(06-15-2016, 06:32 PM)LionKiss Wrote: MrT was not injured in the fight with the Majingilane, not even in the day battle where the 5th Majingilane was killed.
(05-02-2016, 09:36 PM)Pckts Wrote: Legendary Battle for Mala Mala
One of Kinky Tail and Mr. T's greatest battles. On June of 2009, 3 young, prime and big Toulon Males entered Mala Mala and attempted a take over on Mapogo territory. When the brave Toulons went into Mapogo territory they had no intention to leave without knocking the door first. The Mlowathi Males went into hunting mode.
Described as an intense fight that went on for days, perhaps the Toulons refused to lose until finally the tenacity of the Mlowathi Males prevailed.
Result and aftermath
Mlowathi Males - Succeeded in defending their land despite being outnumbered as was their signature trait.
Toulon Males - Were pushed out of most of Mala Mala and Mapogo territory for good but showed they had the tools to challenge for a pride. 2 Months later they took over the Southern pride.
by Jairo Reyes (Legendary Kings)
Who the heck is this Jairo Reyes to be quoted here?
Let's read the original MalaMala report about that event:
"Eyrefield males and three young male lions – 10 June 2009
During the morning drive, the Eyrefield males were found south of West Street bridge. They moved southwards searching for something, and finally came to rest close to Rattray’s Camp on the western bank of the Sand River. The three young male lions from the buffalo kill were found fat and fast asleep on the eastern bank opposite Rattray’s Camp. In the afternoon, both sets of males got active. The young males - still full - didn’t move far, while on the western bank an unseen threat approached. The Eyrefield males got active early in the afternoon and continued their quest from the morning. Searching along the river, the two males headed for the position of the younger coalition. Crossing the river, the two Eyrefield males picked up the scent of the other males and made straight for them. Once a male lion picks up the scent of its enemy it becomes silent, moving through the veld with murderous intent - and these two males were intent. Surprising the three sleeping males, the two dominant males set about their task with gruesome ambition. Springing to their feet, the young males tried to defend themselves - but without much success. They were soon overpowered. Turning and running, the three youngsters split up - trying to escape into the darkness. The Eyrefield males gave chase. In the ensuring fight, rangers were able to catch glimpses of skirmishes as lions flashed past the spotlights. Eventually, as the roars subsided, the Eyrefield males regrouped and came back to the river to drink. The three youngsters had vanished."
(10-11-2016, 08:42 PM)fursan syed Wrote: 10th June 2009 2 Mapogos/Mlowathis vs 3 Nomads
The powerful Mapogo/Mlowathi coalition took on the hard task of defending the biggest portion of Mapogo territory for almost 2 years. They were quite successful at it being outnumbered several times and succeeded in driving off countless coalitions and whenever they cornered an opponent, very seldom did they escape alive. All while dominating the multiple prides they had under their control in such a vast territory, quite a feat considering they were only 2. In 2009 Africam reported an epic battle that ensued on June, 2009 between the Mlowathi males and an aggressive young and prime coalition of 3 males estimated at 4-5 years old. The 3 intruders entered Mala Mala while the Mlowathi or Mapogo boys were seen mating days earlier with 2 Styx females further up east. The 3 males came into Mala Mala with bad intentions and soon after, Kinky Tail and Mr. T picked up on the scent of the intruders. Kinky Tail and Mr. T quickly hunted down the 3 new males to defend their prides and territory. Once Kinky Tail and T came into contact with the rival males, Africam reported that an intense war ensued between the two coalitions on June 10th, 2009. After the battle, the end result saw the 3 intruders vanishing from Mala Mala and out of Mapogo territory. The Mlowathi boys had triumphed once again despite being outnumbered 2-3. The two frontline soldiers and hitmen of the Mapogo coalition had done their job and helping their brothers in the West live a more normal and quiet life.
This nomads were the Toulon males?
No they are 3 completely unknown nomadic males. The fight with toulons is a different occasion.
In fact, the "3 completely unknown nomadic males" were the Toulons.
