Nkhulu males - Printable Version

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RE: Nkhulu males - lionuk - 06-30-2024

"Nkuhlu Male Lions giving it horns after chasing the Gijima Males out of their territory." 

I think it's Smudge nose male?

RE: Nkhulu males - Ngonya - 06-30-2024

(06-30-2024, 06:08 PM)lionuk Wrote: I think it's Smudge nose male?
yes thats him

RE: Nkhulu males - Ngonya - 06-30-2024

Theres atleast 3 Nkhulus in the video.

The one at the left of Smudge is likely Snip Tail due to his very dark coat.
The one in the back is 5th, for a split second you can see a portion of his mane, that looks blonde

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Nkhulu males - Ngonya - 06-30-2024

3 Nkhulu males in Kirkman's Kamp, by Melissa Osterwind

Snip Tail (#2) and Kinky/Crooked Tail (#5)

*This image is copyright of its original author


*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Smudge (#1) with a lioness (no location specified), by Grace Wright & Jack

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Nkhulu males - Ngonya - 06-30-2024

The Gijimas chasing 4 Nkhulus before they turned back and gave chase
Males in the video (in order of the front to back)
#5 - #1 (Smudge) - #3 - #2 ( Snip Tail)
and at last, Light maned Gijima

RE: Nkhulu males - Mapokser - 06-30-2024

DM Gijima was probably there behind his brother.

But if not, it's the greatest display of strength in a chase by a lion that I've ever seen.

It's probably even better than Kinky Tail chasing the Majingilane.

RE: Nkhulu males - adamstocks16 - 06-30-2024

Fair play to the Gijimas, by now they must be aware of the fact they’re massively outnumbered yet they have shown no sign of fear or weakness in what is now multiple chases/clashes with the Nkhulus. So far both sides have escaped without any casualties but I have a feeling this won’t be the case if these types of interactions continue.

RE: Nkhulu males - BA0701 - 07-01-2024

(06-30-2024, 11:22 PM)adamstocks16 Wrote: Fair play to the Gijimas, by now they must be aware of the fact they’re massively outnumbered yet they have shown no sign of fear or weakness in what is now multiple chases/clashes with the Nkhulus. So far both sides have escaped without any casualties but I have a feeling this won’t be the case if these types of interactions continue.

Hopefully it will end peacefully, before someone gets caught. Unless his brother is present, that Gijima male may well have had a big problem if he's managed to catch one.

RE: Nkhulu males - Mapokser - 07-01-2024

Theoretically the Gijimas would have decent chances to catch one of them in the clashes they win, because some of the Nkhulus limp and have health issues.

But so far, many clashes later, and nothing happened, I think because they're cautions when they get close, not trying to really catch anyone, just chase them off, otherwise in a fight if the Nkhulus help each other, it'd be over.

But with the nomadic Kambulas who aren't as much of a threat, the Gijimas go for the kill, reason they caught 2 Kambulas already despite not having as many clashes like with the Nkhulu.

But anyway, if the Nkhulu start pressuring the Gijimas, they'll have to go nomadic unless by a stroke of luck they manage to catch Nkhulu #1 or #2 and put an end to either of them. In this scenario, the death of their strongest member and 1/2 fully healthy brother may be enough to convince the Nkhulu to not try anything again.

Gijimas getting ousted now would be catastrophic, all cubs from Msuthu, Southern and possibly Styx pride would get killed.

Not only that, but if Gijimas remain in Sabi Sands they wouldn't want to live as nomads and would probably pretty quickly try to claim another territory ( similar to S.Matimba after BBBoys ousted them ), they could easily challenge any of the other duos, PCM, Ndhzenhas and Mantimahle, and potentially oust any of them.

RE: Nkhulu males - Ngonya - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 12:56 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Theoretically the Gijimas would have decent chances to catch one of them in the clashes they win, because some of the Nkhulus limp and have health issues.
It seems like the Gijimas either just want to chase, like u say, or maybe they dont get the opportunity to get hold of a single Nkhulu .
I am not sure if the brothers would just flee for their lives in case one of them gets attacked. In all of this recent altercations, Nkhulus showed atleast a little spark of reaction, roaring back or even chasing back, like in late December and now, late June.

