The Charleston Males and Their Male Lineage - Printable Version

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RE: The Charleston Males - Tshokwane - 12-05-2016

Morals of the story for us men.

Assume women are going to be violent to you whenever, and for whatever reason they come up with, and they are going to blame it on you anyway, because they can get away with it and because you know we are the violent ones...

I have said it before, and I say it again. I don't understand why lions(and for that matter, men) put up with this BS, when it's clear they can end it with a single swat of their claws.

Male leopards do not accept this kind of behaviour, just ask Xiluva 2005...

RE: The Charleston Males - vinodkumarn - 12-05-2016

One of the Charleston males was seen to be by himself in the late hours of yesterday afternoon just before a large electric storm reached the reserve.

Credits: Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Gamiz - 12-06-2016

From Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
Seen on safari at Sabi Sabi… The two Charleston males were found moving through the reserve late in the afternoon looking for the females.

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Spalea - 12-06-2016


About #226: you point the behaviour differences between social animals (lions, men) and solitary animals (leopard). I would come to believe that some of theses clashs are necessary to reinforce the bonds between the members of the pride. Why do the passionate couples exist ? Does the passion exist only for men ? No, it doesn't, it seems.

Of course, it would be easy for the dominant male to swat the rebellion. But, by doing this, what would be the result ? Loneliness, return or trip back to the case "solitary animal"... I don't think the logic of the specy allows that. It would be counterproductive from a evolving point of view. Each belligerent is fully aware of what he brings for the pride "functioning". Otherwise he would shut up and it would not never be any warlike and angry exchanges..

Only an opinion.

RE: The Charleston Males - Tshokwane - 12-06-2016

(12-06-2016, 12:57 PM)Spalea Wrote: Of course, it would be easy for the dominant male to swat the rebellion. But, by doing this, what would be the result ? Loneliness, return or trip back to the case "solitary animal"... I don't think the logic of the specy allows that. It would be counterproductive from a evolving point of view.

Certainly, I see your point. 

But I didn't meant for the male to kill a lioness each time she attacks him, merely for him to put a stop to it, instead of holding back as we know this male is doing, because I don't think anyone here can argue the fact that Mazino is holding himself back against the lioness.

Also, the comments of the lady photographer reminded me of the one sided look this kind of interactions get.

I didn't write down each of the comments she put in the pics, but she often repeated this formula:

- He was the one in a bad mood.
- The lioness Mandleve was somewhat of a hero, a lioness "not to be mess with", as she put it.

It was like Mazino was the bad guy merely for telling one kid to behave , and that even as we know how patient he always is with the cubs, while on the other hand the lioness was the brave, you go girl standing up to the bad guy, when in fact she was being just a bully.

That's what I took from the whole exchange and the look she gave to it.

And one final point.

I loved the perplex look of Big Boy, the other lion. 

He was like: What the hell did I do wrong this time?  Lol

RE: The Charleston Males - brotherbear - 12-06-2016

So, if the mighty lion is standing alone on the African veldt, 20 miles from the nearest lioness, and he utters a sound - is he still wrong?

RE: The Charleston Males - Spalea - 12-06-2016


About #230: The lady photographer is perhaps not objective. I have often read some accounts relating violent clashs inside a pride of lions. Often they start with a quarrel between a female and a dominant male and after between several females and this dominant male. And often too, this last one seeming thinking that a solution isn't conceivable, out of frustration is going to vent with an/the  other dominant male.

Perhaps sometimes lionesses are able to be "bitchy females"... "The eternal feminity" !

RE: The Charleston Males - Tshokwane - 12-08-2016

(12-06-2016, 05:31 PM)brotherbear Wrote: So, if the mighty lion is standing alone on the African veldt, 20 miles from the nearest lioness, and he utters a sound - is he still wrong?

Jaja come on, don't give them ideas.

RE: The Charleston Males - Tshokwane - 12-08-2016

Credits to Thulani Guiding & Photography.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Ngala - 12-09-2016

From Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve:
"The Southern Pride, along with a Charleston male were polishing off what was left of their recent buffalo kill, while a fair distance away the larger male was seen to be searching for the female who has split off to den."

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Gamiz - 12-16-2016

Unbelievable lion sighting at kirkmans kamp, charlston male on the buffalo kill, avoca males also on buffalo kill and 3unknown males in the sand river. This is ayobaaaaaaaaa
Credits to Eckson Sithole 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Gamiz - 12-17-2016

From Latest Sightings 
Elize tinged these 2 big male lions this morning while on the S1 near skukuza while doing a tour with Bushbaby Adventures

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Ngala - 12-17-2016

From Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve:
"Last night we found the two Charleston males in search of the rest of the pride while we had a small down pour."

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Gamiz - 12-24-2016

Back to the bush today after being as lazy as this Male lion for the last 2 weeks!
Photo by: Photowildsa

andBeyond Travel Kirkman's Kamp

*This image is copyright of its original author

RE: The Charleston Males - Ngala - 12-24-2016

From Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve:
"After a lengthy tracking exercise, the two Charleston males were finally found again resting in a Tamboti thicket after a long night of moving throughout the property."

*This image is copyright of its original author