(10-11-2016, 08:42 PM)fursan syed Wrote: 10th June 2009 2 Mapogos/Mlowathis vs 3 Nomads
The powerful Mapogo/Mlowathi coalition took on the hard task of defending the biggest portion of Mapogo territory for almost 2 years. They were quite successful at it being outnumbered several times and succeeded in driving off countless coalitions and whenever they cornered an opponent, very seldom did they escape alive. All while dominating the multiple prides they had under their control in such a vast territory, quite a feat considering they were only 2. In 2009 Africam reported an epic battle that ensued on June, 2009 between the Mlowathi males and an aggressive young and prime coalition of 3 males estimated at 4-5 years old. The 3 intruders entered Mala Mala while the Mlowathi or Mapogo boys were seen mating days earlier with 2 Styx females further up east. The 3 males came into Mala Mala with bad intentions and soon after, Kinky Tail and Mr. T picked up on the scent of the intruders. Kinky Tail and Mr. T quickly hunted down the 3 new males to defend their prides and territory. Once Kinky Tail and T came into contact with the rival males, Africam reported that an intense war ensued between the two coalitions on June 10th, 2009. After the battle, the end result saw the 3 intruders vanishing from Mala Mala and out of Mapogo territory. The Mlowathi boys had triumphed once again despite being outnumbered 2-3. The two frontline soldiers and hitmen of the Mapogo coalition had done their job and helping their brothers in the West live a more normal and quiet life.
This nomads were the Toulon males?
No they are 3 completely unknown nomadic males. The fight with toulons is a different occasion.
In fact, the "3 completely unknown nomadic males" were the Toulons.
Where do you take this old raports from bro? On official Malamala page there are monthy raports only from current and past year :/
(07-13-2019, 10:10 PM)Potato Wrote: Where do you take this old reports from bro? On official Malamala page there are monthly reports only from current and past year :/
MalaMala, 2005: Makhulu, Pretty Boy and Rasta formed a coalition (Eyrefield Males) of three and tried to find a territory only for themselves, but the pressure from the North (2 Split Rock Males), from the South (3 Rollercoaster Males), and from the East (4 Skukuza Males) was very high.
However the three made some victims:
- Skukuza: "The males of the Eyrefield pride were seen to stick together this month, and provided good viewing. Evidence suggests that they had an encounter with four other male lions, all quite young, to the west of the Sand River on Charleston. These other males all suffered a few minor wounds, and it is unlikely that the Eyrefield Males escaped without any injury to themselves." (June 2005)
"Four sub-adult male lions were seen on several occasions, mainly around the central parts of the reserve. These were the same four males believed to have originated from the Skukuza Pride. One of the males has a bad eye and a very bad limp, and battles to keep up with the other three. These four males have in the past clashed with the Eyrefield Males. They seem to be gaining in confidence, and could yet prove to be a major force in the area." (August 2005)
- Rollercoaster: "The three Rollercoaster Males, having not been seen at all on Mala Mala Game Reserve for a few months, suddenly re-appeared during this game report period, back on Toulon and even Charleston. It had been thought that these males had been ousted by the Eyrefield Males, but this now seems not to have been the case. One of the lions (the one missing an eye) is in poor condition, and has a very severe limp, and one can only wonder how long he will survive." (September 2005).
But also had hard times:
- Split Rock: "The Split Rock Males had a very good month in November, being seen on no fewer than 22 days. They also showed that they are still very much in control, especially when it came to clashes with the males of the Eyrefield Pride." (September 2005)
By the end of 2005 they took the other three brothers and starting from March 2006 blitzkrieged Sabi Sand.
"I was there at the time. Mapogo (often called Satan) advanced on the 4 young Southern lions in battle formation. When the 4 continued their advance, Mapogo’s 2 brothers peeled off and dashed away. Mapogo continued into battle on his own. two distracted him from the front while two moved in from the sides. In the first battle they broke his back / spine and severely injured him. The 5 of them settled down and they basically ignored him while he could not struggle to his feet and they waited while he lost strength. Then they got up at leisure, moved into battle positions and once again savaged his lower back, roles him over and emasculated him and contemptuously left him to die. He died a few hours later. His two brothers were last seen heading at speed in the direction of Londolosi and are not likely to return." (John Pearse)
Can this comment be considered as a reliable report? I'd say no. There is no evidence that this guy was there, and even if he was I wonder if he was the only one? No one, excepting few Ulusaba rangers, pretended to have seen the fight from the very beginning, and this is their report: https://www.virginlimitededition.com/en/blog/ulusaba/death-in-the-mist which is quite different from what he says. Moreover, we can see in the video "the 5 of them settled down" with Mr. T having no serious injury as he stood up easily when the Selatis attacked him.