Unlike Kambulas, that probably wont think twice before running for their lifes, after all, they are still nomads.
No wonder two of their members got injured by two different coalitions in two different territories in a matter of days / weeks.

Also, about their health issues.
Its quite uncanny how the two unhealthier brothers among these four are somewhat "faster" than their bigger / healthier bros  Laughing

*This image is copyright of its original author

All we can do is hope that no sides suffer losses, but its factual that things can get heated in the next months / year. 

Some lionesses of Sand River pride already gave birth to cubs (i believe two...) and according to '@moriarty_yi (IG)', one lioness of the Plains Camp pride gave birth to cubs recently, likely from Nkhulu.
According to last week witness, Nkhulu male ate a giraffe with Plains Camp Pride.

RE: Nkhulu males - adamstocks16 - 07-01-2024

Hopefully once the dust settles both sides go back to their respective territories without any further incidents. As @Mapokser says now would be a really bad time for anything to happen to the Gijimas or those prides. Overall the dynamics are quite interesting at the moment though with all the dominant coalitions consisting of duos. How long this will last remains to be seen if Kambulas finally realise their potential and claim the north whereas the Nkhulus become more prominent in the south. This would be bad news for the two Ndhzengas as inevitably these larger coalitions would at some stage look to expand and history shows this is usually towards central Sabi Sands around Londolozi. Obviously just speculation at the moment and who knows how things will develop over the next few months.

RE: Nkhulu males - Mapokser - 07-01-2024

@Ngonya Maybe Smudge and ST started behind, I find it difficult to believe they'd be slower, we can see how ST was running faster than anybody else.

As for catching a Nkhulu, there was a guy claiming on FB that the guide told him that LM Gijima briefly caught one of the Nkhulus before he managed to escape.

@adamstocks16 much of the south of MalaMala belongs to the Nkhulu, and the Gijima roam areas very close to where the Ndhzengas patrol, as we saw from the Panthera map. We also know how close Ndhzengas and PCM have been to each other, be it in Londolozi or the North, but somehow the Ndhzengas never manage to meet any other coalition, which is surprisingly tbh especially when they had multiple encounters with the BDM back in the day.

We saw Kambulas meeting Gijimas, PCM and BDM countless times, but never Ndhzengas, they never met adult Kambulas or any other coalition besides BDM, and it wasn't for lack of chance as we see them exploring areas outside their territory.

So far it may be due to luck that they don't encounter anyone else, but if Nkhulus were to oust Gijimas, they could very well become the next target, from either Nkhulu or Gijima now wanting a new area.

RE: Nkhulu males - Tr1x24 - 07-01-2024

(07-01-2024, 04:51 AM)Mapokser Wrote: We saw Kambulas meeting Gijimas, PCM and BDM countless times, but never Ndhzengas, they never met adult Kambulas or any other coalition besides BDM, and it wasn't for lack of chance as we see them exploring areas outside their territory.

Because Kambulas dont venture to their natal area for a while now, where Ndhzengas are, before in 2022 Ndhzengas chased young Kambulas numerous times, as they still hanged around their natal area.

 Since clashes with BDMs, Ndhzengas chased Mohawk and NK young males, NK/Skorro Breakaway together, Skorro Breakaway alone etc.

(07-01-2024, 04:51 AM)Mapokser Wrote: So far it may be due to luck that they don't encounter anyone else

Or it wasnt seen by anyone, again, we see only small portion of what is happening.

They prob meet with PCMs and Gijimas, atleast in roaring battles at night.

RE: Nkhulu males - Ttimemarti - 07-01-2024

I don’t think it’s luck that the nwaswitshaka males don’t run into any other lions they are in the middle of sabi sands if any other lion wanted too they could walk into central sabi sands from any direction but NOBODY has and i still think it’s because others may think it’s still 4 of them

RE: Nkhulu males - Mapokser - 07-01-2024

Nobody thinks there are 4 or even 3 of them, it doesn't take much time for other lions to realize their enemies are down to a certain number.