The Charleston Males and Their Male Lineage - Printable Version

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RE: The Charleston Males - Tr1x24 - 04-25-2020

(04-25-2020, 12:50 AM)Potato Wrote: A bit on a size of Charleston males from Mala Mala:

July 2012
The first sighting of these lions was along our southern boundary as they had some downtime on Flat Rocks. The second sighting took place on the last day of the month on Sibuye Drive in western Charleston. Only the two young males were viewed, in close proximity to a herd a buffalo. The next day all four members were seen together still in the same area, still within sight of the buffalo. All the members seem to be in good shape, and the young males are growing to the extent that their tracks can be easily mistaken for those of a full-grown adult. 

June 2014
There were six sightings of the Charleston Pride in June. They were seen as far north as the confluence of the Kapen and Sand Rivers. They were seen twice around Sibuye Drive and once in south-west Charleston. The young males are colossal for their age and seem to be always looking well fed. The lioness was reported to be mating last month and we wait to see if anything develops. They have an extensive territory and could be putting pressure on the Tjellahanga Pride to move further north. 

July 2014
There were seven confirmed sightings of the Charleston pride. They were most often seen around Sibuye drive. The pride were also seen on South-Western Charleston where they were seen feeding off a giraffe. One of the males were viewed fighting with a male from a neighbouring property at the giraffe carcass. The young males are massive for their age and always seem to be well fed.

That fight for giraffe carcass was Big Boy vs full grown Sand River male, Big Boy lost that fight due to inexperience, but he was already much bigger then him at only 3 yrs and 3 months old, which is quite impressive. 

Charlestons where remarkable lions.

RE: The Charleston Males - Mohawk4 - 04-26-2020

Sand River "Bent Spine" vs Charleston "Big Boy"
I m not sure but i think its the same lion that escape from Majingilane attack

RE: The Charleston Males - Hairy tummy - 04-26-2020

Good fight, did well for havin a 'bent spine'. Is he still around?

RE: The Charleston Males - Tr1x24 - 04-26-2020

(04-26-2020, 02:48 PM)Hairy tummy Wrote: Good fight, did well for havin a 'bent spine'. Is he still around?

No, dissapeared in 2016-17.

RE: The Charleston Males - Mohawk4 - 04-26-2020

Read post #60 from tr1x24

RE: The Charleston Males - Mohawk4 - 04-30-2020

If in this video is Mazino and Big Boy then KNP males are the fathers of Charlestons

RE: The Charleston Males - Potato - 04-30-2020

(04-30-2020, 08:54 PM)Mohawk4 Wrote: If in this video is Mazino and Big Boy then KNP males are the fathers of Charlestons

It is actually kind of sad watching this knowing what will happen couple of years later. Poor Freddy Sad

RE: The Charleston Males - Potato - 05-01-2020

Early 2014

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Potato - 05-14-2020

RE: The Charleston Males - T I N O - 05-31-2020

Hang-Tooth (Mazino) of the Charleston boys back in 2017 or so.
What a magnificent Male Lion. R.I.P!

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Spalea - 06-03-2020

Michael Laubscher: " King of darkness "

RE: The Charleston Males - Raj8143 - 06-03-2020

(05-31-2020, 09:00 AM)TinoArmando Wrote: Hang-Tooth (Mazino) of the Charleston boys back in 2017 or so.
What a magnificent Male Lion. R.I.P!

*This image is copyright of its original author

how did he die ? and what about his partner ?

RE: The Charleston Males - Potato - 06-04-2020

He was found by rangers with broken back and put down to cut suffering. Cause of that injury is unknown. His brother is alive, well and still dominant over some pride in KNP.

RE: The Charleston Males - Tr1x24 - 06-25-2020

Mazino :

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - sik94 - 06-27-2020

(06-04-2020, 12:25 AM)Potato Wrote: He was found by rangers with broken back and put down to cut suffering. Cause of that injury is unknown. His brother is alive, well and still dominant over some pride in KNP.

He was snared, poached. Don't know about the broken back.