With the recent sightings of the Styx Pride within the Djuma Game Reserve, we thought a little background history on them may be enjoyed by the Wildearth.tv viewers.
Styx Pride occasionally referred to as the Mlowati Pride possibly referencing their past association with the Mlowathi/Mlowati males that use to dominate them.
Home Territory is mostly in Mala Mala.
This story starts in early 2000. The Styx pride consisted of a total of eight. One adult lioness of approximately 10 ½ years in age, four sub adult males two of which were a little over 4 yrs of age and two approximately 3 ¾ yrs of age who reached independence around November 2000, and three sub adult females. 4 ¼ yr of age Though this pride has been in existence for at least two and a half decades, these 4 lionesses (1 adult, 3 sub adults) were the beginning of the pride we know today. The pride, as it existed then, were one of few that managed to stay out from under the dominance of the forceful West Street Males. The West Street Males were a coalition of five males that sired many of the lions we still see today in the area including the six Mapogo Males/Eyrefield Males.
An interesting note about this pride, back around 2000 two lionesses reportedly broke off or were separated from the Styx pride and became known as the Sandy Patch aka Safari pride.
Today the pride consists of seven lionesses, only 2 Styx lionesses from the original 4 are still alive. They are 2 sisters that are now 13 yrs of age. The other 5 are surviving cubs from the original 2000 core of 1 adult and 3 sub-adult females.
Approximate age of the 7 Styx lionesses in May 2009
2 Adult lionesses appx 13 yrs and 8 mos
1 Adult lioness 8 yrs and 1 mo - Sired by one of the Mlowathi Males
1 Adult lioness 7 yrs and 3 mos- Sired by one of the Mlowathi Males
2 Adult Lionesses 5 yrs and 9 months - Sired by one of the Split Rock Males
1 Adult Lioness 5 yrs and 7 mos - Sired by one of the Split Rock Males
As of late July 2008 they had 11 to 12 surviving cubs including two just recently being born. As of Mar 2009, the exact count of cubs is uncertain but there are at least 9 and possibly more with speculation of recent births by at least one lioness.
The Styx pride are known to be hard Mothers. They haven’t had much success in raising cubs for a number of years now. Maybe this is the year that reputation changes.
In 2006 they had cubs by the Split Rock males. One of the males died in 2006 and the other old male maintained control of the Styx pride until mid 2007 when he was pushed out by the Roller Coaster males. Prior to the Styx pride being taken over by the Roller Coaster males, they lost all their cubs by the end of 2006 probably from infanticide by the Roller Coaster males.
Mid 2007, one of the Roller Coaster males was killed by a Crocodile. Since then, his brother has maintained dominance over the Styx pride and is believed to be the Sire of their current cubs. There have been a number of reports of the Styx lionesses seen mating with males from the Mapogo Coalition but the old Roller Coaster male is usually in attendance with the Styx pride and accepts the cubs as his. So don’t tell him they might not all be his.
The latest reports indicate the two oldest cubs were sired by the Roller Coaster male, the other seven it is unsure rather it was the Roller Coaster or the Mapogos or a combination of both that sired them. March reports indicate another lioness has very young cubs that were sired by the Mapogo/Eyrefield males.
There have also been several reports of the Styx pride fighting off Mapogo Males when they came near their cubs. Below are a couple of the recent fights between the Styx Pride and the Mapogo/Eyrefield Males as reported by Mala Mala.
