Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) - Printable Version

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RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Pantherinae - 11-10-2015

Spotted Hyena killing Topi antilope! Brutal 

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - brotherbear - 11-12-2015

On post #51, was that three adult female lions or young males? Perhaps a mature male on the scene might have made a difference.  

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Pantherinae - 11-12-2015

(11-12-2015, 06:03 PM)brotherbear Wrote: On post #51, was that three adult female lions or young males? Perhaps a mature male on the scene might have made a difference.  

Those are young males, and yes a mature male lion would have made a difference, hyenas will never mess with adult male lions!

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Pantherinae - 11-15-2015

we where talking about how a male lion effects a interaction between lions and hyenas in fights. here is a good example on just how much respect a male lion will have. arround 20+ adult hyenas fleeing when a male arrives.  

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - GuateGojira - 11-15-2015

Wow, incredible how all the hyenas fly away when the male lion reach the area. However, the pair of jackals don't even run away, but stay even in the presence of the male. Maybe they are very confident of they speed. They done the same with the group of hyenas.

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Pckts - 12-02-2015

Not a spotted Hyena but still cool to see in India

"Hyena & Nilgai

Velavadar, India"

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - makhulu - 12-10-2015

Male lion scares hyenas away, gets the hold on one hyena, but robust hyena escapes !

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Pckts - 12-10-2015

I wish those people would shut up but that is a great video.

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Spalea - 12-10-2015


People in front of the wild life are always very emotional, you know... "Oh my god, my god, my god... Beautiful  !"

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Spalea - 12-10-2015

@ Pckts:

People in front of the wild life are always very emotional, you know... "Oh my god, my god, my god... Beautiful  !"

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Pckts - 12-10-2015

I may of been harsh, who knows how I'd react if I got to witness the same thing!?

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Spalea - 12-10-2015

@Pckts :

Who knows indeed ? In front of wild life facts, perhaps we are like the first men having walked on Earth: in mute admiration and wonder. Because, because of our way of living, we have lost an essential link, bond, with the - wild, cruel, and beautiful - nature.

May be during these moments, we want to be alone, in order to speak, to share our impressions, after.

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Sully - 12-13-2015

After the Lions had eaten their fill it was the Spotted Hyenas opportunity to feed on the remains, this hyena took exception to the Vultures who had invited themselves a bit early to the feast #hyena   #safari   #masaimara   #photosafari   #andrewschoeman  

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - Sully - 12-13-2015


It's long, but well worth the read if you are interested in hyena diet and prey preference

RE: Spotted hyena ( crocuta crocuta) - makhulu - 12-13-2015

Found this story about smart hyena on dailymail.co.uk :)

A crafty hyena evaded a hungry lion - by hiding inside an elephant carcass.
The spotted hyena was feasting on the dead animal when seven male lions found the rotting animal.
As they approached it quickly went and hid in the belly cavity and managed to keep his cool as the big cats ate just inches away.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

But as they moved across the carcass he was eventually rumbled and decided to sprint out the animal.
The lion gave chase across the Mara Naboisho Conservancy in Kenya.

The photos were taken by wildlife conservationists and guides Stratton Hatfield, 23, and Britt Klaassen, 22, were watching as the drama unfolded.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author