Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - Printable Version

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RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - Spalea - 05-05-2021

(04-30-2021, 06:09 PM)LandSeaLion Wrote: Has anyone here ever seen a documentary called “Lions: Pride in Peril”? I remember watching it in 1996. It was narrated by David Attenborough, and followed the lives of a pride of lions (the Tokitoks) struggling to survive in the Ngorongoro Crater. It was a marvellous documentary, but unfortunately never made it to DVD. Sometimes I recognise footage from it cropping up in other documentaries, spliced into the narrative (particularly a short scene of two male lions, Hook and Ahab, fighting each other).

Indeed, I remember having seen this documentary, at the end of the 90s... Very interesting ! And tragic too... Tokitok pride, a lioness kiling the cubs of this pride before been chased by the other lionesses. A zebra hunting showing a big pregnant female zebra caught by a lioness. The almost "iconic" short fight between these two male lions we can see in numerous other documentaries about lions realized after. The nocturnal fight between the males belonging to two different prides. And after the night, the vision of the walking wounded males of one pride and the dying male of the other pride (the second one being dead during the fight). The Tokitok pride's death.

Yes, a very good documentary showing how hard the life of a pride of lions could be in the Ngorongoro Crater.

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - LandSeaLion - 05-06-2021

(05-05-2021, 09:57 AM)Spalea Wrote:
(04-30-2021, 06:09 PM)LandSeaLion Wrote: Has anyone here ever seen a documentary called “Lions: Pride in Peril”? I remember watching it in 1996. It was narrated by David Attenborough, and followed the lives of a pride of lions (the Tokitoks) struggling to survive in the Ngorongoro Crater. It was a marvellous documentary, but unfortunately never made it to DVD. Sometimes I recognise footage from it cropping up in other documentaries, spliced into the narrative (particularly a short scene of two male lions, Hook and Ahab, fighting each other).

Indeed, I remember having seen this documentary, at the end of the 90s... Very interesting ! And tragic too... Tokitok pride, a lioness kiling the cubs of this pride before been chased by the other lionesses. A zebra hunting showing a big pregnant female zebra caught by a lioness. The almost "iconic" short fight between these two male lions we can see in numerous other documentaries about lions realized after. The nocturnal fight between the males belonging to two different prides. And after the night, the vision of the walking wounded males of one pride and the dying male of the other pride (the second one being dead during the fight). The Tokitok pride's death.

Yes, a very good documentary showing how hard the life of a pride of lions could be in the Ngorongoro Crater.

Yep, that’s the one! Wedge the 15 year old lioness, Bounce and Teekay, the outcast cub-killing lioness Nimue, and the guardian males Hook and Ahab, who were killed by the four Munge males. It was very sad to watch their demise. The Munge quartet were a truly formidable group of lions...after killing the Tokitok males, they had control of five out of the six prides of the crater.

I’ve been searching for it online and I just found out that another version of it was released in America under the name “The Crater Lions.” It’s on the Internet Archive:


The narrator is different (George Page instead of David Attenborough...I preferred the latter to be honest), but otherwise it’s the same documentary as Pride in Peril, with a few extra scenes thrown in.

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - Mwarcaar - 05-06-2021

two adults males kick out young one, in the crater

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - BigLion39 - 05-08-2021

Wow that  young boy has heart for sure! Hope he makes it alone!

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - BA0701 - 05-08-2021

(05-06-2021, 01:54 PM)Mwarcaar Wrote: two adults males kick out young one, in the crater

Beaten perhaps, but not broken in the slightest.

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - Mwarcaar - 05-14-2021

Close encouter with ngorongoro lions

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - Cunaguaro - 05-20-2021

Charming view.

Amazing shot of one of the five Lake Quintet males watching his kingdom from the top of the hills at Ngorongoro Crater.

Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.
Photographer Credit
To follow & for prints: @kaulphoto

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - Mwarcaar - 05-21-2021

At 36m05s, we can see kalamas the great solitary  and nomadic lion with belly mane of the ngorongoro conservation area.
This documentary was shot in the mwiba reserve, west of ngorongoro conservation area. 
In this video it is said that kalamas is over 85 km from his last known position, that he weighs over 250 kg and that he is the largest lion in Tanzania

This documentary is in french

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - LandSeaLion - 05-21-2021

(05-21-2021, 02:32 PM)Mwarcaar Wrote: At 36m05s, we can see kalamas the great solitary  and nomadic lion with belly mane of the ngorongoro conservation area.
This documentary was shot in the mwiba reserve, west of ngorongoro conservation area. 
In this video it is said that kalamas is over 85 km from his last known position, that he weighs over 250 kg and that he is the largest lion in Tanzania

This documentary is in french

Which documentary is this? Unfortunately the uploader hasn’t made the video available for my country.

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - Thierry - 05-22-2021

(05-21-2021, 04:52 PM)LandSeaLion Wrote: Which documentary is this? Unfortunately the uploader hasn’t made the video available for my country.
It's a video from Arte, the german-french tv channel : "Tanzanie, vie et mort autour d'un point d'eau".

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - titose - 05-28-2021

A beautiful portrait of one of the two dominant Zebra kopjes pride males in the Namiri plains, what a beautiful are these golden boys!
#NamiriPlains #SerengetiNationaPark
By mohamed hassan/ moodieshots

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - Cunaguaro - 05-31-2021

A beautiful picture of a lion from Serengeti.
The king can see how attractive he is through his reflection from the waterhole.

Serengeti, Tanzania.
Photographer Credit
To add him on Facebook : Viktoras Dubinskas

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - Mwarcaar - 06-04-2021

serengeti lions

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - Cunaguaro - 06-05-2021

The Savage King Snyggve.

Always, It is not a good idea to provoke the king, for whatever the reason, the response will be painful.

Namiri Plains, Tanzania
Photographer Credit:
To follow & for print: @ananodeh_photography

RE: Lions of Tanzania (Serengeti, Ngorongoro and others) - BA0701 - 06-06-2021

(06-05-2021, 06:44 AM)Cunaguaro Wrote: The Savage King Snyggve.

Always, It is not a good idea to provoke the king, for whatever the reason, the response will be painful.

Namiri Plains, Tanzania
Photographer Credit:
To follow & for print: @ananodeh_photography

Absolutely incredible image!