August 2008
It seems the Mapogos found the Styx pride with their 11 cubs on Aug 10th. It was said the 5 male lions didn't pay much attention to the lionesses until they noticed the cubs. They went for the cubs and the Styx girls went into action fighting the males but of course they were no match for 5 big males and had to depart. The Mapogos went in search of the cubs but it was believed they couldn't find any. A couple of days later the latest Styx mother and her two new cubs were still safe in their den area. On the 15th of Aug. the rangers were relieved to see the rest of the pride along with the other 9 cubs so all survived the Mapogo attack.
The Styx pride have always been questioned about their Motherly qualities and are usually shown in a bad light when it comes to taking care of their little ones. In their defense… one must reconsider how good of Mothers they truly are. Taking on 5 big males to defend their cubs and grant the little ones time to escape to safety was indeed heroic.
On another Aug 2008 encounter between the Styx Pride and the Mapogos the Styx didn’t fare as well. The encounter was with 3 Mapogo males and the adult lionesses had an aggressive fight with them. One cub was caught and slung in the air but managed to survive and take refuge in the nearby rocks. The adult lionesses escaped unhurt except for one lioness that received fairly bad bite marks on her back but she recovered quickly.
December 2008
Another heroic attempt to keep their cubs safe was noted on Mala Mala, December 7th sighting. Mala Mala calls it the Battle at Campbell Koppies.
Two of the Mapogo Males, Kinky Tail and one they call MoHawk who have been frequenting the Mala Mala area in recent months, moved slowly one morning straight towards where the Styx Pride, the cubs and the old Roller Coaster male were resting. A fight was surely imminent when they spotted each other but instead the pride did nothing and the Mapogos skirted around them and found shade for the day.
That afternoon, the Mapogos and the Styx pride were all in the exact same place fast asleep. Things changed in the evening! The Styx pride with their cubs and the old Roller Coaster male in tow, moved straight towards the two Mapogo aka Eyrefiled males. The two Mapogo males sensed the females approaching and rose to meet them. Upon visual contact the Mapogos started roaring and ran at the Styx pride and the Roller Coaster male. All 7 of the lionesses and the old male scattered and retreated to the safety of the Campbell Koppies with their cubs. When the two Mapogo males came near the rocky area, the lionesses burst down from the koppies roaring and headed straight towards the two males. The two males hastily retreated back to the Milowati river. After the lionesses gave chase they returned to their cubs and the Roller Coaster male back towards the koppies. The two Mapogo males took this opportunity to mount another charge aimed at the lionesses roaring all the way. This time the Styx pride retreated to behind the Campbell Koppies and were moving away from the Mapogos. The two males rounding the western koppies ran into a well laid ambush. Five of the lionesses waited for their arrival and again charged the two Mapogos. Again with tucked tails the two ran for the Milowathi River with the girls in hot pursuit. The other two lionesses and the old Roller Coaster male had moved off with the cubs. Not admitting defeat the two Mapogo males again mounted another charge and sent the five lionesses scattering in all directions. Then a contest between the Mapogo males and the old Roller Coaster male erupted. Roaring back and forth with neither admitting defeat. The five lionesses set up a distract the Mapogos strategy which seemed to work well while the cubs were being lead further away to safety by the other two lionesses. Their strategy was to separate in all directions and roar loudly to distract/confuse the two Mapogos. The old Roller Coaster male split quickly as he had no real intentions it seemed to try and impose his dominance on the two Mapogo males.
Mar 4th 2009 the Styx Pride and the Roller Coaster male had yet another run in with two Mapogo males. Reports were of 4 Styx lionesses accompanied by 9 cubs and the old Roller Coaster male giving the two Mapogos a severe beating. The Styx lionesses came out of it with minor injuries and the old Roller Coaster male was limping and some new scratches to his nose but apparently nothing serious.
The next day, the two Mapogos had apparently met up with another Styx lioness who had made a kill near the Gowrie boundary and joined her for the feast.
The Styx Moms proved again they are being serious about protecting their cubs this time around. As shown in this clip from an awesome sighting live on WildEarth.tv on Sept. 2nd, 2008 titled "Styx Pride - Good Moms?".
