats

The Congo Basin is a region full of life, where several animal and plant species inhabit. The other places where gorillas dwell, like mountain and swamp forests, are not far behind regarding biodiversity. Gorillas share their habitat with animals such as the African forest buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus), African gray parrots (Psittacus erithacus), African forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis), Giant Forest Hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni) and leopards (Panthera pardus).
Leopards have the ability to kill an adult gorilla.
Leopards are big and smart felines that feed on meat from multiple animals.
In their habitat, they can find unsuspecting gorillas susceptible to becoming their food. Leopards are the only animals in their range that have the ability to kill an adult gorilla. It is not an easy task, since the largest primates in the world are unyielding and organized, therefore, at the first sign of threat they emit alarm calls to warn the group. The main advantage of felines is their ability to climb trees quickly and efficiently, which are the places where these primates build their nests.


Single black leopard killed 4 gorillas

*This image is copyright of its original author


Leopard killed an adult silverback but he died too

*This image is copyright of its original author


RE: Leopard Predation Thread - Styx38 - 04-01-2020

Leopard kills and eats Rhesus Macaque, according to the documentary.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vCb6cl0OIo