April/May 2009 Update on the Styx Pride: It seems the Old Roller Coaster Male has been ousted by two of the Mapogos known as Kinky Tail and the other one of the Mohawk styled mane Brothers. Five Adult lionesses and their nine cubs fled Mala Mala and have moved into more Northern and Western areas from Mala Mala. They have been frequenting the Djuma Game Reserve area during the last week in April and into the second week of May. The two missing Styx Lionesses were denning in Mala Mala's Campbell Koppies area with two small cubs. One cub is estimated to be 3 months old and the other 2 months old. They are said to be Mapogo cubs.
May 10th 2009 update on the Two Mapogos and the Styx Pride: With the bulk of the Styx Pride and cubs still remaining outside of their Mala Mala territory, reports from Mala Mala indicate that Kinky Tail and one of the MoHawk boys are now spending a great deal of time with the two Styx lionesses left behind with the two small cubs around the Campbell Koppies.
The two cubs were thought to be one from each lioness as they are noticeably different in size. That theory was put in doubt this past week when the older Styx lioness was seen mating with both Mapogo Males for four consecutive days. She was seen a week or so ago with a severe puncture wound to her skull and badly limping. She was progressing in her recovery but is now sporting another new puncture wound and again limping badly since the aggressive mating sessions. During some of the mating period, the younger lioness and the two small cubs were nearby.
Another strange occurrence was when Mala Mala rangers came across another Styx Lioness with two recently born cubs. Barely able to walk, it seemed the lioness was leading them to a new den site. They hoped the little ones would survive the journey.
May 17 2009 - Two Mapogo Males (Kinky Tail and Mr T) were viewed on Wildearth.tv early in the AM. One Styx Lioness was with them. Strangely, she laid out in the full sun with her head down with Mr T close by guarding her from escaping. Kinky Tail lay further off and it was apparent he had an injury to his front right foot/leg.
Tracks seen on one of the roadways, indicated there had been a fight between several males. The tracks of the Styx Pride and their cubs were there also. Later in the AM, radio reports indicated that two presumed members of the Mapogo Coalition were chasing the Manyeleti Male. He was chased all the way to the Northern border of Buffelshoek.
After going back to the sighting of the two Mapogos with the Styx Lioness, Mr T had moved off from the lioness to the shade near where his brother lay. The lioness remained in the full sun and looked as if she wanted to be anywhere but there. As Kinky Tail rested, Mr T kept a watchful eye on his prized possession. The Styx girls are known for their cunningness and this lioness proved it once again. She continued her submissive stance until the boys felt comfortable enough to let their guard down and OFF she went leaving the boys in the dust.
More May 2009 reports: Arathusa reported it was believed the Styx were involved in a fight probably with some of the Mapogos at Arathusa's airstrip. The pride was split up and some members were seen at the airstrip searching for their missing members. The lionesses viewed showed signs of a battle. One lioness had a serious injury to her left shoulder and was not doing too well. On the next sighting, 3 lionesses and 1 cub (including the injured lioness) were on a warthog kill. The next morning they were happy to report that 2 more lionesses and 5 cubs had returned. Thus 5 lionesses and 6 cubs were seen. Three cubs were still missing.
Add to the above report, sightings at Djuma and Mala Mala and things are not looking good for the Styx Pride:
May 25, 2009: Sighting of one lioness identified as a Styx Lioness and one cub.
Mala Mala Reports - On the 24th of May, two of the older cubs were seen all alone but appeared to be in good condition. They were calling for the rest of the pride or their siblings. The next day (25th), at the site where the 2 Styx girls have the young cubs, a lone older cub was found not far away. It was thought to be one of the older cubs seen the night before. One of the younger Adult lionesses appeared but was not welcomed by the two lionesses with the young cubs. The young adult lioness was said to be extremely emaciated and in poor condition. She kept her distance from the other 2 adults due to their aggressive behavior towards her and joined the single older cub. The following day (26th), the bulk of the pride was found, 3 adults and 6 cubs South of the Clarendon open area.
May 30th 2009 - The Styx Pride was observed on Djuma around Vuyatela. The count seemed to be of only four lionesses and six cubs.
June 14th & 15th 2009 - Seen on Wildearth.tv live drives near Quarantine area of the Djuma Game Reserve. On the sighting of the 14th, viewed were three adult lionesses and five cubs. On the 15th, after an apparent Wildebeest kill, there were four adult lionesses and five cubs present. (Note: Arathusa reported on their June sighting of this pride, viewed were only four adult lionesses and five cubs, four females and one male)
June 16th & 17th 2009 - Again viewed on Wildearth.tv. Both sightings included four lionesses and five cubs. The pride enjoyed an impala kill each day. On the 17th, two adult lionesses were limping. One with wounds to the front right leg/foot and the other limping badly from what was possibly a thorn in her front right paw.
Other interesting traits of the Styx Pride.
They seem to have a true hatred of Leopards. There are numerous reports of them chasing leopards and killing them. They are the pride reported to have killed the White Cloth female leopard’s 18 month old son in of June 2007. Also for killing the Campbell Koppies female leopard’s 3 yr old daughter, known as “Yo” on Mala Mala, in January 2008. There have been reports of them chasing different leopards at different locations all in a matter of hours. It seems the Styx pride takes their hatred of leopards to an extreme.
One of the older lionesses who has two cubs is known for taking down adult Kudu on her own. Her and her young cubs seem to be well fed due to her excellent hunting techniques. She is a brave old lady also, when she and her two young cubs were on one of her Kudu kills along with the Roller Coaster male (he never misses a free meal), the Eyrefield pride approached 12 strong (3 adult lionesses and 9 sub adults) and though strongly outnumbered she managed to chase off the entire Eyrefield Pride and retain her well earned meal. A few bad scratches were all she received from the encounter.
This old lioness is the same one that gave birth right next to a game drive vehicle that was viewing the rest of the Styx pride in July 2008. The vehicle couldn’t move off as they were afraid their movement would put more pressure from an already intense moment thus they had to wait till the birthing process was over.
We’ll end this story with a recent video of a Styx Pride Reunion by mabuhr. It just makes you want to say awww…
Putting the Styx Pride story down in writing is very hard as there are so many chapters in their lives. We can only hope, with the new cubs, the Styx Pride will remain in existence for at least another two and a half decades.
Please remember, this information is not set in stone as it is an evolving story and there are conflicting accounts.
Kinky Tail and Mr. T had hard times in their successive attempts to take over the Styx Pride. No wonder, as in May 2009 the Styx Pride consisted of 7 adult lionesses. (See my previous post.)
"Mapogo have killed a sub-adult buffalo last night and their grown sons, the Ottawa males could only watch from the distance, didn't brave approaching the big, old and wise boys on their Christmas meal. (Makhulu in this Pic)"
(Khimbini, December 25, 2011)
"The 3 remaining Mapogos took down this large buffalo in 20 minutes demonstrating they are still a force to be reckoned with. This was photographed in October 2011 near Ulusaba, Sabi Sands" (Anthony Goldman)
In the linked post there is an interesting comment of Khimbini. He was asked about the Mapogos status and says: "there are three left, Makhulu, Mr. T and Bent Spine. Two were killed by machingelane boys on two different territorial fight and one just disappeared."
For some reason Khimbini refrained from telling us the truth about Dreadlocks: he didn't just disappear, he was poached.
The Morning Of March 16th, 2012
Mapogos VS Selati Coalition
Londolozi Blog
March 19th, 2012
John Pearse
(Eyewitness To The Mr. T Versus Selatis Fight … HE Was Present)
"I was there at the time. Mapogo (often called Satan) advanced on the 4 young Southern lions in battle formation. When the 4 continued their advance, Mapogo’s 2 brothers peeled off and dashed away. Mapogo continued into battle on his own. two distracted him from the front while two moved in from the sides. In the first battle they broke his back / spine and severely injured him. The 5 of them settled down and they basically ignored him while he could not struggle to his feet and they waited while he lost strength. Then they got up at leisure, moved into battle positions and once again savaged his lower back, roles him over and emasculated him and contemptuously left him to die. He died a few hours later.
His two brothers were last seen heading at speed in the direction of Londolosi and are not likely to return."
19th March 2012 at 16:44
Author: John Pearse
(Londolozi Blog … Eyewitness)